Chapter 56

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The moon hung ominously over the eerie spires of the illusionary magic school, casting long, deceptive shadows across the deserted courtyard. Matrina stood at the center of her group of friends, the air around her humming with a sense of urgency and fear. Her senses tingled, alert to the danger they all faced.

“Asuka, Horika, Nanami,” Martina began, her voice steady but low.

"we need to stick together. This place isn’t real, and we must find a way out before it consumes us.”

Asuka trembled, her eyes wide with fear. Tears threatened to spill over, but she nodded resolutely, her love for Martina giving her a fragile courage.

“I-I’ll try to be brave, Martina,” she whispered, clinging to her friend’s arm.

Don’t worry, Martina,” Horika purred, her voice dripping with dangerous affection.

“I’ll protect you from whatever comes our way. No one will hurt you while I’m here.”

Nanami scowled, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and anger.

“Stop trying to be the hero, Horika. We all need to work together, not just flaunt our powers to impress Martina.” Despite her harsh words, her protective feelings for Martina were evident.

The school around them shifted, the walls pulsating with dark energy. Yumary, the dark magic user responsible for this illusion, watched them from the shadows, her eyes gleaming with a sadistic light.

She was sealed with dark magic, her love for Martina twisted into an obsession that drove her to create this nightmarish prison.

Martina closed her eyes, focusing on her wind magic. “We need to find the heart of this illusion. That’s where Yumary’s magic will be weakest. Follow me, and stay close.”

The group moved cautiously through the hallways, the atmosphere growing thicker with dark magic.

"Martina, are you sure this is the way out?" Shikari's voice broke the silence, her tone a mix of concern and determination. Her earth magic surged subtly beneath the surface, a testament to her readiness to protect Martina at any cost.

Martina, her blonde hair shimmering from the moon light, turned to her childhood friend. "It has to be. This whole place feels wrong. We need to find the source of this illusion and break it."

Behind them, Asuka clung to Martina's arm, her eyes wide with fear. "I don't like this, Martina. It's too quiet. What if something happens?" Her water magic rippled in nervous waves around her, a clear reflection of her anxiety.

"Stop being such a crybaby, Asuka," Horika chided, though her tone was laced with a hint of amusement. Her dark eyes sparkled with an electric charge, her possessive nature almost palpable.

"We'll get out of here, and Matrina will be safe. Isn't that right, darling?" She brushed her hand against Martina's, sending a small jolt of electricity through her skin.

Nanami, her arms crossed and eyes narrowed, let out a huff. "Stop flirting and focus, Horika. We don't have time for your games."

Shadows who once was a students seemed to reach out for them, but Shikari’s earth magic created protective barriers, and Nanami’s light magic repelled the darkness. Horika’s electricity crackled menacingly, ready to strike at any threat, while Asuka’s water magic formed a shimmering shield around them.

As they moved deeper into the academy, the air grew thicker, and the shadows longer. The dark magic that Yumary had cast was strong, and it played on their fears and insecurities.

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