Chapter 78: Two Days to Go

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The countdown to Olivia Hawthorne and Gabriel Salazar's wedding had reached the final stretch, and the excitement in the air was palpable. With just two days to go, their home was a flurry of activity as last-minute preparations were finalized.

Olivia woke up early, her mind buzzing with the to-do list she had mentally prepared. She gently slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Gabriel, who was still peacefully sleeping. Mia, their adopted daughter, was already up and about, eagerly anticipating the big day.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Olivia greeted Mia as she made her way to the kitchen.

"Morning, Mommy!" Mia replied with a bright smile. "Is it almost time for the wedding?"

"Yes, just two more days," Olivia said, ruffling Mia's hair. "Are you excited?"

Mia nodded enthusiastically. "I can't wait! I love my dress, and I can't wait to see you in your wedding dress."

Olivia smiled, her heart swelling with love for her daughter. "I can't wait either. It's going to be a beautiful day."

As the morning progressed, friends and family began to arrive to help with the final preparations. Sally, Olivia's transgender sister, arrived with her girlfriend, Sammy, Olivia's childhood friend. They had become an inseparable part of the family, and their support meant the world to Olivia.

"Good morning, Olivia!" Sally called out as she walked in, carrying a box of decorations. "Ready for the final push?"

"Absolutely," Olivia replied, hugging her sister. "Thanks for coming over to help."

Sammy joined them, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "We wouldn't miss it for anything. Let's get to work!"

In the meantime, Gabriel had woken up and joined his friends, Mateo Ramirez, Leo Montgomery, Sebastian Cruz, and Ethan Knight, in the living room. They were busy discussing the logistics of the wedding day, making sure everything would run smoothly.

"Just two more days, man," Mateo said, clapping Gabriel on the back. "How are you feeling?"

Gabriel grinned. "Excited, nervous, and incredibly happy. I just want everything to be perfect for Olivia."

Leo nodded. "It will be. We've got everything under control."

As the day wore on, the house filled with laughter and chatter as everyone pitched in to help. Olivia and her friends worked on assembling the final touches for the decorations, ensuring that everything matched the elegant theme they had chosen.

Sally and Sammy were in charge of the floral arrangements, which had been delivered that morning. They carefully arranged the blooms, creating stunning centerpieces that would adorn the reception tables.

"These flowers are perfect," Sammy said, stepping back to admire their handiwork. "They'll look amazing at the wedding."

Sally nodded in agreement. "Olivia and Gabriel are going to love it."

Meanwhile, Gabriel and his friends tackled some of the more physical tasks, like setting up the outdoor seating and testing the sound system for the ceremony. They worked efficiently, driven by their desire to make the day as special as possible for their friends.

As the sun began to set, Olivia and Gabriel found a quiet moment to themselves in the backyard. They sat on the porch swing, holding hands and watching the sky turn shades of pink and orange.

"Can you believe it's almost here?" Gabriel asked, looking at Olivia with a smile.

Olivia leaned her head on his shoulder. "It feels surreal. I'm so grateful for everyone's help and support. It's going to be perfect."

Gabriel kissed the top of her head. "I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle."

The next day was equally busy, but there was a sense of calm that settled over Olivia and Gabriel. They had put in the hard work, and now it was time to enjoy the fruits of their labor. The final details were falling into place, and everything was set for their dream wedding.

On the evening before the wedding, they hosted a small rehearsal dinner with their closest friends and family. It was a night filled with heartfelt toasts, delicious food, and a lot of love. As they sat at the head of the table, surrounded by the people who meant the most to them, Olivia and Gabriel couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude.

Sally raised her glass. "To Olivia and Gabriel, may your wedding day be just the beginning of a lifetime of happiness together."

Everyone echoed the toast, raising their glasses in celebration. Olivia and Gabriel shared a look, their hearts full.

"Here's to our future," Gabriel said, clinking his glass with Olivia's.

As the night drew to a close, Olivia and Gabriel took a moment to themselves, standing under the stars in their backyard. They held each other close, savoring the quiet before the storm of activity that would be their wedding day.

"Just one more day," Olivia whispered, looking up at Gabriel.

"One more day," Gabriel echoed, leaning down to kiss her. "And then we start our forever."

With that, they headed inside, ready to face their wedding day with joy, love, and the unwavering support of their family and friends.

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