Season 1 Episode 10: The Green Ninja

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Late on night on the destiny's bounty, The ninja train in the dark against cardboard cut outs of the serpentine, meanwhile Kai finds the Green Ninjas GI
"Earth!." Cole yelled attacking the cardboard while Kai donned the GI
"Woo hoo!." Kai cheered enthusiastically
"Lightning!." Jay yelled as he shocks one, while Kai practices fighting
"Ice!." Zane yelled as he knocks done a Serpentine
"Destruction!." (Y/N) yelled as he thew his Sais into the head of the Serpentine cut out before using Spinjtizu to break it in half while grabbing his Sais
As he does so, the lights come on showing the destroyed cut outs
"Good training. Your powers are getting stronger. But where's Kai?." Nya asked as the four shrugged
Meanwhile Kai continues to train in the Green Ninja GI
"Fire! Unlock fire! Uh, Fire go! Shoot flames! Oh, come on. Everyone else can do it. So can you. Bring the heat!." Kai yelled doing some pushes up before attacking again, only to find the four laughing at him from the reflection of the mirror
"Very nice. Perhaps if you tried the phrase "Fire Dork", maybe it might work." Cole said as he and (Y/N) high fives
"How long have you all been watching?." Kai asked as he removed his hood
"Long enough to see you make a fool out of yourself, you missed training." (Y/N) said crossing his arms with a small smile
"The Green Ninja suit. That's awesome!." Jay gawked
"Am I the only one seeing the resemblance between the Green Ninja suit and (Y/N)'s?." Zane asked as the four looked at the suits
"Huh, what do you know, they do share some resemblance." (Y/N) said
"I guess it makes sense, since you're destined to fight along side one of us as the Green Ninja." Jay said
"Anyways, back on topic, why are you in here Kai? This is Sensei's personal headquarters." (Y/N) asked crossing his arms
"Well, I was looking for some kind of clue from Sensei and then I found this." Kai gestured the Green Ninja GI
"But you know only he who is foretold to face Lord Garmadon is destined to be the Green Ninja, and only he should wear the Green Ninja outfit, so Sensei would most likely be very-
"I know I know. But I thought if I just tried it on, it might help me see my True Potential. It's not fair that you guys have unlocked your cool powers and I still haven't-
"Okay Kai, let me stop you there. Why are you complaining that you don't have cool powers, when I haven't even unlocked my powers? You have a sword that admits fire. What do I have? Nothing, so stop your complaining, and just admit that it will take time before you even unlock your True Potential." (Y/N) crossed his arms as Kai looked down
Before anyone could speak, a door opens
"Hello? Im home?." Wu called out much to the others surprise, they run out of the room to see him
"Sensei!." Kai yelled in surprise as he jumped behind the door and gets changed into his regular GI
The others run onto the deck to see Wu
"Ah, it's so good to be home." Wu smiled as (Y/N) hugged Wu
"So glad you're back." Zane smiled
"Did you bring us anything?." Cole asked
"Oh, Sensei you missed a lot, Zane's a Nindroid, Nyas the mysterious samurai, Cole's a dancer-
"Zane it a... what?." Wu looked confused
"You've been gone awhile. We'll catch you up later. But you should know, all of us expect for kai have discovered our True Potential." Zane said
"Have you now? Where is Kai?." Wu asked looking around as Kai runs up in his regular GI
"Right here. So glad you're back safe-
Before Kai could finished Garmadon comes up from behind Wu
"Ah! Sensei! Behind you!." Kai pointed at Garmadon, he attacks Garmadon with (Y/N) tackling him as well. Zane dives to guard Sensei Wu
"Sensei!." Zane yelled in slow motion
"Ugh! He's got four arms." Kai said as he and (Y/N) pinned him
"Don't let him out of your grasp! Cole get Wu to safety!." (Y/N) ordered Cole who tried to move Wu who didn't budge
"So we meet again." Garmadon glared at the duo
"He must've followed you, Sensei!." Kai concluded
"Kai! (Y/N) stop! He is the reason I left. For so long as Pythor has Lloyd, he will be our guest." Wu said much to everyone's shock
