Pris Au Piége En France

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Port city of Brest, Kingdom of France. 3 days later.

Mary, Bash, and I rode long and hard to reach the port at Brest. After camping out in the woods of North East France for 3 days straight, we were actually looking forward to sleeping in cabins on a ship. Meanwhile, I felt like I had to walk on eggshells around Mary. I had convinced her to stay with me for the time being, but she still believes too heavily in Nostradamus's prophecy on account of the death of Aylee. I couldn't point out that it wasn't the prophecy because to do so would eventually evolve into me telling Mary the whole truth that I hadn't even told Bash. Our engagement was already on thin ice because of stupid Nostradamus, if I told her the truth about who I was and where I came from, I would lose her for good.

As we made our way through Brest, we didn't attract too much attention. Along the way, Bash had pointed out that we were dressed like royals or in his case, a royal bastard. There was only so much that we could do about our looks, but our fancy ass clothes were a dead give away as to our stations. Thankfully, we had come across a house of peasants on the road and Bash had managed to barter with them for some of their clothes. Personally, I much preferred peasant clothing to royal clothing.

You see, the problem with expensive clothing is that the looks, more often than not, take precedence over the feels. Rich people's clothes, especially when we're talking about royalty, are designed to show status and to look exquisite as shit. They are not however, designed for freedom of movement or for a person's comfort. It was for sure one of the hardest parts about living as a royal; not just in the 1500's, but royalty in general.

"Thank God you bartered for these clothes Bash, we're blending in quite nicely as peasants." I said as we walked our horses. I was wearing a plain white shirt & loose brown trousers; along with a pair of muddy shoes that gave me the dirt poor farmer look. Bash was wearing the same because the peasant man that he'd bought the clothes from, thankfully had two sons that were just our sizes.

"Fortune would appear to be on our side, brother." Bash replied with a smirk as the port was finally within our sight.

"I just pray that we can find a ship that's bound for Scotland." Mary replied as she walked along side me. While Bash and I were wearing clothes that once belonged to the peasant's sons, Mary was wearing garments that from the peasant's wife; who was exactly the same age and size as she was. Mary was wearing a light brown dress made of plain cotton with shoes that were nearly worn out. While it wasn't anything that could be classified as stereotypically pretty, it would prevent people from believing her to be a woman of nobility; which was what we needed until we landed on Scottish soil.

"We don't have much money, so odds are that we'll have to work for our passage; provided that we can actually find a ship bound for Scotland." I said as we finally reached the dock of Brest. Unfortunately, our detour ended up being the wrong idea. Before we could even approach any of the captains or boat owners, we saw that soldiers in French army uniforms were patrolling around the ships.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize that either Henry or Catherine or both of them had ordered in the troops to go hunting us up. Mary, Bash, and I quickly hid behind some barrels that were filled with who the Hell knows what before we could get spotted. As we slowly peeled through the cracks in the barrels, we saw that everyone was being checked before they entered a ship and that if their supplies looked big enough to hide a person inside them, they were ransacked and throughly searched. Obviously, this put a huge dent in our escape plans.

"Shit, I guess we aren't going to Scotland anytime soon." I groaned as we all sat down behind the barrels.

"Or anywhere outside of France for that matter." Bash added as he looked as pissed as I did. "Father and Catherine must have expected that we would try to find passage on a vessel leaving France."

"We're trapped in France." Mary said with resignation in her voice as she turned to me with pain in her eyes. "If you had let me go alone, your mother wouldn't be sending guards after us."

"If I had let you go, you would have broken our engagement for superstition. What I was supposed to do Mary? Blow kisses and toast champagne as the love of my life runs away?" I asked angrily as I tried to grasp her hand, only for her to pull away. It felt like she was plunging a dagger into my heart.

"I am breaking off our engagement to save your life!" Mary argued as she teared up.

"And by doing so, you condemn me to life of loneliness. Do you truly hate me so much Mary?" I asked as I was crying like baby at this point and not giving a shit about it.

"You know that I love you Francis!" Mary exclaimed tearfully as I could see the pain in her voice.

"Then don't let Catherine and her fortune telling lap dog pressure you into throwing away what we have!" I demanded as i cupped Mary's face; forcing her to look at me.

"You are pressuring me..." she wailed as she tried to pull away, but I held into her for dear life. "Nostradamus says that I will have to watch you die because of me. Please don't make me watch Francis...I don't want to!" Mary and I wept as we held each other closely while Bash could say nothing to comfort us.


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