What's happening 🧐

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Aansh placed around his small apartment, the silence almost deafening. It had been 15 days since Vianna left for her work trip without a word. The memory of their last conversation haunted him—her tears, his harsh words. He regretted every moment of it.

He missed her more than he thought possible. Every corner of the apartment reminded him of her: the way she would curl up on the couch with a book, her laughter filling the space when they cooked dinner together, and the tender moments they shared. Despite his anger issues, she had always cared for him, always forgave him.

Aansh  glanced at his phone, hoping for a message, a call, anything. They had established a routine before she left—twice-daily calls and an online dinner once a week. It had been their lifeline, a semblance of normalcy. But the calls had become less frequent, and the distance felt unbearable.

He thought of Reha, a close friend who had recently confessed her feelings for him. While he appreciated her friendship, his heart belonged to Vianna. He knew he had to set boundaries with Reha, but it was difficult. The day Reha insulted Vianna in anger, he had lost his temper, a reaction he now regretted.

In those moments of running through the crowded streets,  realized something crucial. It wasn’t just the daily calls or the shared routines he missed—it was Vianna herself. Her strength, her kindness, her unwavering love. He knew he had to change, to be better, not just for her, but for himself.

I've realized that my anger issues have hurt her. Abhay told me I take her for granted, and he's right. I feel bad for her and often wonder how lucky I am to have a girl like her. I have many friends, even Reha, but with Vianna, it feels different.

I remember a call where I mentioned Reha, and Vianna said Reha would help. Hearing Reha's name made me so angry that I shouted and hung up. I ignored her calls for three days. She got ill and didn’t inform me. Reha overheard Vianna and Abhay’s conversation and told me. Abhay lectured me, but I ignored him. When I called Vianna, I was about to scold her but melted when I saw her condition. I ordered her some soup to make her feel better.

A month passed, and Vianna was supposed to come back for my birthday, but she had paperwork and couldn’t make it. I felt bad but understood. During this time, I got closer to Reha, who confessed her love for me. My heart belonged to Vianna, so I distanced myself from Reha.

On birthday, I hoped Vianna would surprise him. At midnight, his phone rang—it was her. She had sent a cake, and they celebrated together over the call. Her presence, even from afar, brought him a semblance of peace. They talked for hours, and he fell asleep with the phone still connected, a smile on his face.

The next morning, aansh felt a mix of happiness and longing. He called his parents, received their blessings, and decided to go shopping to distract himself. At the shop, Reha and the staff wished him a happy birthday, but when Reha presented a gift, he declined. Her outburst and insult towards Vianna that followed shattered any remaining patience he had. He reacted impulsively, a mistake he wished he could take back.

At the shop, our owner was present, and he's difficult to deal with. Reha and the staff wished me a happy birthday. Reha gave me a gift, but I refused. She got upset and called Vianna a derogatory name in anger. I lost my temper, pinned her against the wall, and warned her not to speak badly about Vianna. She provocatively said, "We’ll see," and kissed me near my lips. I was shocked but had to go to a meeting.

As the day went on, aansh mind drifted to Vianna. He wanted to make things right, to show her how much she meant to him. Just then, his phone buzzed—Abhay was calling. The urgency in Abhay's voice scared him, and he rushed to meet him, hoping everything was alright. Scared, I rushed to his place...When I reached Abhay’s place, his heart pounded with fear and hope.

Hope this is good,
I did not get much time for thinking and I was not feeling much to write but a small update for you guys.

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Your Scarlet ❤️

A Boy That Was Never MineWhere stories live. Discover now