Chapter 75: Meeting the Teachers

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Olivia Hawthorne and Gabriel Salazar walked into the private school with their daughter Mia, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. They had recently decided to enroll Mia in a prestigious school known for its excellent education and supportive community. Today, they were scheduled to meet Mia’s potential teachers, Anahi Diaz and her husband, Beom Seok.

As they entered the school’s bright, welcoming lobby, they were greeted by the principal, Mrs. Lawson. “Welcome, Ms. Hawthorne, Mr. Salazar, and Mia. We’re delighted to have you here. Ms. Diaz and Mr. Seok are waiting for you in the library.”

Mia clung to Olivia’s hand, looking around with wide eyes. “Is this where I’m going to learn, Mommy?”

“Yes, sweetheart,” Olivia replied with a reassuring smile. “And I think you’re going to love it here.”

They followed Mrs. Lawson down a hallway lined with colorful student artwork until they reached the library. The room was filled with books, cozy reading nooks, and sunlight streaming through large windows. At a table in the center sat a warm-looking woman with curly hair and a kind smile, and a tall, bespectacled man with an air of quiet confidence.

“Ms. Hawthorne, Mr. Salazar, Mia, this is Anahi Diaz and Beom Seok,” Mrs. Lawson introduced them. “They’ll be Mia’s teachers if you decide to join us.”

Anahi stood and extended her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard wonderful things about Mia.”

Beom Seok followed suit, bowing slightly before shaking hands. “Welcome. We’re excited about the possibility of having Mia in our class.”

Olivia and Gabriel shook hands with the teachers, feeling an immediate sense of ease. Anahi and Beom Seok had a calming presence that put both parents and Mia at ease.

“Please, sit down,” Anahi said, gesturing to the chairs around the table. “We’d love to get to know you all better and answer any questions you might have.”

As they sat, Gabriel spoke first. “We’re really impressed with the school’s reputation and the care it seems to put into each student. We want to make sure Mia is in a place where she can thrive.”

Beom Seok nodded. “We focus on creating a nurturing environment that encourages curiosity and a love of learning. Mia’s happiness and development are our top priorities.”

Mia, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up. “Do you have art classes here?”

Anahi’s eyes lit up. “We do! In fact, I also teach art. We encourage creativity in all forms, and I think you’ll find our art room very exciting.”

Gabriel smiled, feeling reassured. “That’s wonderful. Mia loves to draw and paint, just like her dad.”

Beom Seok leaned forward, his tone gentle. “We believe in a balanced education, integrating both academics and the arts. Our goal is to help each child discover their strengths and passions.”

Olivia was impressed by their approach. “It sounds like Mia will have a lot of opportunities to explore and grow here.”

Anahi nodded enthusiastically. “Absolutely. And we’re always here to support her, and you, every step of the way.”

They spent the next half hour discussing the school’s curriculum, extracurricular activities, and the support systems in place for students. Olivia and Gabriel asked about everything from the daily schedule to how the school handled emotional and social development.

Mia, meanwhile, seemed to grow more comfortable with each passing minute. By the end of the meeting, she was chatting animatedly with Anahi about her favorite books and with Beom Seok about her love for music.

As they prepared to leave, Anahi handed Mia a small book. “Here’s a little welcome gift. It’s one of my favorite stories, and I think you’ll enjoy it too.”

Mia’s face lit up as she took the book. “Thank you!”

Beom Seok smiled. “We look forward to seeing you again soon, Mia.”

On the drive home, Olivia and Gabriel discussed the meeting.

“They seem perfect for Mia,” Olivia said, glancing at Gabriel. “Kind, attentive, and genuinely passionate about teaching.”

Gabriel nodded. “I agree. I think Mia will be very happy there.”

In the backseat, Mia was already engrossed in her new book, her earlier nervousness forgotten. “Mommy, Daddy, I think I’m going to like my new school.”

Olivia reached back to squeeze her daughter’s hand. “I think so too, sweetheart.”

As they pulled into their driveway, Olivia felt a sense of relief and optimism. Finding the right school for Mia had been a priority, and today’s meeting confirmed they were making the right choice. With supportive teachers like Anahi and Beom Seok, Mia’s future looked brighter than ever.

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