Now in Korea, Years Later

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Hong Cha Young never thought that this would happen, especially not now. She was too young when her mother died, now her father has gone too... It all happened when they came back to Korea for vacations. Cha Young had graduated from her university. And this was the first time, Cha Young had seen her father so happy since her mother's death. Now, she holds those memories in her hand and tears stroll down her cheeks. She's standing in front of her father's grave, Her mind numb, her heart aching, her eyes wet. "Abeoji," she ekes out a sob "How am I going to live without you, I don't even know anyone, should I come and join you and eomma there? Why did you leave me? Now, I'm all alone, I don't know what to do. You both left me, how am I going to survive?" She shudders and sobs when she remembers the moment her father was on the hospital bed, groaning due to heartache and she shakes her head and sobs louder when she remembers, the time, the doctors told her that he left her.

It's been a week, since this has happened, and Cha Young can't think of anything. She hasn't eaten anything for days. This reminds of her father who used to scold her when she used to work till late night for cases. Everything somehow reminds her of her father. He was her best companion since she was a baby, a toddler.

She's only surviving on Advil and water. Right now, she's walking on a street which she doesn't know leads to where. She's wearing a sundress and winter has started, a cold rush of wind blows by, and she shivers.

When the cold wind hits her skin, she thinks how winter has come, so soon? While she's thinking about everything and nothing, her mind starts whirling around. She stops where she is, her eyes get blurry because of tears and dizziness. She hears a man saying something, coming closer to her. She tries to mutter "I'm okay". When suddenly another wave of pain hits her, and everything blacks out.



Vincenzo was here in South Korea for an urgent business. Being a Capo in his mid-twenties is a lot to handle. After his boss more likely, a person who he thought as a father, Fabio died, his own son Paolo had to take over, but his carelessness made him dig his own grave and he died in one of his own made missions. Since then, it's Vincenzo's responsibility and he became the Capo. His consigliere, Luca and right-hand man, Alfonso, the two people who had earned his trust are in Italy taking care of family matters and business there.

Vincenzo Cassano, also known as Park Joo Hyeong was left by his own mum at a church when he was only 7 and was soon, adopted by an Italian family.

South Korea is a place with bad memories for him and he won't be ever coming here but he came due to a job for him written in his father's will.

Though, he's young, he's way different than his impractical brother Paolo and is reserved and cold. He's one of the most feared and ruthless mafia boss in Italy, regardless his age. No one till now has the guts to mess up with him and if they do, they pay severely.

He was just coming out of a coffee shop which was right by his hotel.

It was all when he saw a woman who was struggling on the street with her health. He isn't anyone to help someone and mostly minds his own business but this time, it was an exception. He went towards the woman and when he got a closer look, he got to see tears in the woman's eyes and also noticed that she was wearing a sundress in this cold winter.

He as if on default, asked her whether she's alright to which she muttered a weak, "I'm okay." As if she was hit by a wave of pain, she placed her hand on her temples and suddenly passed out in his arms.

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