Long-Term Proposal

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Cha Young woke up with a sore body. She opened her eyes and saw the unfamiliar setting, it wasn't her room. Then her mind drifted to yesterday.

She was kidnapped. Cha Young smiled. This is too dreamy for her, too delusional. She tries to get up and groans. Her body is in real pain.

Once she sits down, she looks around. She's in a room which is very spacious, elegant. On her left, there's an open balcony. Her phone is on the side table. She checks the time and its 6 past something. She gets up, goes to freshen herself, and she finds her suitcase on the side of the wardrobe. She unpacks her clothing and stuff, and takes a shower and dresses up, by the time she's done doing her hair. There's a knock on the door. She walks to the door and opens it up.

"Buongiorno Signora. I am Maria. I have been sent by Signorina Antonella . She is in the main garden, if you are ready, we can go there."

Cha Young nods and walks along with Maria.

"Are we going to have breakfast in the main garden?" Cha Youngs asks while slowly walking down the stairs with Maria.

"No, Signora. Signorina usually has her tea there, the breakfast is at 7 in the dining hall." Cha Young nods understandingly.

"You don't need to call me formally, my name's Cha Young."

"It's an order from Signorina, Signora." Maria smiles warmly.

"Will you accompany at all times?"


"Wahh! My personal assistant!" Cha Young laughs.

Maria chuckles.

"Then, when we're alone, you can call me Cha Young, alright?"

"Yes, Cha Young." Maria smiles warmly.

They reach the main garden and Cha Young can see Anotella sitting on one of the garden chairs, sipping her tea.

Maria speaks first. "Signorina."

Antonella looks towards the both of them and smiles. Cha Young smiles back and says "Buongiorno Signora."

"Buongiorno, did you sleep well? Come and sit. Maria pour some tea for Cha Young."

Once they both are seated, Maria is dismissed. Antonella questions.

"Do you remember coming here when you were young? You used to play with my daughter."

Cha Young looks at her, and then tries to remember. After a moment, she laughs and says "I remember Cassandra very well!"

Antonella smiles widely "You have a better memory then Vincenzo, he doesn't remember anything from childhood. You might remember me too, then?"

And Cha Young does remember everything now, she used to come with her father here, to this place, when she was young, she now remembers Antonella too. It's like her memory is restored now.

"I do Signorina." Cha Young smiles, blurry memories play in her mind and suddenly she feels nostalgia with a sudden wave of grief. Her bubble breaks when she hears

"No need to be formal with me, youngina, you are just like my daughter to me, call me mama."

Cha Young is blinking back tears at this moment. She just feels so much warmth towards this woman. And then suddenly she remembers her own mother, it's been a decade or two, since she has ever called someone mother. She just nods slowly.

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