Chapter 30

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"Can you take me home?" Hannah asks as I took the shot. I just needed something to level out everything that was storming inside of me. I probably shouldn't have because I knew my escaping was with substances. Its how I escaped a lot of bullshit.

Zara and Kain left and I might have taken some of my frustration out on him but who the fuck is he? When Hannah jumped in I hit my breaking point. Hated it when my people didnt choose to ride with whatever bullshit I was on. Thats one thing Veronica and I had, die hard loyalty... maybe thats what killed us? Not being able to call each other out on bullshit.

I know Vee is watching.. shes been watching and I didn't want to rub in how happy I was with Hannah. I just worried about her feelings I guess? I follow Hannah out and walk outside. I should have stayed home. Thanks Zara

I open the car door for Hannah who gets in quietly.

"You good?"

"Yeah. Im good..." Hannah says. "Are you?"

"Kains a little shit thats all."

"In order to make your sister happy should you not be more cordial with her boyfriend?"

"I dont want to talk about Kain I am sorry." I say annoyed.

"Why you suddenly like this?" She asks as I drive her home. I was in my own world of self destruction and it wasnt a good look that I wanted Hannah to see.

"Im fine. I think I need to go to bed." I tell her. She just looks a little confused and then just nods. We drive home in silence and that was unusual for chatterbox Hannah.

I drop her home and she opens the car and shuts the door without saying anything. I sigh and get out not wanting her to be pissed off.

"Hannah..." I say

"What?" She says as she opens the building door. "No goodbye?"

"Whatever Zade, I cant keep up with your mood swings. Leave me alone." She says.

"Im sorry I am having a hard day? Fuck." I say running my hands through my hair. "Then thats fine but you do not need to take it out on me or anyone else."

"Okay." I say and she just looks at me. "Goodnight Zade." She says as I pull her in kissing her lips. "Goodnight." I tell her as she lets go and walks into the building.

I felt like I messed up with Hannah. Speaking to Vee had me already all weird. I couldnt stand feeling this way and I masked my mood swings and sadness and how life screwed me up a million times over. So I fuck up even more as being alone made me made terrible decisions. I get hammered out drunk at my apartment and knock out.

The next day, I have Zara at my door knocking making me get up.

"Jesus you look terrible." She says and I sigh letting her in. I scratch my chest and rub my eyes streching out. Not drinking for months had me crashing this hangover.

"I dont like you drinking." She says as she walked into my kitchen seeing the empty bottles.

"Im sorry mommy." I tell her and she rolled her eyes. "You coming to work today?" She asks

"No. I have some meetings. You can hold it down yeah?" I ask.

"Yeah sure." She says folding her arms. "Im not trying to babysit you Zade or be your mom but I cant go through this self destruction thing again with you. Cut that girl lose."

"I think youre more obsessed with her than anyone else." I say. "Shes out of my life Zara."

"Heard that before."

84th Floor: Lightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें