Ch23 - Call

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Killer's POV

The mischievous skeleton had certainly not been expecting to meet the smaller version of Dust, let alone become so quickly attached to them. They just had such a cheerful and endearing personality, showing no sign of fear or distrust towards the murderous skeletons of the manor. Did they not know their reputation, or did Ashe simply not care?

Of course, being a dust variant, and one with features that vaguely resembled a horror - or maybe even a fell - it wasn't a total surprise they would get along with darker sanses... but their personality was just so sweet and innocent.

"Ya know, squirt, I definitely didn't expect to like you so much," he let out with a playful grin.

'You're pretty fun too, aunty Kills,' Ashe giggled cheerfully.

Killer definitely identified as male, but he couldn't help but beam with pride at the nickname. Besides, he was keen to see how the Star Sanes would react - it was sure to cause a lot of confusion, and Killer had no intention of ever clearing it up. He could already imagine the goody-two-shoes Dream panicking trying to figure out why he was being called aunty!

A buzz from his mobile alerted him of an incoming call, and he pulled the device from his pocket with a grin. An unknown number. "Sorry, Ashe, gotta take this. It might be NootyNoot," he apologised.

Ashe just nodded, not at all bothered by the interruption.

"Welcome to Sansy-Sues Roadkill Cafe, straight from your tender, juicy and tender," Killer let out with a snort of laughter when he picked up the call. He was always a menace when called, but it helped filter out the occasional calls he got from Sanses with the wrong number.

He watched as Ashe's expression perked with intrigue and confusion from across the room, merely giving a thumbs up to the small skele to indicate this was totally a normal way to answer the phone.

Killer audibly heard the person at the other end of the line grunt, though, much less impressed with his antics than Ashe was. "Killer, now is not the time," the familiar voice of Cross let out.

"So you're calling for an order to go, then?" Killer pressed, clearly not at all taking the phone call seriously. He tossed his blade in the air, catching it with ease, barely paying attention to Cross as he did so.

"Look, we - shit, one sec-" the phone went silent for a moment. There was the sound of something striking a tree before Cross spoke again. "Look, we need backup, can you and Dust get here?"

"Shit, is it bad?" Killer responded, his full attention now on the phone. His posture became visibly panicked. "Can you or Nighty open a portal for us?"

Another thunk, something cracking, and the line was silent.

"Cross? Cross, what the fuck is happening over there!? Cross!"

He heard muffled voices, then yelling, and then somebody spoke. "Killer. I am unable to portal. Cross is unconscious. Can you get here?"

"S-Shit! I could - I could call Error to get us there? But he doesn't–"

"Do it. Call in a favour if you must."

The skeleton paled as the phone went dead. "Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" If Nightmare was suggesting calling in a favour, then the situation must have been very serious. 

"The fuck yer swearin fer?" Dust demanded, expression mildly annoyed, clearly not having heard the conversation that had taken place.

"Boss needs backup but can't get us there!"

"Shit, can ya call Error?"

"We both know that he never picks up!" Killer retorted, sounding even more panicked.

"BOTH OF YOU STOP TALKING AND LISTEN TO ASHE!" A loud voice interrupted the silence, demanding both of their attention.

Dust looked unbothered, but Killer, on the other hand, was a mixture of shock and slight horror. "Who the fuck...?" he begun, eyelights condensed to mere pinpricks at the sight of the floating Papyrus head with terribly sharp teeth and terrifying leaking eyes.

Ashe shook his head. 'We can talk about Papy later-' the small skeleton interjected, but was interrupted before they could get to what they wanted to say

"THAT is your Papyrus!? Wait, how can I even see him!?"

"SHUSH!" Ghost Papy interjected, and Killer did just that, finally giving Ashe a chance to talk.

'Papy and I are pretty sure we can teleport us there, we just have to know where to go,' the small skeleton explained quickly.

Dust clearly wanted to question how that was possible, but Killer quickly nodded, knowing that now was not the time to question things. Their team mates, their family, needed help. "Do it," he confirmed simply. "UnderFell#997."

'Is the underground okay? Or do you need the surface?'

"Snowdin if possible," Killer quickly let out. Ihe wasn't sure exactly where Nightmare, Cross and Horror were, but he figured it would be easy enough to find out from Snowdin. After all, that always seemed to be where the fights ended up happening.

Ashe reached out his hands to both Dust and Killer. The two understood the silent action fairly easily, grasping the little skele's hands in their own, their grip tight as they waited for something - anything - to happen.

Ashe turned to Papy, and Papy floated close by, hand on the shorter's shoulder. "OFF WE GO! NYEH HEH HEH!"

There was a static noise, the pop and crackle of magic. It sounded distorted, like two power sources trying to snuff eachother out, but before anyone could ask if it was normal, everything was engulfed in momentary white. 

When it subsided, they were standing in the middle of a battlefield. Positive arrows and ink was strewn against the trees, the ground, the snow, but so were familiar attacks in red - the Sans and Papyrus of this world were obviously involved in the battle.

Ashe looked a little unsettled by the scene. Probably not used to fighting like this, Killer noted - he would be sure to cover for Ashe as much as possible, since he didn't know how well they could fight.

"Dammit! The rest of them are here too!" Ink shouted, only to become confused when his eyelights moved from Dust to Ashe. "Wait, why are there two Dusts!?"

The spirit of Ghost Papyrus was floating by Ashe's side, hollow eyes peering icily at the star sanses. If the momentarily horrified expression of Ink was anything to go by, he could see Papy too. "NYEH! ITS THE RUDE PAINTY ONE AGAIN! ASHE, STAB HIM FIRST! STAB, STAB, STABBITY, STAB!!"  

Ashe let out a slight nod then turned to the tar faced skeleton with an awfully innocent expression. Killer couldn't help but be proud of how decieving it was. 'Aunty Killer, do you have a spare knife?'

"Sure do, squirt," Killer responded with a sinister grin, tossing a glowing red one to his companion.

"Aunty Killer!?!?" Both Ink and Dream yelled out in surprise.

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