"We have to live with this guy?!." Cole yelled shocked
"But Sensei, he has four arms!." Zane yelled
"Uh, must I remind you ever since he turned evil, he's been trying to get our Golden Weapons, and turn (Y/N) into his apprentice?." Jay said
"Enough!." Wu yelled angered
"Yes Sensei." They said simultaneously as Kai and (Y/N) got off Garmadon
"This isn't about the weapons, or your purple ninja. It's about my son." Garmadon said
"From here on out, you will obey me and you will respect my brother." Wu said
"Yes, Sensei." They said much to their disagreement
"Now, to the bridge. We just put our attention to more pressing matters." Wu said as they entered the bridge
"So where are we at with the Four Fangblades?." Wu asked
"Oh, Pythor managed to take the first two, but there's still to left." Jay explained
"And we only need one in order to prevent him from unleashing the Great Devourer." Cole said
"Any luck finding their whereabouts?."Wu asked
"No, but the Falcon is programmed to alert us if he sees any suspicious activity." Zane explained
"Good, if we find the Fangblade, we find Lloyd. Kai and Nya, prepare the deck and double check the anchor. We need to be ready when we first get word of activity." Wu ordered
"Yes, Sensei." The duo said as they went to leave
"I have my eye on you." Kai said to Garmadon, unfortunately banging his head on the doorframe, Wu sighs and Nya grabs him and pulls him out, only for Kai to poke his head back in a point two fingers at his eyes to Garmadon telling him his watching him, Nya grabs him again
"Jay, did you say the Falcon was... programmed?." Wu asked
"Haha. Okay Sensei. I don't know where to start. It started when we saw the Falcon and then we ran after it....
Jays voice is drowned out as Nya and Kai reach the deck
"But Nya. Did you see he has four arms? Wherever Sensei found him, he's now made it possible so that he can possess all four Weapons at once. And maybe trying to convince (Y/N) to join him in his conquest, I mean, that's been his goal since we first met him. I don't trust him. Not one bit." Kai said looking at the bridge with a glare
"You have to remember, he's not just the Dark Lord, he's also Sensei's brother. Though he's pure evil, Sensei holds him close to his heart." Nya said
"And besides, (Y/N) wouldn't join him, he's such a sweet guy, kinda loveable... and adorable..... and handsome....
"Okay I get it, you like the guy." Kai said annoyed as Nya blushed
"Uh what?." Nya tried to play dumb before sighing again
"Ugh, never mind." Kai sighed
"But in all seriousness, Wu holds Garmadon dearly to his heart, if he trust him, then so do I." Nya said to Kai as he got an idea
"That's it." Kai said
"What?." Nya asked
"To unlock my power. Sensei said the heart is the key. Maybe if I stand up to Lord Garmadon. I'll find my True Potential and then everyone can see in the Green Ninja! Ha! Nya, you're a genius!." Kai praised as Nya looked confused
"I don't quite follow your logic." Nya looked confused
"No time to explain. I have to go train. If im gonna confront Garmadon soon." Kai backflips
"I gotta be at the top of my game." Kai finished as Nya looked confused
"But Sensei said he's our guest." Nya said
"Garmadon might've fooled Sensei, but don't think for a second I'm not keeping my eye on him. Nya, the Lord of Darkness has become our roommate!." Kai said
The next morning, the ninja brush their teeth, Garmadon uses a dagger to clean them, the others looked confused at Garmadon who only smiled at them, his teeth shinning
"How does that even work?." (Y/N) asked the others confused
At dinner, Kai and Cole stare at Garmadons food
"What's he eating?." Cole asked
"Condensed evil. Supposed to be low it fat." Kai said
A grub flies off his plate towards Kai who pushes it away with his fork in disgust, sometime later, Jay, Nya, (Y/N) and Garmadon watch a movie
Nya looks at (Y/N) who watches the movie and places her hand on top of his, as they make eye contact they heard Garmadon laugh as he flips through the channels
Later, kai tries to pilot the bounty durning a storm
"Where's Garmadon?." Zane asked
"Sunbathing." Kai sighed as Garmadon smiled outside
