Farewell, Eomma Appa

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It's Sunday, a day before Vincenzo and Cha Young depart to Italy. Cha Young has already packed her belongings and is now in a taxi to meet her mother and father. She's going to leave, and she wants to take their blessings before she leaves, who knows what's next in her life?

Now she's sitting beside her mother and father's grave, looking at it with a sad smile on her face.

"Annyeong Eomma Appa. How are you both? You must be happy to meet each other again, right?" she chuckled.

"Appa after you left, I thought my life is meaningless. After all, you were my only friend. I spent days grieving, crying, begging to God for you to somehow come back. It was one of those days when I was lost, walking down a street when I passed out then and there and then opened my eyes at the hospital. It was then this whole mystery started. It was a man who brought me there. The man wa pretty handsome. I remember once when I was in high school and I told you that Italian man isn't my type, I don't think they're handsome. I was half right and half wrong. That's because the man is a Korean-Italian. Appa! Aigoo, look at me, you might think I've changed. I haven't appa, in fact I'm more mature now. This man I met was kind. After that day, I didn't meet him until one day I read your diary..." she paused. "Appa, why didn't you tell me you are a cardiac patient? Am I not your daughter? Shouldn't you have told me? Why did you thought I'd be worried? I'm strong Appa, just like you. You should have told me. But I'm glad you could share it with someone else if not me. I guess you and Fabio were really good friends. Eomma."

She turned to her mother's grave. "Appa used to drink till late night and lied to me that he worked late hours. Aren't you going to scold him?"

She smiled widely, remembering how her mother used to scold her father in the past, when they were a complete, happy family and then spoke again.

"Appa that man I met, you know him, you even have met him! I didn't know that...."

She was about to talk about the 'thing' "Never mind appa, maybe you were extremely worried about me. When I read your diary, I was shocked to know you had ties with the mafia, it was a big shock, but I read on. What you wrote about them, feels right, I haven't saw anything, but I trust you. I'm not scared, surprisingly but that somehow scares me more. I am just not sure what this is. Fate's funny eomma appa, after reading appa's diary. I met him again. I asked some questions, and he answered me honestly. His honesty was something that makes me trust him, to the point that I'm going to travel with him to Italy tomorrow. I don't know whether this is right but now I'm all alone with no one, so maybe if I die, it won't affect anyone would it? I'll be happy to come to you guys." tears started to dwell in her eyes again but she kept speaking "There's nothing for me here except for bittersweet moments and memories. I have to move on."

" I love you, eomma."

I love you, appa."

"Stay happy I'll try to stay happy too."

Cha Young's voice started breaking.

"Please give your daughter your blessings."

Cha Young wiped the tears that started to slide down her cheeks. She placed the bouquet of flowers she bought on the grave and stood up to leave.

The sun has set and now it's moon and stars dancing in the sky. Cha Young is sitiing on chair, her head resting on the table, she's hugging a bottle of makgeolli whereas there are 5 empty bottles on the table. Her eyes are trying their best to stay open but keep failing. Suddenly her phone starts ringing.


"Miss Hong?"

"Cassano-nim! How are you?"

It's those six bottles that did the magic to make Cha Young drunk and make her cheerful.

"I'm doing well, Miss Hong." Vincenzo was a bit concerned on the sudden cheerfulness, but he let it not bother him.

"I called you to tell that I've sent the flight details to you. I'll pick you up at 6 in the morning, our flight leaves at 9."

" Don't worry Cassano-sshi, I'll be on time, I'm very punctual, you know?"

Vincenzo feels like Cha Young's drunk but still doesn't ask.

" Ahh ye, see you tomorrow, Miss Hong."

"Goodnight Cassano-nim."

And the call ended, Vincenzo on the other side knew that Cha Young was drunk. He couldn't help but be curious. He tries to shut his brain and prepares to sleep.

Meanwhile, Cha Young is struggling to clean the mess she created and get on the bed to sleep.

Tomorrow's a new day with new plans for the both of them.

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