First Kill

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The days go on and every day comes with its event, one day a brunch with the whole family, a spring festive, a horse-riding race at the Cassano Family's farm, a family carnival at which couples' kids and everyone have a full blast.

It's a day before Vincenzo and Cha Young's departure that Luca makes a surprise visit as everyone sips on wine and chat.

"Luca?" Vincenzo greets.

Luca looks tense but bows respectfully seeing Nonna and Antonella and everyone.

"Mi dispiaci Nonna, but I'd have to take Capo away" He grants permission and Nonna smiles softly.

"You're face says it all, Lupino." She can sense an upcoming problem by his visit and gestures with her hands for both of them to withdraw.

Cha Young just watches the encounter and Antonella smiles at her understandingly while Cassandra briefly explains that Luca may have experienced a slight inconvenience in a deal or transaction.

They both move to the study and Luca starts the talk once the door closes.

"Capo, there's a leak of the recent transaction with the Fernando's." Luca says as he recovers his breath.

"Datti una calmata, Luca. A leak?"

"The transaction was in the hand of Signore Alonzo, he's busy trying to find who did it."

"What's the loss?' Vincenzo calmly asks.

"A few million euros and the bar in Vegas, the transaction letter as well." Vincenzo looks fiercely at Luca.

"Why wasn't I informed Luca?"

"Capo, it was Alonzo's request, he didn't wanted to trouble you."

Vincenzo wants to retaliate but makes no move to do so, he knows it's not worth it. He calms himself down and gestures Luca to sit.

"Dominic is in charge of all the bars and casinos in the States, where is he?"

"Dominic is in the States, he's trying to clear the mess and get the bar back, thankfully the Fernando's are cooperative, they are helping to try to interrogate who is leaking information from their side."

"It can be someone from our side too, has Marco came back?"

Marco is Vincenzo's consigliere who was sent to deal with the bank investments and the fortune-setup of the Cassano Family in Switzerland.

"Yes, Capo. He's in Rome." Vincenzo nods.

"I will be back to Rome the day after tomorrow, inform Fredrico and Romano regarding tomorrow's meeting, and set-up a virtual meeting for Alonzo and Dominic, Alfonso should be here as well."

"Si, Capo."

"See you tomorrow then, Luca. Do inform me if anything happens."

Luca is dismissed and Vincenzo tries to cool himself down before walking back to the living room, he clenches his jaw as he remembers the loss they've faced but he knows they can retrieve it all back.

One thing for why, Vincenzo was always appointed for all the business dealings was because he was straight-forward and wise when it came to it all.

Fabio trusted him with closed eyes on all the matters regarding it, and that infuriated Paolo to great heights.

Clearing his mind, he strides back to the room where the atmosphere is much livelier and unconsciously a smile forms on his lips as he sees everyone gossiping and basking in each other's presence.

He feels his heart radiate warmth as he notices Cha Young comfortable and all-smiles with his mother, sister and Nonna.

They haven't been able to converse with each other since the silly incident at the Family Carnival, where they both were forced and ordered by Nonna to participate in the couples' race and after a few cheers and whistles from everybody, he looked at Cha Young who seemed excited and eager, he relented.

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