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"Cassio, what brings you here?"

The wedding ceremony was almost coming to an end, when Vincenzo was informed about a very unexpected arrival of a rival families boss. Nonetheless, he allowed him to enter the hall.

Cassio Albero, capo of Albero family, a man in his 60's walks in. The Albero and Cassano family have never had good-terms. There was always an on-going war between them. So when Vincenzo heard of Cassio's arrival, he was surprised. Since Paolo's death, he hadn't heard from them. The last time he dealt with them was when Paolo had done something foolish and Fabio told him to take care of the matters.

"What the hell is going on Vincenzo?"

"Keep it low, Cassio. This is my wedding ceremony, shouldn't you congratulate first?" Vincenzo speaks while swirling the wine in his glass. Luca stands beside Cassio.

"Well, I guess you married the wrong woman. We had a deal!"

"Whatever deal you had with Paolo was meant for Paolo, now that he's dead, the deal is over too. My marriage has no concern with your deals."

"Paolo made a deal of marriage with Stella, my daughter, not this pale yellow woman like you! I thought the Cassano family is a family of it's words!"

The whole hall was deadly silent.

Cha Young, who had been chatting with some aquaintences of Antonella beside Cassandra, started walking over to Vincenzo. Maria held her arm and stopped her.

"Cha Young, they are having a conversation, let's just stay here."

Cha Young let go of her hand on her arm and walked over to Cassio.

"Cassio-" Vincenzo started to speak when Cha Young came in front of him and interrupted.

"Signore, you have been mistaken terribly. Vincenzo and I got married on our own will. And thankfully, not over a mere business deal. It is best for you to leave instead of insulting your own self here."

Vincenzo delicately grabbed her by arm and dragged her beside him. He looked at her and smiled as if she had done the right thing.

"Cassio, as my wife said, it is best for you to leave. Paolo is dead, and so are the deals and contracts you made with him. I am not his substitute who will be carrying on with his initiated marriage-contracts. I married out of any deal by my own will. Leave before things get worse."

"You married someone exactly like you, Vincenzo. An uncivilized pale-yellow woman." Cha Young came forward to reply back to him when Vincenzo held her by her waist. Luca came forward to retreat Cassio back when Vincenzo moved forward.

"Cassio." This time the voice was eerily calm and cold, which meant only one thing and everyone knew; the person has crossed its limits and this is the final warning.

Vincenzo came closer till he was face to face with Cassio and held his shoulder tightly and whispered in his ear.

"You are getting closer to death day-by-day, and your nasty smoking habit will show you the way to hell soon, I don't want to get my hands dirty with a huge scumbag's blood, but this my very last warning. Say anything about my wife, and the only thing you'll see before you die will be my face, what a shame it would be Cassio."

"You are declaring war, young man." Vincenzo chuckles coldly on his face.

"A war? Again, Cassio? Why not? Maybe this will be your last war. Just remember one thing. You initiated it and you will face the consequences. Now run off, and prepare." With that being said, he withdrew his hands off his shoulder with a shrug and Cassio tumbled back.

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