Chapter 5

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I text Kain I was going to be done in about 20 minutes and continue working. I was tired and was not sure why I thought working all day was a good idea, especially night time. The restaurant was busy and I was being pulled everywhere. I have been a manager here for a few months and it has been good but busy. Atleast as a waitress I could clock out but now, I was actually under pressure to preform.

It was a popular Italian restaurant in Brooklyn and the staff was nice and it was a pretty chill environment.

I finish the orders for the freezer and make sure everything was stocked up when I felt a breeze behind me. My brother snatching me in the middle of the night fucked with my head. I was extra paranoid and felt he was going to do something stupid again.

I wasnt that surprised but yet I was? I was his little sister? He was like my parent growing up and he protected me against everything. He was the one that would kick the bullies ass and would always pick me up when I was sad... I wasnt going to wollow in my grief. He was dead to me but I was done worrying about him.

"Hey Zara." Hannah says popping her head into the kitchen. "Last customer is out. Everyone is gone. Place is clean." She says

"Thanks for letting me know Hannah." I say closing the freezer. "Did you get all your tips?" I ask her. "I think someone left a tip for you with Dennis."

"Yes." He gave it to me she smiles. "Thought he was going to pocket it."

"I know thats why I mentioned it?" I chuckle.

"You wanna have a drink?" She asks. Hannah was probably my only friend outside of Kain's friends. We hung out regularly for the last few years after meeting at the restaurant. She was lovely and so kind. All she cared about was making money and going home to sleep. Her good looks got her a lot of high tips. She was one big fat nerd inside though. Her birthday gift was a special edition book and she loved me ever since.

"I would love to but Kain's waiting outside for me." I tell her and she pouts. "Tomorrow?" I say and she nods. "Were both off tomorrow. Lets do a whole night in. I know thats what you live for."

"Really? You know me so well!" She smiles. "You need a ride?" I ask her and she nods. "That be great."

I lock up as Hannah jokes about a customer of the evening who kept ordering mushroom sauce and seemed to be drinking it.

I see Kain standing outside his car leaning against it. He was smoking a cigarette and was watching me. I hoped I wasnt looking all raggedy from all that work.

Hannah hooked her arm into mine as we walked over.

"Hi Kain." Hannah says cheerfully.

"Hello Hannah." He says nodding at her. He found her always so goofy. "You ever gonna let me drive the BMW?"

"Do you even have a license Hannah?" He asks as she looked at the blacked out car. He loved his cars, obsessed maybe? Roman and him had one shared interest apart from sports: cars. The two would spend hours talking or driving cars or watching Formula1.

"You do not have to be so loud?" Hannah says getting in the back seat as Kain laughs. He pulls me in kissing my lips. "Good shift?" He asks and I nod. I was just happy he was here, I felt almost unsafe when he wasnt around. He opens the passenger door for me and I get in.

"What did you get up to?" I ask him.

"I had dinner with Rosie." He says and I nod. Funny enough, him and Rosie had a lot in common giving they were both in the fashion industry. Rosie obsessed with anything fashion and Kain appeared on every fashion magazine out there.

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