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Her whole body is shaking and she's trying extremely hard not to make any sounds, which is hard when the pain is growing stronger. The warmth of her blood sipping down her back makes the young girl realise just how lucky she is to be alive.

Hearing the heavy footsteps moving towards her hiding spot, she's not all to sure for how long she will be. With a deep breath, she covers her mouth, closing her eyes and prays to what ever divine God or goddess that can hear her, that the monster won’t find her.

Her luck had run out, and the doors to the wardrobe is being pulled open. “There you are, I almost thought I had lost you again.”

With a scream, Skye sits to an attention in the bed, only to scream for a second time due to the pain now shooting through her body. The wounds on her stomach have been healing good, it doesn’t mean she wasn’t fully in the clear.

Forcing herself to keep her eyes open, she slowly lowers herself back, her right arm being placed on her forehead and her left hand placed over her new scars. A few seconds later, the door to her room is being slammed open, making Skye freeze in her bed.

“Skye! Are you alright?”

Hearing the worried voice of Willie, Skye takes a few calming deep breaths, forcing down the fear that had resurfaced.

“Yes, I’m alright Willie.”

“Yeah, that scream wasn’t from someone that is alright.”

It was clear that the good doctor wasn’t going to give up on this and Skye moves her right arm so she can watch the older woman.

“Well, screaming is common when one has a nightmare and then sits up to quickly with bullet wounds to her stomach.”

Skye tries to brush it all of as if this was something very normal and that it happens everyday. But the look in Willie's eyes, Skye can see that she isn’t buying it. With slow and carefully placed steps, Willie approaches her bed and sits down.

“I presume nightmares about what happened?”

The older woman asks and Skye shakes her head, only to nod a second later.

“Well, both really. It’s not nightmares about this current event. I don’t think my mind has fully registered what has happened yet. No, the nightmares are from that time.”

Hearing how weak her voice is, Skye is surprised that Willie had managed to hear her, butting a hand over her left, she looks up slightly.

“Should I call her?”

The question is so simple, a question that was so obvious to happen and yet it surprises Skye that it have even been asked.

“No, to neither of them. Sure, mom knows what happened when I was left with a foster family before Natasha picked me up. But that’s it, I have never spoken to any of them what happened that day. I mean, only mom, my siblings, aunt Victoria, Gwen and you knows about these scars on my body. And well, Coulson to but you already know where that stands. And then there is the fact that all of this is so fresh to my mind, being stuck in a hospital, not being able to move about as I like.”

She knows she’s rambling, she can’t stop it. Willie had managed to open a gate Skye didn’t know she had made sure to keep closed for so long. And now she has a strong urge to pace around in the room.

“I wasn’t speaking about your mother, Skye.”

Feeling how Willie squeezes her hand to stop her rambling, Skye realises how she was speaking about and lowers her head.

“When was the last time you spoke to her?”

“She called, about a month ago, I didn’t have time to speak for to long.”

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