Chapter 40

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"Hannah wait..." I say as I run after out into the street where the line was long. She was in tears as she rushed past me making me confused and worried.

"I want to go home." She says.

"Whats wrong?" I ask her pulling her aside away from the people. Hannah bursts out in tears and I just hug her. "Hey its okay..."

"No its not." She says. "How am I inlove with a guy who has done nothing but just break me. Again and again." She sobs in my shoulder as I hold her. Hannah didnt cry so I was very worried. "When will I get over it? I hate feeling this way and now hes starting a family with his ex? Nothing will ever ever ever be the same and were done for good."

"Hannah..." I say sighing. "Im sorry... I am really sorry.."

"I cant do this anymore." She says letting go. "Ive quit."

"What? No..." I say. "But you like it here? I need you?"

"I cant do it anymore Zara. I cant do it." She says. "Im going home. I just want to go home."

"Okay let me take you?" I say and she shakes her head. "Ill be fine. Im ordering an uber." She says pulling her phone out. I wait with her and ask her to text me when shes home safely. I walk back into the club and see Kain walking out the back and over to me.

"Hey. Was just looking for you." He says. "Hey." I say a little distracted. I was still mad at him for ditching me with my parents at that little tea party. I needed his moral support or something facing them both alone was a lot and I wasnt strong enough to not be wimp and stand up for myself.

"You good?"

"No Hannah left so upset and she quit." I say now on the verge of tears. I was so upset about how upset she was. I never see her like that. "I want to kill Zade." I say.

"Some relationships end Zara, thats pretty normal?" He says and I frown blinking my tears away. "This is normal? Whats normal about my friend being so sad because my brother fucked his ex and got her pregnant the day they broke up."

I move out of the way to go yell at Zade because I was that upset. Kain stops me and looks at me. "Breathe..." He says. "You need to get out of their relationship and break up. Zade's pretty upset."

"Since when do you care about Zade." I say pushing him off. "Good question." He says before following me as I storm into Zade's office.

"You had to tell her on shift? In the middle of a busy club?" I yell at Zade. He looks at me and frowns.

"She was distraught. You completely broke her." I continue. "You hurt the nicest person I know." I say hitting his chest but now Kain pulls me back.

"Let fucking go of me." I tell Kain who snaked his arm around my waist. Zade just stared at me and didnt say anything at all.

"You dont think I know that?" He says to me. "You think I wanted to fuck this up?" He snaps at me now. "Get out of my fucking business Zara. Jesus Christ."

"This is my business." I tell him. "Shes my fucking friend? My only fucking friend too!"

"I dont care Zara. Fuck, you think I give a shit? Youre acting like I dont care about Hannah. She broke up with me. She fucking broke up with me twice. What am I supposed to do? Hang around until she wants me?" He says pushing past me leaving. Kain was fucking right, he was pretty upset too.

"Where you going?"

"Im going home." He yells as he leaves. I break down crying unable to fix this mess.

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