Ch36 - Chaos

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Ashe's POV

"Its the Star Shits!" Killer grinned as he summoned several red glowing knives. With how loudly he had exclaimed it, you were pretty sure it was done in part to get the others' attention - it seemed the Stars had teleported right to you and Kills/

"THAT'S RUDE," Blue grumbled as he readied what looked to be a giant warhammer. Could your magic make constructs like that? Maybe you would experiment a little bit later on.

Nightmare emerged from the shadows in an instant, pointed tendrils lashing out at the trio. It seemed he was mainly targeting Ink, this time - did that mean Ink was the strongest of the opposing team? You would have to keep that in mind, you weren't at Nightmare's level of skill, so if he was actively forcing the painter to fight him, then it was probably best you stay away from Ink and focus on the others.

"Stop with this senseless violence!" Ink demanded, not that anybody was going to listen. He was thrown into a tree by a tendril, but quickly recovered, slashing Nightmare with his paint.

"Oh, poor, fool, you're clearly outnumbered. Why don't you run along, little creator~ We both know you're too pathetic to stop this au from falling," Nightmare moicked.

"Brother! I know you're still in there! Just let me help you!"

"Wow, you really are an idiot," Killer snorted, almost managing to strike Dream with a particularly sharp attack. It looked like Nightmare and Dust were focusing on Ink, whilst Horror and Cross were focused on Blue, which left Dream to you and Killer - though you had a feeling it might be a little difficult keeping his attention, considering he seemed keen to fight his sibling. "Are ya really that useless?"

"Killer! Cut it out!" the guardian growled angrily. It seemed Kills' taunts were working. The two of you attacking him was also forcing him to abandon his desire to fight Nightmare, to face both of you instead.

"Awh, is wittle dweamy weamy gonna cwy?"Kills continued to mock.

You summoned your own bone attacks, now having a plentiful pool of mana to draw from. Kller seemed to pull back a little as you did so, giving you the chance to take over and fight the other without too much interference. It seemed like he was interested in seeing how you'd go - after all, if he got too involved, you would both probably overpower Dream far too quickly.

As it turned out, fighting like this was exhilarating. You were filled with adrenaline, magic pulsing through your body as you formed each attack. This wasn't something you had expected to be so thrilling, yet it was, and you were certainly enjoying your little battle against an enemy who was capable of defending themself.

This was a distraction mission, you reminded yourself. You couldn't wear him - or yourself- out too quickly if you wanted to keep things going. Stars, he was strong, though. How the hell were you keeping up with him? It was difficult as hell, but far less impossible than you thought. He was a guardian, yet you seemed to be on a similar skill level! Everything just seemed to be instinct for you!

By this point, the stars had pretty much been separated from one another, so you didn't have to worry about them teaming up on eachother. They probably weren't used to having to fight so many enemies at once, not that you were going to help them with that.

Dream was definitely a skilled fighter. They dodged your attacks with ease, but you got closer to him and he was forced to switch from his bow to a glowing yellow staff to defend himself. He was just as good at close combat as he was from a distance, but so were you, and with Killer's contributions, you were doing very well.

At some point, you cast a glance to Killer (who was giving you a thumbs up whilst dodging various attacks). His expression seemed to be conveying a simple message, one of which you immediately understood by his mischievous grin.

Without a moment of hesitation, you pulled a glitter bomb out from your inventory and threw it right at Dream. His eyes widened in horror, only to become suddenly filled with confusion when it exploded into colour. He must have thought it was a real bomb, making his startled expression so much more hilarious to you.

"Snrrk, that was some good fuckin aim!" Killer let out as he doubled over in laughter.

"Was that... was that a glitter bomb!?" he exclaimed, eyelights wide as his body sparkled bright pink.

'GET GLITTERED!' you signed enthusiastically in response, not letting your guard down and sending through more attacks. It seemed like your magic mixed with slime of the glitter in the air, making your bone constructs looking far more shimmery than they typically were.

You continued to fight, but couldn't help the snickers that kept escaping you. Your opponent was just so glittery! He looked ridiculous!

Dream was getting tired, clearly, to the point Killer was barely contributing. You cast him a glance, barely managing to sign 'Glitter' and 'Nightmare' between attacks. In the distance, Nightmare was distracted fighting Ink, and the two were so preoccupied with their battle you knew that this would be a perfect chance for Killer to glitter bomb them both. With that, the mischievous skeleton saluted you, disappearing into the trees.

You heard Nightmare roar out Killer's name minutes later, and when you turned, four skeletons were glittering pink and purple. Ink, Nightmare, Killer, and Dust. All of them looked furious with Killer, and Killer didn't look even the slightest bit sorry.

Giggling, you lifted another glitter bomb into your hand and prepared to throw it, but before you could even pull your arm back, there was a loud POFF. The little ball instantly exploded into bright magenta glitter, filling your sockets with shimmering colour. Your vision was swimming in pink.

Immediately staggering back, you clawed at your sockets, trying desperately to remove the sticky glitter, no longer focused on the fight in any capacity. The glitter bomb wasn't meant to blow up in your face! It was just meant to make the other team annoyingly sparkly!

You were pretty much helpless. Your sockets were so filled with glitter that you couldn't see enough to avoid any potential attacks, and you certainly couldn't sign to your teammates if you were busy trying to claw it off your face. You had even breathed some of it in, making you choke and splutter.

A set of hands firmly grasped your shoulders, and you went to shove them away, but you faltered at the buzzing warmth of their aura. It was so gentle and comforting that you were left both startled and uncertain. You let out a slight noise of confusion. That was Dream's voice, wasn't it? Why was he trying to calm you? Why was he promising to help? Why... did you want to believe him?

Before you could register that another voice had joined in, you were pulled through what felt like a portal. It was cold and wet, like paint, nothing like Nightmare's magic. Your panic rose, but a gentle voice cut through your distress with such warmth you were forced to listen. "Sleep," was all they said.

Your body obeyed instantly.

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