The ninja share a room with Garmadon who disturbs them in electricity, the only one who sleeps though it is (Y/N)
"Do you have to do that? We're trying to sleep." Kai groaned as Garmadon ignores him and laughs while Kai groans
"How can (Y/N) even sleep through this?." Cole asked as the Garmadons continued disturbs them
The ninja, expect for Jay and (Y/N) watch Garmadon play a video game, using two controllers at once
"He's not even playing the game right. He's just shooting and destroying things." Kai complained
"I've noticed when he isn't so focused on trying to turn Ninjago into his own image, he's actually quite fascinating." Zane said
"Sure, the four arms are freakish, but all in all, he doesn't seem that bad of a guy." Cole said
"He might be pulling the wool over all your eyes, but not mine or (Y/N)'s. He's up to something. And I'm gonna be ready for it." Kai said
Later on the deck, (Y/N) tries to activate his powers
"Come on... come on.... Ugh!." (Y/N) groaned as he lowered his hands
"What are you doing?." Garmadon asked from behind him
"Nothing of your concern." (Y/N) glared at Garmadon
"You're trying to activate your elemental power of destruction aren't you?." Garmadon asked as (Y/N) sighed
"Yeah. It's just, I don't know how to use it, and every time I feel like I'm getting there, I just end up where I started." (Y/N) sighed as Garmadon walked besides him
"That's because you aren't focusing at your core." Garmadon said as (Y/N) looked confused
"What?." (Y/N) asked
"In order to unlock your powers, you must find where to unlock it, your powers will only respond to those who seek it, and where you seek it is in your core." Garmadon said
"So you're saying...
"What im saying is that you can't force them out, you have to allow it to come out when the times right." Garmadon said as he got into a pose
"Do this pose and follow my instructions." Garmadon said as (Y/N) hesitated before doing so
"Feel the darkness that flows in your core, harness it, and morph it, control it, but don't like it over take you." Garmadon said as (Y/N) closed his eyes focusing on the darkness
"Feel it flow through you, harness it." Garmadon said as (Y/N)'s hands slowly turned purple
"Control it, become it!." Garmadon yelled as (Y/N) opened his eyes and fired a purple blast from his hands onto a crate, destroying it, (Y/N) looked surprised
"I... I did it..." (Y/N) looked surprised as Garmadon smiled
"Continue doing that, and you'll unlock your full powers." Garmadon said walking off, on the bridge above, everyone saw what (Y/N) did
"He... he just used his powers!." Cole looked shocked"
"That was awesome!." Jay cheered
"This is rather impressive." Zane smiled
Wu looked in amazement
"He is learning his powers, he steps closer to you four then before." Wu said smiling
Nya ran outside the bridge onto where (Y/N) was and hugged him, (Y/N) hugged back as everyone excluding Kai followed Behind
"I guess I really am the only one now." Kai sighed sadly
"Dude! We saw you use your powers! That was amazing!." Cole cheered
"That was awesome!." Jay high fives him
"I have to say even I was impressed!." Zane smiled
Wu walked up to him
"I sense you are getting stronger, you will be as strong as your team in time." Wu smiled at (Y/N) who hugged Wu back
On the bridge a while later, the Falcon records the Serpentine holding Lloyd in a cage heading to the Fire Temple
"Garmadon, get ready to get Kai'd! Fire!." Kai grunts as he jumps on the table and pretends to attack
"When, bam, sorry to beat you man!." Kai rhymed before overhearing Wu in another room
"This way. Come on." Wu said as Kai followed behind
"I have come to understand the mysterious Samurai is no longer a mystery." Wu said
"Oh yeah, you heard about that. I guess u picked up a thing or two." Nya said from behind a door
"It was foolish of me to think that a girl could not be the destined Green Ninja." Wu said as Kai peered through the window while standing on a step stool
"Nyas the Green Ninja?." Kai spoke to himself
"When the four weapons are laid out before the destined one, the weapons will react, revealing the identity of the Green Ninja." Wu explained
"But Sensei...
"Approach the weapons." Wu instructed to Nya
"What are you doing out here?." Garmadon asked Kai as (Y/N) was next to him
"Woah!." Kai falls off the stool
"What are you doing out here? And why are you with him?." Kai asked (Y/N) and Garmadon
"Well, Garmadons teaching me how to use my powers, and he's giving me tips, so far they all seemed to work." (Y/N) said shrugging
"But he's trying to sway you to join the villains." Kai said as (Y/N) shrugged
"I mean yeah, but he's pretty cool when you get to know him." (Y/N) said
"But that still doesn't answer my question, why are you here?." Kai asked Garmadon furiously
"Evil never sleeps." Garmadon replied
"Yeah, well, good never rests." Kai argued back
"Maybe we should take care of this right now." Garmadon said
"I was hoping you'd say that." Kai said as they pushed each other
"Guys, guys, what are you doing out here?." Nya asked as the door opened
"Perhaps you should be asking Mr Snoopy pants that question." Garmadon said
"And why's (Y/N) here too? Not that I don't mind." Nya smiled at (Y/N) who smiled back
"I was with Garmadon training earlier." (Y/N) said
"Wait, Kai. Were you spying on me?." Nya asked Kai
"What? No way! I was uh. Keeping watch. So are you the Green Ninja?." Kai asked as (Y/N) gasped
"Are you? That means we get to go on missions together now!." (Y/N) looked excited
"Sorry (Y/N), but of course not." Nya said much to Kai's relief
"So the weapons didn't tell you. Ah, that means I still have a chance." Kai smiled
"Truth is, she never wanted to know." Wu said
"At first, all I wanted was to be like you and (Y/N), but after seeing how obsessed you've become and discovered what I could do on my own. I'm happy being a samurai, besides, (Y/N) spent a lot on me to get the equipment, I'm not letting it go to waste." Nya smiled as (Y/N) who smiled back
"So then who's the Green Ninja?." Kai asked
"Perhaps we will never know." Nya said as Jay walked in
"Kai, you were supposed to be in the bridge. Zane's Falcon spotted them." Jay said
Everyone enters the bridge where the look on the monitor
"Looks like Pythor is at the Fire Temple." Nya said as (Y/N) nudged her
"Hey, that's the place we first met." (Y/N) said to Nya who smiled
"Oh yeah apart from almost dying, I really enjoyed that time we met." Nya smiled
"Ahem." Kai cleared his throat
"Uh right, carry on." (Y/N) spoke embarrassed
"I'm guessing that means the Fangblade is there." Kai said
"And Lloyd." Garmadon added
"That's the same Fire Temple where Kai and Lord Garmadon first faced off." Jay explained
"If my memory serves me correct, I'd say one of us cheated back when we last fought." Kai glared at Garmadon
"And i remember someone needing their Sensei and friend to save them." Garmadon glared back at Kai
"Guys! For the sake of the Fangblade and Lloyd, can we please just get along?." Cole asked
"Since the last time we've been there, it looks like the volcano has grown unstable. The place is a powder keg just waiting to blow up. This will be a highly combustible environment." Nya explained
"Oh, great. Just what I like. Fighting armed and deadly snakes in a highly combustible environment about to blow up!." Jay yelled annoyed
"Hey we've done worse, as long as we're careful we should be fine." (Y/N) said as Wu walked up
"We will do what we must." Wu said
"Yes, Sensei. But where are our weapons?." Zane asked as they looked around
"And why is Lord Garmadon not here?." Kai asks as he leaves the bridge
"Kai!." Wu yelled as Kai slides down the stair railing to the lower deck and enters a room where Garmadon picks up the Golden Weapons
"I knew I couldn't trust you, you thief!." Kai yelled at Garmadon
"Foolish child. I look forward to teaching you a lesson." Garmadon said turning around
"This ends NOW!." Kai yelled
"Indeed!." Garmadon yelled back
"Ninja! Go!." Kai yelled as they attacked each other
"I'm alive? I'm alive!." Kai cheered as he knocked Garmadon over
"You need to be taught a lesson." Garmadon said getting up
"Kai? You in here?." Nya asked from outside the door, Kai locked the door
"What are you doing?." Nya asked as Kai was pressed up to the door
"Discovering my True Potential!." Kai yelled
"Uhh! The door won't budge!." Jay yelled as he tried to open the door
"Kai thinks he'll unlock his power if he stands up to Lord Garmadon." Nya said
"Why would he think that?!." Zane yelled confused
"Cause he thinks he's the Green Ninja! Nya yelled
"Well, if we don't open this door soon, I think he's gonna be mincemeat!." Cole yelled as (Y/N) walked up
"Alright, stand back!." (Y/N) said as he channeled his powers as his fists turn purple, he then punches the door off its hinges
"Woah, you're getting good at using your powers, and you've only just unlocked them." Jay praised as (Y/N) puffed
