Planification De Mariage Effrayante

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French Court, Kingdom of France. 3 days later.

As the date of my wedding to Mary drew closer and closer, I couldn't escape the sense of guilt that was trailing behind me everywhere I went. I had watch Catherine de Medici plot and scheme, and hustle and murder for 4 whole seasons. The idea that she would ever yield in her quest to rid the Valois family of Mary Stuart was a joke. I knew deep down that she was plotting something, I just didn't know what.

The only thing that could raise my spirits was seeing Mary so happy as she prepared for our 2nd and royal wedding. She was managing every detail of the celebration and considering that I didn't know Jack shit about royal weddings in the 1500's, besides that they had to be grand and filled with obscene luxury, I was more than happy to step back and let my wife handle it all.

For example, Mary picked out the feast that we and all the guests would enjoy after the ceremony. I was in the throne room when Mary came up to me with a look of joy on her face.

"Francis, I'm glad that I found you." Mary said as she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. "I was thinking that for the main course, we could have roasted pheasant."

"It sounds absolutely delicious." I told my wife and I wasn't lying. I had developed a taste for the dish during my time at French Court.

"And for the cake?" Mary asked.

"We'll, it is a wedding, so I would say white cake." I answered with a weak smile on my face. Not even the idea of all the cake I could stomach could cheer me when Mary's safety was still at risk. My wife saw through my ruse and grew concerned.

"Francis, are you all right?" Mary asked worried as I forced myself to act happy.

"It's fine, just pricy council meetings with father; they take a lot out of you." I lied as she seemed to accept my answer.

"Then you should get some rest, my love." Mary insisted as I kissed her.

"Come to my chambers tonight?" I pleaded as Mary heaved a sigh. I needed her comfort desperately.

"Francis...we need to be careful. We technically aren't married yet." She reminded me as I whipped out the puppy dog eyes.

"Mary!" I begged as she rolled her eyes and giggled.

"All right, I shall come." Mary assured me as I took her in my arms, allowing myself a moment's happiness.

Royal Dungeon, French Court. Kingdom of France. Later that day.

I groaned as I walked through the hallways of the castle. I hated lying to Mary, but I also hated upsetting her and I wanted her spirits raised as she planned our official wedding. Just because I was worried about Catherine didn't mean Mary needed to be. As I walked aimlessly, I happened to see Lola paging through a book. I got closer and found that it was a book of designs for exquisite dresses.

"Adding another to your collection?" I asked teasingly as Lola looked up and smiled at me.

"It's not for me, Mary asked me to find a suitable design for her wedding gown." She clarified as I sat down.

"And she trusts you with such a monumental task?" I teased again, earning an eye roll.

"No one knows Mary's style of fashion better than me, I'll choose a wonderful dress and you will thank me." Lola declared as we both laughed.

"Hopefully father will postpone the beheading until after our wedding." I remarked as Lola put the book down.

"It's all right for you to miss her Francis, no matter what she did to you, she's still your mother." Lola reminded me as she gave my hand a squeeze.

"She was hardly a mother to any of her children, especially me. She just wanted to make sure that her hold on power was secure after father dies."

"I'm sorry." Lola said as she pulled me in for hug. Knowing that the timing was near for the 2nd biggest mistake, I felt that I shouldn't be getting so close to Lola Fleming. But Bash was off on another of his adventures. Leith was being worked to death in the kitchen and Lord Castleroy was overseas working out a spice deal. I didn't really have anyone else to talk to about this stuff; plus Lola gave great hugs as it turned out.

"Anyway, I want to visit Catherine...before it goes down. I need to say goodbye." I decided as I didn't want what I said to her in the throne room to be her last memory of her son.

"If it will give you closer, you should do it." Lola encouraged me as I stood up and moved to leave before turning back to my wife's lady in waiting.

"Would you...come with me? I don't want to face her alone." I asked, not trusting Catherine to behave herself.

"Of course." Lola said with a sad smile as she followed me to Catherine's holding cell. The serpent Queen turned to face us as we walked in.

"It seems that my son has come to see me at last; and Lola, you're back. Apparently, last time I wasn't unpleasant enough." Catherine said with a sneer as the showdown between her and Mary's ladies must have still happened.

"I came to say goodbye, mother." I said as I stood my ground against her glare. "I didn't want what I said when I came back to be the last thing I said to you. I really want to believe that deep down, you love me and that's why you did all of this. But you would have willingly condemned me to a life of heartbreak. That is truly wicked."

"I had to make sacrifices for you Francis, and I picked your life over your love." Catherine replied solemnly.

"And now I have picked love over life and however long I have to live, I will love well with Mary by my side." I remarked as Catherine looked away from me.

"Love is for fools." She insisted, probably assuming how her marriage to Henry had been Hell.

"Is that why you seek to ruin anyone's chance at love?" Lola asked with calm anger as she let loose on Catherine. "A few months ago, you forced a man I loved to flee for his life."

"Ah, Colin. So, you're bitter, then." Catherine said as I wondered what exactly Bash had told her about the boy from Aberdeen.

"No, I'd say that title falls to you." Lola snapped back. You justify what you do to protect your son, but where is he now? You've driven him away. You're bitter, and alone."

"I had my reasons."

I don't care why you abuse your power. I just want it taken away from you; Forever."

"How do you know it was I who drove Colin away?" Catherine asked with a cruel grin on her face. "Perhaps he fled after trying to seduce your Queen?"

"That's a lie, Colin loved me." Lola growled angrily.

"Oh please, you are nothing compared to Mary. When compared to her, she will win every time. Perhaps Colin preferred her to you. Wasn't there every any moment where he seemed a bit too charmed by her for your liking?" This seemed to hit a nerve with Lola and I was wondering if maybe there was some truth to her words. We have never seen Colin before the pilot, so I had no idea that the nature of his relationship with Lola truly was.

"I shall applaud when you lose your head!" Lola said as she walked out do the dungeon before the tears came.

"What she said goes double for me. Good bye mother." I said as I walked out, washing my hands of the Medici bitch once and for all.


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