Why always me?

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Aansh pov :

I was busy with my family since they came and I didn't get any chance to talk to my angel and with thoughts of her in my mind I went with my family for dinner. We had a good time with each other after a long time we all were happy except my father who was busy taunting me and praising my cousin's brother. After continued to taunt him I decided to speak but my mother stopped me and I couldn't disobey her after all she had suffered a lot because of me already.

After that everyone planned to visit the famous ice cream parlor in Mumbai and we all were busy chatting and having fun. I was also busy having fun with my nephews and missing my angel more. I was thinking about her who madly loves ice cream so I decided to order her favourite ice cream and when I asked for her order everyone was short seeing me ordering ice cream.

I started eating ice cream from the day when I heard my angel love for Ice cream and everyone started questioning me about the reason for choosing that. After explaining to everyone. "Now can I eat ice cream peacefully" I asked and everyone started giggling except my father who was giving me a death look.

It was while when we were enjoying and suddenly a group of youngsters came and then I saw my angel with them a cute smile appeared on my face and after few minutes even she noticed me so I called a random boy and told him to give ice cream to my angel and then we did chat for a while.

When I was supposed to tell her something Dad came and started shouting at me and I already knew the reason behind that earlier today I told my grandfather about staying back here in Mumbai for more than a few years and continuing the business and not joining the family business.

Dad didn't even listen to me and started shouting at me and everyone around us was looking towards us. Even my uncle stopped him but he didn't listen and he was about to slap me but my grandfather stopped him. I was feeling so shy that I didn't even speak a word and when I lifted my head I saw that Vianna also heard some part of the conversation before settling in her car. Even though she looked worried I was not in a condition to talk to her.

I was so mad at them that I didn't even want to go home so I just lied to them about urgent work and let other people go home. I told Mom not to worry about me I was fine when they left. I was so frustrated that I wanted to cry and scream out loud so I decided to go and sit silently somewhere. So I went to the Marines (place in Mumbai) and spent the whole night there thinking about my life and my goals. I know my family wouldn't support me but in the end, I wanted to grow myself and show my dad that what I am doing is not useless and I can even earn more and I can be successful but who would explain to them so I just ignored their words and thought to not go home because I knew if I go they will start with lakhs of questions which I don't want to answer.

I directly went to the shop got fresh and started working on the sion. But I was hungry but I ignored that and started working due to the high workload. After completing work I was about to sleep for some time as I hadn't slept the whole night and when I was moving out a girl came and introduced herself then I realized that the owner had already informed me about the girl who was supposed to join too so I started talking to her and started explaining to her how to work and I left from there.

After some time when I came back, I saw a group of people standing I got panicked and ran towards the store and saw that the new girl was not able to handle people I got so furious with her. " What the hell is happening here?" I shouted to her.

"S.... Si..... sir, actually" She was about to say something but I stopped her and started to handle clients. It took me almost 5 hours to complete all the work and I was about to close the shop and head towards home without any mood but I got interrupted when a new girl called me.

"Aansh, I am sorry I was not able to handle the people because I did not know everything and..." I stopped her middle, "Whatever, next time be careful." And without waiting for her reply I directly left the office.

When I was living there was a call but expecting a call from my family I simply ignored the call but after the third call in anger without looking to display I picked up the call, "What! Why are you calling me I'm not going to die "

"Dumbo, It's me," she said and within seconds I got melted by her voice. "I am a sorry angel, actually my family" I was about to say something but she interrupted me by saying, I miss you" Hearing that I melted and started talking to her. After a few jokes and teasing she asked me about last night and I told him everything that happened while telling her my eyes got moist so I told her that I would talk to her later. Even she didn't argue and told me to drop a message once I reached home.

I was really in a bad mood that I didn't want to go home but I have to as today is the day when I will get food cooked by my mom as tomorrow morning they are heading back to my house. So I decided to go home and eat peacefully but how could I when my dad was ready with tons for me? I got fresh and had my dinner and was in my room when I saw her message she got panicked as I forgot to inform her she called me and we started talking and while talking I didn't Remember when I fell asleep.

Time skip

It's been almost two months since my family visited my place and now it's my daily routine to talk to my angel every night before heading to bed and we even started meeting on weekends and spending time.

It doesn't feel like it's only a few months of knowing each other it feels like we both know each other from an entity. I even cooked my favourite food and sent it to my office address, and

I am addicted to her, she is my little addiction and I love her so much that I am just waiting for a special day to tell her to be mine stay with me always and handle this boy with care.

But I was scared to tell her what if...........


Guys, it takes a lot of effort to write so please support and vote to inspire me to write more.
Thanks for choosing my story, it means a lot to me 💗

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