They run in only to find Garmadon defeated by Kai
"I defeated him, I did it! Are my eyes glowing? Did I unlock my powers? Is this my True Potential? Argh! Why isn't it working?." Kai asked
"Because you cannot defeat someone who allowed himself to be defeated." Wu explained
"I wasn't going to hurt you boy. I was only fetching your weapons." Garmadon said
"But you were trying to steal them!." Kai accused
"I asked him to get them. Perhaps it is best you do not reach your True Potential, or else someone could get hurt." Wu said as Kai looked down
"Way to go hero." Cole said sarcastically
"Oh, poor thing, let me help you." Nya said as (Y/N) walked up and helped him up
"Here, let me help to. it's the least I can do for helping me unlock my powers." (Y/N) smiled at Garmadon
"You've only scratched the surface, the only way to unlock full your powers is from the core, do not forget that." Garmadon said as the ship suddenly stops
"Sounds like we've finally reach our destination." Cole said
Everyone is outside and observes their destination
"The Fire temple." Cole said the Falcon lands nearby
"The Volcano seems to be on the verge of eruption, guys. All recent indicators tell me that this place is becoming increasingly fragile, even the smallest rupture can make the whole thing go off." Nya explained from the Falcon
"Then we must not use our weapons." Wu said as everyone puts their weapons away
"Kai." Nya said disappointed who sighs and puts his sword away
"Yeah yeah. No Fire sword. But only because I wouldn't want anything to prevent us from getting the Fangblade." Kai said annoyed
"Or my son." Garmadon added
"There. The serpentine must be inside the inner core. From here on out, we travel by shadows." Wu said
"It's the only way I know how." Garmadon said as the group rushed down the tunnel to the base of the volcano, where the serpentine are digging on a pillar
"There's Lloyd." Jay whispered pointing at the cage Lloyd was in
"Son." Garmadon gasps as (Y/N) clenches his fists
"Huh?." Pythor notices something while he digs
"Out of my way fool!." He yelled as he pulls out the Fangblade
"The third Fangblade is ours!." Pythor laughs with everyone, he see the Ninja in the reflection of the Fangblade, he looks at them
"Ninja? Attack!." Pythor ordered the snakes
"Light as a leaf. Attack like there is no tomorrow." Wu said as they jumped over to the snakes
"Wind!." Jay yelled as a fire wall blocks them, he uses wind to push the fire aside before attacking
"Ice!." Zane yelled as Kai notices he's surrounded, he brings out his weapons but the Volcano reacts to its power
"Kai, the weapon is compromising our safety." Nya warned Kai
"I will do what I must." Kai said
"Let's get out of here! But not before we leave them with a parting gift, boys?." Pythor asked as the Constrictai dig up some holes allowing lava to rise
"They're making the volcano unstable." Zane stated
"Any minute, this place is gonna blow. We have to get out of here." Jay said
"Not without my son." Garmadon said as he saw Lloyd
"Dad!." Lloyd yelled as Pythor gets annoyed
"Argh, lost the boy!." Pythor ordered as they drop the cage near some lava that was rising
"Dad!." Lloyd yelled scared
"Lloyd!." Garmadon and (Y/N) yelled in worry as they rush over and attack some snakes before saving Lloyd at the last second
"Dad." Lloyd hugged him
"Son." Garmadon hugged back
"Oh thank the first Spinjtizu master, your okay." (Y/N) said in relief
Kai rushed past them
"The Fangblades mine!." Kai yelled determined as he runs up the steps
"Come back. It's too dangerous. The whole place is going to explode!." Cole yelled at Kai
"Then I better be quick!." Kai yelled as he threw the Sword of Fire and knocks the Fangblade out of Pythors grasp and impales both them to a wall, Pythor snarls angrily at Kai who keeps running. Pythor tries to pull the sword out but to no effort
"Hurry, we must leave here at once." Skales said as Pythor leaves with them, Kai leaps down to the Fangblade
"Leave it, Kai! It's not worth your life!." Jay yelled
"Don't be stupid Kai!." (Y/N) yelled
They start leaving but Lloyd looks at Kai
"But what about Kai? Kai!." Lloyd yelled only for the ground beneath him to break
"No! Lloyd!." Garmadon yelled as Lloyd lands on a rock that slowly sinks
"Dad! Dad! I'm sinking!." Lloyd yelled
"It, uh, won't budge." Kai groans as the drops the Fangblade on a rock
"We have to get out of here, or else none of us will get go of here!." Wu yelled
"But my son!." Garmadon yelled as they ran out, the entrance is blocked by rocks
"Come on, why won't my power unlock?." Kai asked
"Kai! Help me!." Lloyd yelled as Kai looks at him then the Fangblade, he then makes the decision to save Lloyd
"Come on. Let's get out of here." Kai said
"But the Fangblade....
