Chapter 12

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I watched Kain stand next to his father in a matching black suit. They were shooting for Vogue USA. There was a whole ordeal happening. People running around. Flashes going off, light being changed. Wardrobes were being looked at for the next look.

Kain didnt speak to me after his father basically threatened him. I wonder what he was hiding. This family drama was becoming more and more of an issue and I was wondering when it would end? It seemed that Mr Kattan has stepped into his villain role that they portrayed him out to be.. he wasnt accepting it anymore I guess.

I watched Kain infront of the cameras and he was a natural. He didnt do much really funny enough, no crazy poses. I know my favourite was when he looked up and he was at a side angle, his perfect jaw line. His face was just angelic.

He looked a lot like his father, it was a sight to see. Kain didnt smile in his pictures even when they told him to smile, he didnt. I knew Kain had a history with getting into trouble. Thats all everyone spoke about with him. How he fought often and broke things.. his long history with girls etc but what demons was he hiding.

As the shoot ends Kain had changed and was in a foul mood. Even Katie who sat next to me, seemed worried.

"Nothing worse than family drama." She mumbled. "Thought this was going to go a whole different way."

"Yeah me too." I tell her as she chuckles. "Have you thought about you being put infront of the camera?" She asks.

"Does it pay me money?" I ask her and she chuckles. "Ofcourse. From this shoot alone, these two combined were paid $3 million."

"Yeah because theyre them and I am me." I say and she just chuckles. "Yeah, but youd make money." She says

"I don't think its for me.. I am too awkward. Barely take selfies." I say and she nods. "What are you doing at the moment?"

"Im in between jobs. I worked in a restaurant before." I tell her and she nods. "Well, if you would like to be a behind the scrnes kind of person, I could get you in for a job." She says and I look at her. "Really?"

"Yes, office based? We do a lot of client deals etc etc. We have about 120 clients signed to our agency. Kain's probably our number one money maker." She chuckles.

"It be a weird working for a company Kain's signed to." I tell her.

"I have another company as well where we manage musicians. I think maybe that would be something? You can start with adminstration and see what roles you might like."

"That sounds amazing." I tell her. She hands me her phone and I put my number in. "Thanks Katie."

"One day I will get you infront of the camera." She says smiling. Kain reappears in the original clothes he came with, a white tshirt and grey sweats.

"Im ready to bounce." He says to me. "Bye Kain." Katie says. "Professionalism is a good look on you." She teases him as she walks off.

I get up and follow Kain out who people seemed to watch and wonder what the drama was about as they quietly watched him. I didnt see Mr Kattan again.

Kain had his Mclaren out today and it was bright orange, attracted even more attention. Sometimes I looked at Kain and his friends and they seemed to really like the attention even though they complained about it. As the car was pulled to the front, Kain and I got in as people stopped and stared and watched the car.

Kain drives off in his own thoughts and I wasnt really sure what to say or do to make him feel better. I know we had plans to meet the rest for dinner.

"What was your dad talking about?" I ask him. Kain doesnt even look at me and continues driving.

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