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As per the old traditions, King Akbar was ready to marry another princess to Alden, and he called Alden to discuss this issue. Janani was present at the meeting too. She noticed that Alden looked worried, his usual confident demeanor replaced by a troubled expression.

Akbar began, "Prince Alden, it is our custom to forge strong alliances through marriage. I have selected a suitable princess for you."

Alden, his gaze fixed on the ground, bowed his head. "Your Majesty, I must respectfully decline. I do not wish to marry."

Janani was taken aback by his words. "What could be troubling him?" she wondered. "Is it the prospect of marriage itself, or does he have someone else in mind?"

Akbar, visibly surprised, asked, "Is there a reason for your refusal, Prince Alden? Do you not find the princess suitable?"

Alden shook his head. "It is not about the princess, Your Majesty. I simply do not wish to marry at this time."

Janani, sensing Alden's discomfort, stepped forward. "Your Majesty, perhaps we should respect Prince Alden's wishes. It is clear that he is not ready for this discussion."

Akbar, seeing the determination in Janani's eyes and the unease in Alden's, nodded slowly. "Very well, Janani. We shall not speak of this matter again, at least for now."

As they left the meeting, Janani couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Why was Alden so opposed to the marriage? Was there someone else he cared about, or was it something deeper?"

Alden stormed into his room, fuming with anger. Janani, concerned for him, followed closely behind. As she entered, she was taken aback by his aggressive demeanor.

"Get out!" Alden shouted. "Don't come here again!"

Janani, surprised by his sudden outburst, stood her ground. "Alden, what's wrong? You can't just push everyone away."

His eyes blazed with frustration, and without warning, he grabbed a sword from the wall. "You don't understand, Janani. Stay back!"

Seeing him raise the sword, Janani swiftly took another sword. She thought perhaps a duel might help him channel his anger and clear his mind. "Fine, if this is what you want. Let's fight."

They clashed swords, the sound echoing through the room. Janani matched Alden's aggression with skill and determination. Despite his fury, she held her own, countering his every move.

As the fight dragged on, Alden's mind raced. How could she fight so well? His thoughts distracted him, and suddenly, he tripped and fell. Janani seized the moment, placing her sword at his neck. "You lost, Alden."

Alden's eyes widened, not from fear but from astonishment. Not willing to concede so easily, he knocked Janani's sword away with a swift move. "Don't think it's over yet."

Janani, quick on her feet, deftly disarmed him again, her blade now poised at his throat. "Maybe you shouldn't calculate the climax too fast," she said, repeating his earlier words.

Alden finally allowed a small smile to break through his stern expression. "Alright, you win."

Relieved, Janani lowered her sword. "Alden, I'm not your enemy. Whatever is troubling you, fighting me isn't the answer."

He sighed, the fight having drained much of his pent-up anger. "You're right. I'm sorry, Janani. I just... There's so much on my mind."

Janani nodded, understanding. "Whenever you're ready to talk, I'll be here. For now, let's consider this a truce."

Alden, still puzzled by her resilience and wit, finally accepted her support. "Thank you, Janani."

She smiled warmly. "Anytime. Now, let's get you out of this room and find something else to do. There's a whole kingdom out there waiting to be explored."

They both went out to the garden. Alden laid down on the grass, deep in his thoughts. Janani, not knowing how to start the conversation, was looking at him intently.

"What are you looking at?" Alden asked.

"Nothing, I was wondering what happened to you. Why were you upset upon hearing the marriage proposal? Are you already married?"

"HAHAHA," Alden laughed with a huge roar. He then asked in return, "Are you married, Janani?"

Janani was shocked hearing this. "Nope, I don't believe in love and care," Janani opened up about her view on marriage. "No one here will love us except ourselves."

Alden was surprised by how her thoughts mirrored his own views about life. "Wow, Janani! You're right!"

Janani, feeling more comfortable, said, "You know, I think I’ll call you Harry from now on."

Alden chuckled. "Harry it is then."

They spoke about their views on life, bonding over their shared cynicism. However, Alden remained firm in not disclosing his problem regarding the marriage. Janani, unaware of this, continued to chat with him for a long time. They were so immersed in the conversation that they didn't realize it was their bedtime.

King Akbar, noticing the late hour and the pair deep in conversation, called out from the palace, "Alden! Janani!"

Startled, Janani quickly stood up and asked, "What is it, Your Majesty?"

King Akbar laughed heartily and said, "It's time for bed. Let's continue this tomorrow."

Both Alden and Janani nodded, unfazed by the interruption as they hadn’t yet developed romantic feelings.

However, King Akbar, sensing a potential match, made an unintentional mistake the next day.

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