Unexpected Encounter

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Vincenzo was flustered but the emotion of being in worry washed over him pretty soon. He took her in his arms and walked to his car in a hurry which was thankfully parked nearby. This scene was seen by many people, but Vincenzo couldn't care less. At the back of his mind, he was thinking that he hasn't ever cared or been worried this much for anyone. He unlocked his car, placed the woman's body carefully on the front seat and drove the car quickly, checking on her while driving. As soon as he reached the hospital, he got her checked.

The doctor after checking her came to him and referred to her as her husband saying ''Your wife has been taking a lot of stress. I can assure you that she hasn't eaten for weeks. Please take care of her. These tiny factors may lead to a major disease. The nurse has injected her IV's. She'll wake up after a while.''

Vincenzo for a second, wanted to correct the doctor but when he started telling him about her health, he really couldn't care. He thanked the doctor and went to the room where she's admitted. He was welcomed by the sight of her sleeping peacefully, he really hasn't ever been that attracted to someone so soon, moreover, he doesn't even know her name. Vincenzo was lost in his thoughts of the woman and the reason why he came to Korea when suddenly the idea of bringing something for her to eat came in his mind.

He quickly called a nurse to stay by her side while he goes and buys a few snacks for her to eat.

Again, while reaching at the store, a voice from the back of his mind started to say the same thing 'What's gotten into you?' 'Wasn't your aim to complete what your father had written in his will and depart back to Italy?' 'What are you doing here, Vincenzo?'

He ignored these reminders and quickly took a basket. He really hasn't ever done this before, and he doesn't know what to buy. He decided to buy some ramen, ice cream and other snacks, he knows this isn't healthy but maybe this will cheer the woman up, who he saw crying and in a dishelmed state. He also bought a few plated of tteokbokki while on his way back to the hospital.

A nurse was sitting right beside Cha Young's bed. When Cha Young finally opened her eyes, she looked around and saw the nurse who when realized, gently smiled and said ''Careful Ma'am! IV's are injected.'' Cha Young wanted to sit and so the nurse helped her carefully. After a few moments, Cha Young asked ''Who brought me here? What happened?'' The nurse smiled and replied ''Your husband said that you passed out on a street....he's gone to buy some food for you.''


As long as Cha Young remembers, she was alone! How can she get married when her father died recently?! As long as she knows, she's never been in a relationship before. Then marriage?!

Cha Young was deep in her thoughts, her mind getting dizzy again when the nurse spoke again ''You are very lucky to have such a handsome, caring husband, he was really worried about you until he decided to buy you something to eat after you wake up. He told me to be by your side until he's gone,'' Cha Young parted her lips to correct the nurse that she isn't married when suddenly the door opened and appeared an indeed handsome man with both hands carrying bags. Cha Young could tell the man was shocked to see her, perhaps because she's awake but was normal after a while.

The nurse stood up and bowed and started walking to leave to exit the room.

It was an awkward silence once the nurse left. Vincenzo moved forward and placed the bags on the table. Cha Young'couldn't disagree with the nurse's point; the man was handsome, wearing a 3-piece Booralo suit, pale skin, pink lips. Cha Young was no wonder amazed by the beauty, though she has spent half of her teenage life in Italy she hasn't ever saw someone like him. But right now, she needed answers. What was this thing about marriage. And so, without any hesitation, she asked "We're not married, are we? Who are you and what happened?''

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