Chapter 37

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"Mexico City baby!" Kai yells as we sat on the jet. We was ready for being drunk, partying and having a good time. We prepared by having a good diet filled with nutrions so we could handle the drunkness.

Zara sat next to me on my brand new jet. My old jet was nice but this was nicer. The whole thing was white and we had screens everywhere. Zara and I were deciding on what movie to watch. She was tired though, didnt sleep since yesterday, came straight from work, showered and changed into a white cropped top and grey sweats.

Julian pulls Kai down as he laughs. "Shut up and behave yourself."

"Its not my parents that are on this trip?" He says. Hannah sat opposite us as she was also tired from her shift. She did suffer this concussion a few days ago... I had a feeling I wouldnt see much of my girlfriend as her friend had tagged along.

"Im just so tired. I need a break." Rosie says and Julian laughs at her. I wasnt sure what the deal was between the two. Julian was a miserable motherfucker the whole time without her and she was annoyingly present everywhere now that she didnt have Julian to distract. Lets be real, she was a needy girl for attention and Julian looooves to take care of her. There is no other better match.

Things have been a lot between work, Zara and all this parent bullshit. Zara was working full time at the club and she was also doing little things here and there for the new club. Since Zade was there majority of the time, she was now running everything with Hannah and she looked exhausted.

God forbid I opened my mouth and tell her anything? She will bite my head off and say everything comes easy to me and she needs to work for herself. I nearly had a heart attack when Zara bought me these designer sunglasses she lost last year. She replaced them and I couldnt believe she still remembered her losing it. I even told it it was fine. I didnt even remember to replace them. Seemed like she was making better money than her days at the restaurant where she was struggling to pay rent and I was proud of her.

"Rosie what the fuck do you need a break from?" Roman asks her laughing. "I went to the launch of PLT new clothing line last night. It was a lot pictures."

"Are you not doing a collab with them soon?" Zara asks her as she looked over me to see Rosie.

"Yeah thats why it was so exhausting?" Rosie says making me laugh.

"Hannah how you feeling travelling with us?" Kai asks her. "As long as you do not make me go to hospital I am fine." She says and I laugh at her. "Yeah right... promise I will be careful. Rosie is usually the only princess in this group that complaints."

"Well its nice to have girls expanding this group for once. Im tired of this male dominated shit." She says. "Shut up, its all tailored to you you main character." Kai says and she rolled her eyes.

"Leave her alone." Julian says laughing.

We watch a movie and Zara falls asleep straight away and so does Hannah. When we land, I wake Zara up and she opens her eyes and looks at me.

"Were here." I tell her and she nods. She streches and sits up. "Im so tired." She mumbles. We wake up Hannah and head off the jet and go straight to the villa Rosie's granddad owns. It was huge and stunning.

"I always forgot how beautiful this place is." Julian says as he got out of the car. We rented three cars and took them straight from the airport with Julian, Roman and I driving them over. Three different cars, an Audi, a BMW and a Mercedes.

"Jesus Christ this place is beautiful." Zara says as she took off her sunglasses to look at it.

The front door opens and the housekeepers come to take our luggage as we walk into the villa.

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