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The plan might have been her mother’s, but learning that her aunt isn’t the only one that would be joining the team with the mission of taking down the Clairvoyant, she isn’t going against it.  She has heard enough stories about John Garret to know she won’t like him. She made sure to gather all the information Coulson wanted, well, needed for the mission to go down as smoothly as possible. Once everything had been split up in multiple files, herself along side Jemma and Leo, were out of the BUS.

Melinda had made sure to drop them of in a location where there is a place they can stay for the time, and where there is back up if they were to need it. And very deep down, Skye wish they won’t, but considering her life and how things have gone the last few times, something will go down.

“This is the place?”

Jemma asks as Skye steps up to the front door of the apartment building. Looking up, she nods her head.

“Yeah, now come on. The quicker we can get inside, the quicker we can just drop of the bags.”

She informs her friend, glancing over her shoulder as she pulls the door open. Entering, Skye quickly looks up the stairs, hearing that someone is moving about on a higher floor. She quickly steps up to the elevator door and calls for it, happy to see the doors opening in front of her. With a nod of her head, she signals to Jemma and Leo that they should enter.

Tapping her foot throughout the ride, Skye can feel how the science nerds looks at her. With a deep breath, she tries to calm down. When the ride finally comes to a stop and the doors are open, Skye takes the few quick steps towards the closest door in the hall. Activating the scanner, she places her hand on it before being granted the ability to enter her personal code.

Once all of the security measures are done with, she hears how the door unlocks and she pushes it open. The moment she steps into the apartment where she spent the largest part of her childhood, a calmness takes over her.

“What is this place?”

Leo asks behind her, forcing her to take a few more steps into the hallway so he and Jemma can enter properly.

“It’s a safe house not known to S.H.I.E.L.D. I thought this would be the safest place for us to stay during all of this.”

Skye explains, acting as if this isn’t a bigger deal. The fact that she has taken the two of them here is a big deal. Sure, her siblings won’t have a problem with Jemma, they have meet her already. Leo is the new addition and since they have yet meet him properly, at least Natasha and Clint. All she can hope for is that neither of them shows up.

“We can drop the bags in the living room for now.”

She informs them, leading them into the said room and dropping  her own bag on the couch.

“How did you come over a safe house that isn’t known to S.H.I.E.L.D?”

Leo asks and Skye looks around herself, smiling sadly.

“I used to live here back in my youth.”

She explains with a small shrug of her shoulders, moving for the kitchen before Leo or Jemma has a chance to fully react to what she just informed them. She can however hear how they are freaking out.

Opening the pantry, she lets out a deep sigh when she sees it empty. She guess she should have known there wouldn’t be anything, neither of her siblings have been using this place since she moved out to live with Gwen.

“We need to do some shopping, there is no food... are you two alright?”

Skye asks as she moves back into the living room, only to see the confusion that is Leo and Jemma.

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