18. I FOUND IT!!!

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Janani stood up and sprinted towards the window. Her important notice to be given to the king of Chozha kingdom was lost. She looked for that everywhere but couldn't find it. "Someone has robbed it!" She exclaimed and she turned towards Harry.

Janani went with fast pace towards the pond. Harry followed her not knowing what actually was lost. He was ready to show his heroism anytime soon.

Janani reached the pond. She spoke with urgency, "The notice contains crucial information for the alliance with the Chozha kingdom." Janani and Harry began their investigation around the pond, determined to uncover the whereabouts of the lost document.

Janani noticed Harry working with full determination. She then laughed. Harry was confused. He saw her questionably and asked,"Are you mentally affected?"

Janani said, "No I am not... Look over there" and she pointed the Krishna idol.

Harry turned to where Janani pointed and saw a glimmer of gold near the Krishna idol. He approached cautiously and discovered the missing notice hidden behind the idol. He retrieved it and presented it to Janani with a flourish, saying, "Fear not, Your Highness, for the document is found! The kingdom shall be saved from this treacherous plot!" He bowed theatrically, waiting for Janani's reaction.

Janani took it from his hands and banged on his head using that. "You're still a fool! What did you learn all these days in your kingdom?" She laughed.

Harry, rubbing his head in mock pain, responded, "Ah, the lessons of the kingdom did not prepare me for the cunning ways of a mischievous princess. Perhaps, Your Highness, you could enlighten me with your wisdom?" He grinned, ready for Janani's playful banter.

Janani went towards the idol. When she was two tile away from the Idol, she asked Harry, "Can you find the dark tiles in the ground? Step into one of them"

Harry confused, followed what she said. He was searching all over the places, and finally realised that there were only two and Janani was actually standing on them.

Janani was still on the tiles.. Harry was about to leave when he noticed that she pushed the flute the Krishna idol was holding. Within moments, arrows flew all around the pond except those two black tiles. Harry was amazed. How come architecture is this much great? Janani then moved the idol totally and took a notice from its bottom. She closed it with the idol again. Harry was awestruck. Janani showed a victorious smile on her face. Harry was still amazed

Janani looked at Harry and said, "Well, you never know when you might need a secret passage and a well-hidden notice. Always be prepared, my dear prince." She started walking towards the exit, leaving Harry standing there, pondering over the unexpected turn of events.

Harry said, "You people are really great! How did you do this?"

Janani said,"Whatever is of value is worth to be robbed. I expected this to happen at anytime. I expected someone to barge into my room and take the notice. By the time, he would have understood that it was a fake one. Just like you did, he didn't think whether it was real or not. I won this time!"

Harry was left speechless, marveling at Janani's strategic thinking. As they walked back, Janani couldn't help but tease, "You thought you were on some grand adventure, didn't you?"

Harry chuckled, "Well, you certainly know how to keep things interesting."

Janani winked, "Life is a game, and I play it well."

Harry said, "Fine... What's next on the line???"

Janani replying with a hungry mood, "I wanna eta something... Let's go man ! "

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