Chapter 19

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Maybe I should have more of an interest in Roman's life? Zara sure seemed to care and so did the rest. I loved my brother and all but I wasnt sure about wanting to medal in his life like the rest are doing. Julian was doing it to divert Rosie from Samantha. When Roman and Samantha were dating, Rosie was not involved much apart from that one night. This friendship group just lacked boundaries usually.

We sat in the club upstairs and Zara was taking shots with Kai as they laughed and giggled.

"Whats your plan?" I ask Julian. Roman was at someone else's table hanging with some of his friends. I am surprised Kai wasnt over there too, he was friends with them too.

"Okay I found out where Samantha was going to be tonight through logging into Rosie's instagram. Watched her story."

"We need to talk to her about Roman." He says pointing at Samantha who was sat her friends downstairs.

"Kai." I say. "You wanna go keep Roman distracted?"

"Sure... where is he?" He says. "Hes at the table with Omar and Toby and the rest.

He gets up and nods. Samantha and her friends came upstairs and sat by a table, as she scanned the room. Her eyes land on Roman who was laughing having a good time. Her eyes then land on us and Julian waves her over. I could see why Roman and Rosie were obsessed with her. She was a beautiful girl and this weird innocent look about her. She was way too nice basically.

"Hey..." She says

"Hi Samantha. Join us." Julian says.

"Okay? Thought we had a silent beef. Especially since Rosie's icloud was hacked."

"Yes, I mean stay away from my girlfriend." Julian says smiling at her. "Were cool."

"Okay..." Samantha says.

"You guys are terrible at helping." Zara says seeing Samantha uncomfortable.

"Hi. Im Zara, not sure if we have met?" She says sticking her hand out. "Yeah we have but not been introduced. Nice to meet you." She smiles at Zara.

"We feel like Roman and you have this tension and were always around each other. He is miserable and still hung up on you." Julian says.

"I dont think so? He seems happy without me... and happier with the girl who left me drunk in a hotel room with some random guy." She says

"Amelia?" Zara asks.

"Yep. If I didn't hit him over the head with a bottle, I would have been in a horrible situation." She says.

"I don't think he knows?" I say. His moral compass was usually our guide in this group. "Look Roman's a good guy and this is making him become the bad guy. Do you want to squash your issues?"

"Ofcourse I do? I  would love to... for two years ive been nothing but apologetic.. nothing. I acted on anger when he cheated on me first?"

"2 years ago you were stupid kids. The love is there..." Julian says. "Besides he was much much more tolerable when you were around." I tell her.

"Just talk to him?"

"I would love to?" She says

I have seen the stupid kid cry even after their break up. I get up and take Zara's hand walking over to Roman with Julian.

"Hey whats up guys." Toby says as he greets us with a hand shake followed by Omar. I didnt know the rest or have any type of connection to them. "Whats up Toby." He was a year younger than Roman and Kai. We went to school together. When I was a Senior, he was a sophomore but took over the school with a fear and surprisingly a big liking. He was nice fun guy always of high spirits. He came from a drug family and shit however himself and all his siblings and cousins had nothing to do with it. You would just think theyre rich spoiled trust fund kids.

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