Faire L'amour

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Royal Chateau. Anet, Kingdom of France. 1 month later.

Those almost 2 months in Anet were the happiest times of my life; so far anyway. Mary and I were as alone as we had ever been since she first came to French court. For those months, we played our hand at being a domesticated and normal couple. We had talked so long ago about what it would be like if she were just a girl and I were just a boy. This honeymoon was going to be as close as we could get to fulfilling that fantasy.

When we weren't cooking or cleaning or enjoying nature, we were screwing like rabbits. I'm not trying to be a perv or anything, but our love making was beautiful. It was genuinely making love, it wasn't just sex for the sake of pleasure. If I'm being totally honest, it could be really scary at times. I had never had a real committed relationship in my life, because I hadn't wanted to taint an innocent girl with all of the baggage that came with me and my family.

But now that I was Francis Valois, Dauphin of France, it was so easy to push Nolan Ayers away. This honeymoon was the point where I stopped feeling like Nolan and began feeling like I was truly Francis. This love that I shared with Mary Stuart, it was wild and passionate and raw. I'd never had a love such as this and I wasn't really prepared. But that's what it made it beautiful and magical.

I wasn't a dumb ass though. I knew it couldn't last. Even royals couldn't honeymoon forever, especially when you're next in line for the throne. In the show, when Francis ascended to the throne, that was when everything went to total shit. Narcisse played Francis into confessing to regicide, the anti Protestant legislation...Severin raping Mary. I knew that I couldn't let that happen.

When Francis was just the heir, what he and Mary had was beautiful; but when Francis became king, he made shit decision after shit decision and they went down a path that they could never come back from. The first few episodes of season 3 tried to convince us they could, but it was all bull shit. You don't come back from telling your wife her miscarriage disappointed you. You don't come back from telling your wife to basically divorce your ass. You don't come back from leaving your wife to be raped while you cover your own ass and you don't come back from cheating on your husband and claiming that it's healing. Season 2 was filled with shit and I had the power to clean it up and I would, or die trying.

The best times of our honeymoon were right after we finished making love. We would snuggle up together in our bed, a bright sheen of sweat covering out naked bodies, and we would listen to the sound of hearts beating quickly until they slowed down to a normal rhythm. During one such moment, I gently traced circles on Mary's right cheek with my pinky finger as I thought of all the good things that I had and how I knew that it would kill me to lose them.

"What's wrong, my love?" Mary asked as she looked deeply into my eyes. It was pointless to try and keep any secrets from the Queen of Scots; Mary could always see right through any deception.

"I was just thinking about you...it makes me afraid sometimes." I admitted solemnly as Mary looked at me with confusion in her eyes.

"I make you afraid?" She asked with a twinge of fear in her voice.

"What I am afraid of is that...all this might be too good to be true." I clarified as Francis's blue eyes looked deep into Mary's brown ones. "I fear that one day, I'll wake up and I'll find that all of this was just a dream. We won't be married and I'll never have felt the joy of loving you and being loved by you; it's a fate worse than death."

"Francis...I promise you, I am not a dream; we are not a dream." Mary assured me as she stroked my cheek with all of tenderness that existed inside her. No one on Earth had never made me feel safe like Mary did; odds are no one else ever would.

"What if we could just stay here, forever?" I asked idealistically as I gazed with longing at my most perfect wife. "Having food brought in, a couple men to protect us, cooking all day, bathing in the pond, making love whenever we want." This got a giggle out of Mary as she snuggled closer to me.

"It would certainly be an a enjoyable life." She agreed playfully before her face was blanketed by a shade of sorrow only the coldness of reality could provide. "But such a life can never be ours and we both know it to be true; no matter how badly we wish it to be." I couldn't even tell her that she was full of shit, because she wasn't; like at all. This honeymoon was going to be over in less than a month and then it was right back to French Court where we would have to deal with protestants, the English, the soon to be madness of King Henry II, and worst of all, Lola's jealous ass who was going to keep coming at me; trying to get me to fuck her so that she could rub it in Mary's face.

"At least we'll always have the precious memories of this place, this time. I fear we may need them in the years to come." I said as I planted a kiss on Mary's head as we both fell asleep a few minutes later, nestled safely in each other's arms.


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