"Forget it. This place is coming apart. Ninja! Go!." Kai yelled as he used Spinjtizu to leap from ledge to ledge, but they get surrounded by lava geyser
Back on the bounty the gang look out to the Volcano
"Lloyd! Lloyd!." Garmadon yelled as the volcano explodes
"Kai!." Nya yelled
"Lloyd!." (Y/N) yelled sadly
"Son." Garmadon said sadly, only for them to see a fireball emerge from the volcano, it's soon revealed to be Kai and Lloyd
"It's Kai! He's found his True Potential!." Jay yelled as the two land, Kai takes his mask off and smiles at them, he gives Wu a look of understanding before he returns to normal
On the bridge, everyone watches the Garmadons have a proper return
"Dad? Is it really you?." Lloyd asked
"It is son." Garmadon smiled
"Dad, why do you have four arms?." Lloyd asked curiously
"He's gonna be okay." Cole said as they cheer
"Thank you Kai." Garmadon smiled
"But how did you survive? How did you discover the key to unlocking your powers?." Zane asked
"I knew when I had to make a choice. I wanted the Fangblade so badly, to prove I was good enough to become the Green Ninja. But then I figured it out. All my training to become the best ninja wasn't in preparation to become the Green Ninja, it was... to protect him." Kai said smiling at Lloyd, so does everyone else, Lloyd looks confused
"What? What is everybody looking at me for?." Lloyd asked confused
"That means...
Nya, Kai and Cole bring the weapons in front of Lloyd as they levitate up with a green colour
"Lloyd is the Green Ninja. I had thought it would be one of you, but it was him the whole time. It all makes sense. Not only have you five been chosen to protect the Golden Weapons, but also to protect the Chosen one." Wu said as the weapons fall onto the floor, Garmadon then comes to a realisation
"That means...
"The battle lines have been drawn, brother. Sadly our family has only become more divided. Brother verses brother, and now, son, nephew versus father." Wu said as Garmadon looked surprised
"Nephew? I have a nephew?." Garmadon looked confused as (Y/N) walked up
Garmadon looked surprised but chuckled
"Why am I not surprised? You reminded me a lot of Wu when he was younger, a little of me as well." Garmadon smiled
"Hehe, I know this is an emotional moment and all, but whatever happened to the Fangblade?!." Jay yelled
Back at the Fire Temple, Pythor spots the Fangblade flowing in the lava, he grabs it with his staff
"Ah, beautiful. Cool and clean it off boys. Because we've only got one more to go." Pythor laughs evilly as two Venomari whimpered from touching the hot Fangblade
Back on the bounty, Lloyd and (Y/N) hang out on the deck
"I guess this is it, you and me fighting the final battle together." (Y/N) said as Lloyd sighed
"When will I be ready?." Lloyd asked
"I don't know, but whatever happens, I'll be by your side." (Y/N) smiled at Lloyd who smiled back
"I'm glad I get to be the one who fights the final battle with you." Lloyd smiled as the two watch the sky
"Wanna play video games?." (Y/N) asked as Lloyd nodded happily
The duo ran inside the game room and kick Kai off the game
"Hey! Come on! I was just about to beat Lloyd's high score!." Kai yelled as the duo chuckled

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