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When Akbar arrived at Alden's room, he asked, "Prince Alden, I hope you are satisfied with the arrangements?"

Janani stood nearby, her eyes still burning with anger. Alden, sensing an opportunity to provoke her further, replied, "The arrangements are quite impressive, but I must say I'm unhappy with the services."

Janani's anger flared even more at his words, feeling the injustice of his comment. Akbar, disappointed, turned to her and said, "Janani, please ensure our guest has everything he needs."

Alden flashed a mischievous smile at Janani, enjoying her evident frustration. Janani, her mind racing, thought about how she might turn the tables on him.

Seeing the tense dynamic between them, Akbar decided it would be best to intervene. "Prince Alden," he said, "perhaps it would be better for both of you if we had another translator assist you during your stay. This will give Janani a chance to recover and ensure you're comfortable."

Alden, still smiling, nodded in agreement, while Janani silently vowed to find a way to teach him a lesson.

Seeing Akbar move out of the room, Janani began to scold Alden for his behavior. "How dare you treat me like this? Do you think you can just walk all over me because you're a prince?" she fumed.

Alden, maintaining his composure, responded, "I am your guest, not your slave, Janani. Remember your place."

Realizing he needed a different approach, Janani suddenly shifted gears. "You’re right, Prince Alden. Please, accept my apology." She offered him a drink, her tone now deceptively sweet.

Alden, pleased with what he perceived as her submission, took the drink eagerly. However, as soon as the liquid touched his tongue, he spit it out, grimacing at the bitter taste. "What is this foul concoction?" he demanded.

With a burst of laughter, Janani replied, "It’s a special medicine for the proper functioning of the brain. I thought you could use it."

Alden, taken aback by her boldness and humor, found himself once again confused by Janani's unorthodox behavior. She was unlike any woman he had ever encountered, and this only deepened his fascination with her.

However, Alden would be staying for only a week. Janani, determined to make the most of his visit, prepared to show Alden the kingdom and its people—but not without giving him a hard time.

The next morning, she approached him with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Prince Alden, I have arranged a tour of our kingdom. I believe it's important for you to see and understand the land and its people."

Alden, curious about what lay ahead, nodded. "Lead the way, Janani. I’m eager to see what you have in store."

As they set out, Janani guided Alden through the bustling markets, lush gardens, and serene temples of Hindustan. But at every stop, she found a way to make things a little more challenging for him.

At the markets, she handed him a basket full of exotic spices. "Carry this, will you? It's a tradition here for guests to help out," she said with a smirk.

Alden, struggling with the heavy basket, muttered under his breath, "Some tradition..."

Next, at the gardens, she led him through a labyrinth of thorny bushes. "It's a shortcut," she explained innocently, watching as he tried to navigate without getting scratched.

"Shortcut to where? The hospital?" he grumbled, wincing as another thorn caught his sleeve.

At the temples, she insisted he try a series of complicated rituals, all while keeping a straight face. "You have to spin around three times, hop on one foot, and then bow deeply."

Alden looked at her skeptically but complied, almost losing his balance. "Is this really necessary?"

Janani suppressed a laugh. "Absolutely. It’s all part of the experience."

Throughout the tour, the people of Hindustan watched with amusement as the foreign prince struggled to keep up with their quick-witted and playful princess. Despite the challenges, Alden couldn't help but admire Janani's spirit and determination.

In the afternoon, they stopped for a meal at a local eatery. Janani ordered the spiciest dish on the menu for Alden. "You'll love this. It's a local favorite."

Alden took a bite and his face turned red as he tried to hide his discomfort. "Delicious," he managed to say through watering eyes.

Janani finally let out a laugh. "You really need to work on your tolerance for spice, Prince."

By the end of the day, Alden was exhausted but strangely exhilarated. He had never met anyone like Janani, who challenged him at every turn and made him see the world in a different way.

As they returned to the palace, Alden turned to Janani. "You certainly know how to keep a guest on his toes."

Janani grinned. "Just making sure you get the full experience."

Despite the playful torment, Alden found himself looking forward to the next day's adventures, wondering what Janani had in store for him. And Janani, for her part, was beginning to enjoy the presence of the prince who could take her teasing in stride.

They had become good friends, their days filled with teasing and laughter.

One morning, Janani greeted Alden with a mischievous grin. "Ready for another day of adventures, Prince Alden? I hope you’ve recovered from yesterday’s spice challenge."

Alden chuckled, shaking his head. "Barely, but I’m ready. What’s on the agenda today, Princess of Mischief?"

Janani led him to a local village festival, where the vibrant colors, music, and dancing created a lively atmosphere. "Today, you’ll experience our traditional games and festivities. Think you can keep up?"

Alden raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I think I can manage. What do you have in mind?"

Janani pointed to a group of villagers engaged in a spirited tug-of-war. "Let’s see how you fare in a game of strength."

Alden joined the team and, despite his best efforts, ended up being pulled into a muddy pit. Janani laughed heartily from the sidelines. "Nice try, Prince! Maybe next time."

Covered in mud, Alden grinned back at her. "You’ll pay for this, Janani. Just wait."

The day continued with various activities, each more challenging and entertaining than the last. They competed in archery, with Janani’s precise aim narrowly besting Alden’s attempts. They participated in a dance competition, where Alden’s awkward yet enthusiastic moves left everyone in stitches.

During a quiet moment, they sat together, catching their breath. Alden glanced at Janani, smiling. "I must admit, you’ve made this week unforgettable. I’ve never had so much fun."

Janani nodded, her expression warm. "I’m glad. It’s been fun for me too. You’re not like other guests we’ve had."

Alden laughed. "And you’re not like any woman I’ve met. I think that’s what makes this so interesting."

As the sun began to set, they walked back to the palace, still teasing and challenging each other. Though they had become close, their relationship remained one of friendship and mutual respect, each enjoying the other's company without any romantic entanglements.

Back at the palace, they bid each other goodnight. Alden paused before heading to his room. "What’s the plan for tomorrow, Janani?"

She winked. "You'll find out soon enough. Get some rest. You’ll need it."

Alden laughed and nodded. "I look forward to it."

As they went their separate ways, both felt a sense of contentment, knowing they had found a true friend in each other.

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