Chapter 60

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Mattina hummed a soft tune as she walked through the corridors of Eastwead Magic Academy.

The sun cast golden rays through the windows, painting the walls with warmth. With spring in full bloom, the academy's garden needed attention, and Martina was determined to lend a hand.

Passing by the storage room, Martina remembered the old rake she had spotted there last week. It would be perfect for tidying up the garden beds. With a determined smile, she pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Meanwhile, Nanami was already in the garden, her brows furrowed in frustration as she battled with a stubborn patch of weeds. She grumbled under her breath, her temper flaring with each unsuccessful attempt to uproot them.

Back in the storage room, Martina spotted the rake leaning against the wall. She reached out to grab it when suddenly, the door swung open, and Nanami stormed in, her cheeks flushed with anger.

"What are you doing here?" Nanami demanded, her tone sharp and accusing.

Startled, Martina took a step back, her heart racing at the unexpected confrontation. "I-I was just... I thought I could help with the garden," she stammered, her usually cheerful demeanor faltering in the face of Nanami's hostility.

Nanami's expression softened slightly at Martina's explanation. "I see. Well, hurry up then. We don't have all day."

Martina nodded, quickly grabbing the rake before hurrying past Nanami. As she brushed past her, their shoulders accidentally bumped, sending a jolt of electricity through Martina's body.

Nanami braced herself for the impact, anticipating the collision, but then she hesitated, waiting for what seemed like an eternity before she dared to open her eyes. To her surprise, Martina had already caught her, the rake's prongs teasingly poking at her cheek.

"Watch where you're going," Nanami muttered, her tone laced with frustration.

"Hey, I saved you, you know. The least you could do is show some gratitude and say thank you, Nanami," Martina sighed, still holding onto Nanami.

"Why would I thank a jerk like you? Go screw yourself," Nanami retorted, her anger flaring.

Martina narrowed her eyes, then suddenly pulled Nanami to her feet and pressed her against the store room wall. Nanami let out a startled shriek, attempting to escape, but Martina blocked her path by positioning herself in front of the door.

Raising her eyebrows and crossing her arms, Martina challenged, "So, where's my 'thank you'?"

"For heaven's sake, why are you always trying to pick a fight with me?" Nanami yelled in frustration.

"Me? It seems like you're the one constantly provoking me," Martina countered, slowly advancing towards Nanami, trapping her in the confined space of the store room.

"You just enjoy getting under my skin every chance you get," Martina continued, her gaze piercing into Nanami's, who felt her cheeks flush and tried to avert her eyes.

"Or perhaps you just wanted my attention, hmm?" Martina's hand found its place on the wall beside Nanami.

"W-What?! N-No way!" Nanami protested, her cheeks flushing.

"Oh, you want it that badly, hmm? Or maybe you're just in love with me like everyone else. Fine, I'll indulge you," Martina narrowed her eyes before impulsively pressing her lips against Nanami's.

Nanami's face turned a deep shade of red as she initially struggled against the unexpected kiss, but she eventually relented, realizing her true feelings for Martina.

As their lips met, a surge of electricity shot through Nanami's body, sending her heart racing. She found herself melting into the kiss, her initial resistance giving way to a flood of emotions she had long tried to deny.

Martina's lips were soft and warm against hers, igniting a fire within Nanami that she couldn't quench. She wrapped her arms around Martina, pulling her closer, deepening the kiss with a newfound passion.

For a moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their own private bubble of intimacy. Nanami lost herself in the sensation, savoring every moment of their embrace.

When they finally pulled away, both girls were breathless, their chests heaving with exertion. Nanami gazed up at Martina, her eyes filled with a mixture of awe and adoration.

"I...I didn't realize..." Nanami trailed off, at a loss for words.

Martina smiled gently, brushing a stray strand of hair away from Nanami's face. "It's okay. I didn't realize either, not until now."

Nanami felt a warmth spread through her chest at Martina's words. She had been so afraid to admit her feelings, afraid of rejection or ridicule. But now, with Martina's lips pressed against hers, she knew that she had nothing to fear.

"Martina, I..." Nanami began, her voice barely above a whisper.

Before she could finish her sentence, Martina leaned in and captured her lips in another tender kiss, sealing their newfound bond with a promise of love and acceptance.

As they stood there, lost in each other's embrace, Nanami knew that she had finally found her place in the world, in the arms of the one she loved.

Whew that took a while, anyway sorry if this one is short :c but dw the story havent end here muahaha

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