Where is she?🤔

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Aansh pov:

It was a week and more but there was no message from vianna side even I was worried and tried to call her but her phone was not under network. But I was missing her, I wanted to hear her voice listen to her loud but sweetest laugh, want to tease her and annoy her little but where was my little fairy. Yes, I used to tease her a lot eve she used to love it but where was you my angle. I am missing you, are u safe please be safe I murmured.

I was working on my computer and a call came as I was busy working I didn't realize who it was so I just spoke but noise from the other side made me frown.

It was my dad who was in very bad mood so I stopped my work and went outside to talk to him. He was a typical person with lots of ego and old belief who don't like people who speak in front of them and disobey him even if he doesn't like his own children when they don't talk to him or disobey him.

It was rule in our family despite of me staying away I am supposed to talk to him and my mom daily and even other family members. Due to over work I was so busy that I didn't have time to eat or sleep in the past few days and even though my angle was not there in all this I really forgot to call them.

"You, fool I know u can't do anything in your life but at least call your parents to ask if they are dead or alive." my dad said.

"I am sorry dad" but he was so angry that he didn't listen and cut the call. I saw blurry vision I know I was about to cry so I left from there and called my angle I knew only she can make me smile. So, I called her and again call was not reachable, I didn't hope this but maybe she was in some difficulty and don't know much about her. I was not in the mood to work or talk so I just came to my home and lied on my bed hugging pillow and I was in deep thought about why my parents can't understand me but what can I say.

I was use to all this and it was not my cup of tea to explain them. I didn't realize when I went to sleep.

I got up with a phone ring the next morning I saw the display with one eye opened and saw it was angle calling my angle. I stood up from my bed and picked up the call, "hey, how are you and where are you, don't you understand I was so scared and I was also missing you." I said without realizing what I said. "I missed you too" she said.

What she said she missed me really, she missed me ohh my god she will kill me one day with her love. "Hello, are you there aansh" she said. "oh yes sorry I got distracted Was you crying angle." I asked her and got tensed. Yes, actually I was busy and stuck in some personal work and sorry for scaring you." she was saying something but I interrupted her.

"Suhhh never ever say sorry okay angle. Now tell me who made you cry." I said her in and anger tone and I meant it if some one made her cry I won't leave that person. "No, actually my grand ma died last week and it was so sudden that I didn't got time to inform you and this place have a bad network issue and don't worry I am coming back today evening then again you can tease me." She said again chuckling.

But before I could say anything the call got disconnected and I didn't even try to call her back again I should give her sometime she will be fine. I hope she is fine but, why do I care for her so much? From when did I started caring for someone? Why is her every moment affecting me so much? From when someone's presence started to affect me?


Hello my lovely readers,
Lots of love to you all .
And Thank you so so much for reading and loving my book so far. 💕💕

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