Chapter 28 Unexpected Encounter

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Olivia Hawthorne wandered through the bustling mall, her mind lost in thought. She had decided to take a break from her studies and enjoy a day out, hoping to clear her mind. As she passed by the central courtyard, something caught her eye-a large, intricate art piece in progress.

Curiosity piqued, Olivia approached the art installation. She saw a young man, focused and intent on his work, meticulously adding details to the piece. It was Sebastian Cruz, one of her boyfriends, whom she hadn't seen in a while due to their busy schedules.

"Sebastian?" Olivia called out, drawing his attention. He looked up, and a bright smile spread across his face.

"Olivia, hey!" Sebastian exclaimed, setting down his tools and walking over to her. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"I didn't expect to see you either," Olivia replied, looking at the art piece with admiration. "This is amazing. What are you working on?"

Sebastian gestured to the piece-a stunning mosaic depicting scenes from the city's history. "I'm creating this for the mall. They wanted something that reflects the city's culture and heritage."

"It's beautiful," Olivia said, genuinely impressed. "You're so talented."

Sebastian grinned, a hint of pride in his eyes. "Thank you. It's been a labor of love. I've been working on it for weeks."

As they chatted, Olivia felt a familiar warmth in her heart. Despite their hectic lives, moments like these reminded her of the bond she shared with Sebastian. She realized how much she had missed him and vowed to make more time for their relationship.

After spending some time catching up, Olivia bid Sebastian farewell, promising to come back and see the finished art piece. As she walked away, she felt grateful for the unexpected encounter and excited for what the future held for her and Sebastian.

Olivia Hawthorne decided to take a stroll through the park after her encounter with Sebastian Cruz. As she walked along the winding paths, she spotted two familiar figures sitting on a bench under a shady tree. It was Ethan Knight and Mateo Ramirez, her other two boyfriends, whom she also hadn't seen in a while.

Surprised but pleased to see them, Olivia approached with a smile. Ethan and Mateo looked up, and their faces lit up with joy at the sight of her.

"Olivia!" Ethan exclaimed, standing up to greet her. "It's been too long."

Mateo nodded in agreement, his eyes warm. "We've missed you, querida."

"I've missed you both too," Olivia said, feeling a rush of affection for the two men she cared about deeply. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We were just catching up," Ethan replied, gesturing to the picnic basket beside him. "We thought we'd enjoy a nice day in the park."

Olivia smiled, feeling grateful for the serendipitous reunion. They spent the afternoon together, laughing and reminiscing about old times. Olivia felt a sense of completeness being with Ethan and Mateo, and she vowed to make more time for them in her life.

As the sun began to set, they walked together out of the park, their bond stronger than ever. Olivia knew that no matter where life took her, Ethan, Mateo, and Sebastian would always hold a special place in her heart.

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