Chapter 34

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"Hey." I say walking into ZNZ kitchen where Zara was. I was at work all day and havent seen her since yesterday.

"Hey." She says smiling as she sees me. She was talking into the little walkie talkie. She walks over kissing my lips. "Hows working going?"

"Yeah alright. Had to break up a fight with drunk idiots." She chuckles. "Zade is acting as if I do not exist and Hannah doesn't exist." She says. Its been a few days since the two had a screaming match. Its been a lot happening since we met Zara's father. I could see the betrayal Zade felt. He was battling his own demons I guess and I didnt blame him at all. But I didnt blame Zara either... the last couple of years could have looked a lot different for Zara.

My girlfriend's happiness was my number one priority and Jesus Christ it was like battling a million things.

"How you guys functioning as a working team?" I chuckle. "I dont know. Hannah broke up with him and hes acting like a douche." She says. She was sad about Zade and her not talking. She couldnt accept that he was mad at her. Hes never been mad at her apparently.

"Well... Julian did eventually help me with the Veronica stuff. He got her to sign back her part in the company."

"Really?" She asks. "Thats good. I feel like I can breathe now with her gone." She hugs me and I just kiss the top of her head. It was so odd to see her like this? She was so forgiving usually? Her hate for Veronica was a sight to see.

"How was work?" She asks. "Yeah good. Thought Id come by before I went home to check in. Speak to Zade."

"Okay... I have to get back to work." She says as she pulls my shirt down kissing my lips. "Miss you already." She says making me laugh.

"Hey Kain." Hannah says walking into the kitchen. "Hey." I say nodding at her. "Is modelling less work on your feet?" She asks. "Maybe I should try that?"

"What will you model Hannah?" I ask and she looks at Zara. "I could model right?"

"You would be a lingerie model. Fentyxsavage." Zara says and Hannah nods. "Maybe I should just start onlyfans."

"Thought you did already?" Zara says and Hannah laughs. "I wish."

"Laters guys." I say rolling my eyes. I find Zade in his office and I am starting to think he likes to fuck girls in here without locking it because he wants to get caught?

"Jesus Christ." I say sighing as I walk back out. Ive never seen the girl before either. The door opens and the girl walks past me throwing her hair behind her shoulder as she seemed annoyed I interrupted.

"Whose that?" I ask confused.

"Is this what it feels like to have a little brother?" He asks me and I roll my eyes.

"So you just gave up on Hannah?"

"Hannah broke up with me and I am kind of tired of being a man in relationships? Clearly suck at them. Ive been in one for 10 years?"

"Okay. So you fucking random girls in your office a little bit cliche?"

"What do you want from me Kain?" He says as he pulled his shirt over his head and sits down. He takes a shot and clears his throat.

Great. He was drinking.

"So not sure if Zara is a good topic to discuss right now? But could you stop ignoring her maybe?"

"Im not ignoring her." He says. "I am just not interested in having anything to do with Zara or about Zara."


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