Chapter 26

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I wasnt sure when but Zara had come into my bedroom and showered before slipping into my bed. The smell of soap and her shampoo filled me with joy as she wrapped herself around me.

"Good morning?" She says as I open my eyes. "More like goodnight for you." I say clearing my throat pulling her in. I kiss her lips and she climbs on top of me straddling me as the kiss deepens. It was like fucking torture knowing I couldnt do anything beyond this.

She grinds her hips on me a little and I stop her with my hands. "Youre killing me." I tell her and she chuckles. "Just fuck me then." She says

"I cant?" I say confused. "Who cares. Just fuck me... have you got a condom?"

"Yeah." I say as I open the drawer and pull out a condom. "That should be fine. Just like old days?" She giggles as she takes off my shirt she had put on. She liked sleeping in my tshirts with nothing on underneath. "I know I have been a shitty girlfriend." She says but my eyes were no longer focusing on her lips.

"Fuck youre so beautiful..." I tell her as her eyes were locked on mine. She leans in kissing my lips as her lips trail down my chest. She slides my boxers down before her lips continue to trail down. She knew my love language for sure and had the best sorry's. I hold her hair with my fist as her mouth finds me and takes me in making me groan out.

How can I ever fuck up with this girl ever again..

The next day, I let Zara sleep in and head to the gym. When I returned Zara had already gotten up and showered as she had a towel wrapped around her.

"All my stuff is at Zade's." She says as she sat on the bed. "What do you need?" I ask her

"Everything? I literally moved everything.." She says sighing. It was true. Before she moved in, Zara had a whole wardrobe here. Everything she needed because she was here so often. Then she took everything...

I get my assistant to do some shopping for Zara and get her basic essentials and some outfits. We were going to Hailey's 17th birthday party too.

We had breakfast/ lunch/ dinner in the mean time in my t shirt. Rosie appeared and chilled with us too. She was here a lot since she broke up with Julian... we did live in the same building so she just came up all the time. Rosie was that person that hated to be alone.

Zara and Rosie go and get dressed and I get changed. I wasnt even sure I caught the theme of the party but I did when Rosie showed up with a fucking tux. Hailey and Charlie were so opposite. Hailey fell right into the way our society works with the parties, fancy clothes etc.

"How do I look? This dress is kind of crazy." Zara says as she wore a black long dress, to the floor. Even with heels on, it was trailing behind her. She looked like the sun, the moon and every star in the galaxy. She was my day and night.

"You look beautiful..." I breathe out. Zara smiles at me. "A bit much for a 17th birthday party?" She asks. "My tits are flowing out."

"Stop theyre only showing a little." Rosie says. She had on a black dress that had glitter and shit on it. "Take some pictures of us." She says as she hands me her phone making me roll my eyes because I know shes gonna yell at me for taking shit pictures. Julian was the pro.

"Oh God. Just hand it here." She says and Zara laughs. Zara fixes my tie and I brush the curls out of her eyes. She had her hair tied back in a high ponytail and some curls framing her face. I pull her in kissing her lips risking the gloss on me. "I took the cutest pictures." Rosie says as she shows us the pictures she just took of us.

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