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"I will surely bring IT back!"

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"I will surely bring IT back!"

The year was 2020: Mother Earth gently paused, urging humanity to retreat behind the four walls. It was a nudge to reflect on their impact and allow the Earth to mend from the wounds inflicted by human hands.

In the heart of civilization and culture lay a land once revered as a bastion of POWER and PROSPERITY Yet, the echoes of its former glory faded as waves of alien invaders encroached, chipping away at its beauty and strength. Now, however, this land is experiencing a renaissance - a revival of its lost power. Through the passage of time, it becomes evident that KARMA, with its mysterious ways, restores balance and sets everything back on track

Ah! INDIA-The Great Hindustan, once the epitome of grandeur and influence, spreading its pride across the world like a vibrant tapestry of culture and heritage. Despite facing the trials of foreign invasions, India now emerges, reclaiming its rightful place on the global stage enduring the spirit that defines its essence

In the bustling streets of modern India, amidst the echoes of its storied past, there lived a girl with a dream as vast as the country itself. She yearned to restore India to its former glory, to witness revival of its ancient heritage. Despite her profound aspirations, she failed to realize that the past is irretrievable.

"Ma! It's already 1 o'clock! I wanna attend the English class... I'll eat later," she declared eagerly. It wasn't just a class but also a cherished space where they could discuss, share ideas and foster connections despite the distance.

"A very good afternoon children! Is everyone here?"

The cheerful voice of the teacher greeted them as the chat box quickly flooded with messages from nearly all the students. Shyness prevailed as they opted to type rather than turn on their microphones, eager to participate in their discussion.

"Today we'll begin a new lesson, but before that, let's have a small discussion, the teacher announced

"Do you all believe in God and miracles?"

"Yes, ma'am

"Definitely ma'am"

The chat box filled with responses, quick and enthusiastic sparking a lively exchange of thoughts within the virtual classroom.

"Fine, that's great! Now, if God comes in front of you and agrees to grant you ONE wish, what would you ask for?"

There was a hilarious reply from a boy, "Ma'am, I will ask God to reduce punishments in the fhell!

Everyone burst into laughter.

As the question hung in the digital air, students continued typing their responses, each wish revealing a glimpse into their desires and dreams.

"Ma'am, I wish I could witness the glory of India before the foreign invasions," a student expressed wistfully.

The teacher paused, captivated by the heartfelt desire, she inquired, "Who has asked for this wish..Oh Janani! That's really nice"

The teacher's recognition added a touch of warmth to the discussion, encouraging everyone to share their wishes.

After reading and appreciating various answers, the teacher posed the next question, "So now, what you think you need to fulfill that wish?"

The chat box filled with thoughtful responses as students pondered the requirements...

While contemplating the question, a fleeting sense of regret crossed Janani's face.😓
With a hint of disappointment, she typed in the chat box, "A time machine."

The virtual classroom momentarily hushed, acknowledging Janani's playful yet rueful response. Some students responded with playful emojis and imaginative suggestions, lightening the mood. The teacher smiled, recognizing the blend of youthful whimsy and genuine longing for a glimpse into history. The conversation continued, infused with camaraderie and a shared sense of exploration.

Then the teacher continued to teach the lesson... But Janani was still lost in thoughts of her Hindustan ✨

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