Ch28 - Chilling

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Ashe's POV

The conversation with Nightmare went on for a while longer. He mostly explained his role in the balance so there was no chance for you to misunderstand. He also told you a lot of rules associated with living at the manor, and rules to follow when out and about. Most of it was obvious stuff like not sharing the base location with anybody, or to be careful of who you trust.

After that, he led you to the living room and left to do his own thing. You overheard him mutter something about reading, so you guessed he was off to find a book to sit down with.

Pretty much immediately upon seeing you, Horror eagerly shoved a dish into your hands. It was dino nuggets! Probably too many to eat on your own, but they were DINO shaped, so you were definitely going to give it a try. You giggled when you noticed that Horror had even drawn a little smiley face with the sauce.

"How are... you doing... lil lambchop?" he said softly, watching you intensely as you began to eat.

You grinned at him, deciding to sign in between bites. 'I'm doing okay. Nightmare made me take these really gross tablets though when I licked his corruption.'

To that, his red orb narrowed. "Did Dust... end up feeding... you when I was... gone for the... mission?" He seemed worried. Had he thought you tried licking Nightmare because you were hungry? You didn't mean to worry the gentle giant.

'Yeah, Dusty and I watched movies for a while and we both had some snacks,' you confirmed.

He seemed satisfied with your answer and plonked down on the left side of the sofa, his larger stature causing the couch to dip. Wait, when did he have the time to grab his own plate of food?

'Speaking of, where is everyone? I thought they would be out here too. Is it just us?'

"Killer is–"

Almost as if on cue, Killer threw himself onto the spare side of the sofa, smiling up at you with empty sockets. The couch was large enough to fit a lot of people, though Killer seemed to be hogging all of the remaining space, laying in a position that left you giggling.

Horror rolled his eyes at the antics, clearly quite used to them. "Well Killere.. Is here now... But I think... Cross is taking... a shower... and Dust is... uh..."

"Dust is being all edgy and dramatic by hiding in the other room," he practically shouted, making it clear he wanted Dust to hear his comment about him.

Said skeleton swore loudly, shouting just as loudly from the other room. "Go fuck yerself Kills, I wasn' bein' edgy, I was tryin' ta find where ya hid th' damned remote!" he called back.

Killer snickered and leant in to you. "Look at the roof," he said simply.

You looked directly up to the ceiling. There, held in place with several layers of duct tape, was the tv remote, a spare tv remote, and somebody's wallet. When you turned back to Killer, he made a motion to stay quiet, so you smiled and nodded, silently agreeing not to spoil the prank.

"Aaaanyway, how did the conversation with the big boss go?"

Horror quite literally growled when Killer stole a nugget from your plate, but when you giggled, he huffed instead. "Killer, you literally... just ate... a few minutes ago," he scolded

'It's fine, Horror. There's kind of too many here for me anyway. Is it okay if I share with him? I don't want to waste any...'

He eyed the plate, then turned his gaze to you, and then the plate again. Slowly, gave a hesitant nod. "You don't have to... eat everything that... you're given. You're still... pretty small though... so make sure to eat... whenever you are hungry... and don't miss meals. I will... hunt you down... if you miss dinner... or post-mission snacks."

'I'll try not to miss them, then!' you reassured with an enthusiastic grin. Apparently that was not the right thing to say, though.

He frowned. "You won't... miss them," he corrected firmly.

Killer snorted. "Yeah, he'll literally drag you to the dinner table if ya miss it," the tar-faced skeleton agreed, taking another nugget from your plate. "Most of us ate while you were chatting with Nootynoot since that was technically a mission. I'm betting Rory here is gonna go hunt him down once you're done eating," he chuckled.

You turned to look at Horror, hoping for confirmation. His slightly awkward grin made it clear that Killer wasn't exaggerating. Maybe you would eat just a tiny bit slower, then, so he'd stay a little longer. You wanted to hang out more.

"So! Ya didn't tell us how it went with Goopsalot!" He grinned. You were starting to wonder just how many nicknames he had for the guardian at this point.

'I think it went okay. He told me a whole lot of rules about the manor and whatnot. Some of them were a bit weird though,' you admitted.

"Weird?" Horror echoed, tilting his head at you.

'Nightmare said that Cows are forbidden from this AU? And then went about, like, twenty different ways of wording it?'

"Snrrk, that's cuz Cross is terrified of them," Killer let out.

"Killer keeps... stealing the cows from.. Farm to... prank Cross. If you see... a cow in the... hallways then... it's probably one of his," Horror elaborated. "And the different... wording is because... Killer keeps finding... loopholes. The rule about... no loopholes... didn't end up... working."

"Damn right!" he cheered, clearly proud of himself. "Were there any other weird rules though? I'm kinda curious, its been aaaages since we had somebody new join the crew – oh, hey, that rhymed!"

Horror snorted at that.

'I was also wondering what Knife Monopoly is,' you let out with a slight mischievous grin. 'Nightmare wouldn't tell me, but I maaaay have found a loophole so we can play it...'

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