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She was in a complete lost of words. Looking at the small girl that had been placed beside her desk, Maria quickly spins around in her chair to see her former SO walk away from her.

"Wait! What am I supposed to do with a..."

She starts to call after Melinda, but she soon realises it's no use. The older agent had stopped listening and it was clear that she only had one thing on her mind in that moment, haunting down Fury for what ever reason he had this time. Looking back towards the girl, Maria could take a wild guess that it had something to do with this one.

With a heavy sigh, Maria accepted her fait for now, hopping she might be able to drop of the girl on the meeting Fury wanted to have with her so she herself could be doing something more exiting then watching a small kid. If she wanted to be a babysitter, she could just call her family for that.

Taking a closer look at the girl, Maria could tell she didn't want to be there, her eyes were locked on the hallway Melinda had walked down. Worry and fear was shining strong in her eyes and Maria started to wounder why on earth someone that small would have such strong emotions in her already. With a deep breath, she turns her chair so she can talk to the young girl, Mary she thinks Melinda had called her properly.


Hearing her name, the young girl jumps in the chair, large eyes turning towards Maria. Seeing how the girl moves further away from her, Maria could see the moment she's about to fall of her chair and she quickly grabs hold of her. The moment Maria holds the young girl, she could feel how stiff she grows, the fear growing even stronger and she could see the young girl is about to start crying, that or screaming, in this moment Maria wasn't sure how she would react. Quickly putting her back on the chair, she let's go and shows her hand.

"It's alright, just making sure you wouldn't fall over and hurt yourself. Melinda would kill me if you got hurt on my watch."

Maria explains, hopping that if she mentions Melinda, the girl will calm down enough not to start to scream or cry. And Maria had been right, hearing the name of the woman she had come with, Mary calms down slightly. She was still worried, and she made sure to keep a close eye on Maria and she got a feeling once more that something was very wrong, there was to much darkness already in such a young girl.

Looking around herself, she had to try and find something for the girl to do, or at least something to get her mind of what had just happened. Realising that there is only one place in the whole building that would be considered fun for a young girl would be the cafeteria. Looking towards the clock on her computer screen, Maria decides that taking Mary down there now would be a good time, not too many agents would be around, and she knew exactly where some of the best food where being hidden away.

"Mary, how about we go down to the cafeteria? I know there is some cookies and ice cream being hidden away that we can eat."

Maria asks, at the mention of cookies and ice cream, Maria could finally see the spark a girl her age should have in her eyes. And knowing Melinda, Maria is quite sure that cookies and ice cream isn't something that is being eaten a lot within the four walls. Smiling, Maria stands up, thinking for a few seconds, she holds her hand to let Mary decide if she should take it or not.

"It's up to you, but it will be easier to keep track on me as we are walking down the corridor."

Maria tells her and she can see how Mary is trying to figure out what she wants to do, if she trusts the woman in front of her or not. For a few seconds Maria is sure she wouldn't take her hand, but feeling the small hand in hers, she gives the girl a smile and helps her down from the chair. Leading the girl down one of the many corridors, she can see how the girl keeps looking at every person that they pass, when more and more agents start to show up, Mary steps closer to Maria.

Their little starOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora