30.Panic attack

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I felt the warmth and my senses hit the same cologne that is cedarwood

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I felt the warmth and my senses hit the same cologne that is cedarwood. I slowly opened my eyes to see the morning light but when I opened my eyes it was dark.

It is hard to. When the wall moved beside our bed or the bed moved to the wall? I was confused. When I opened my eyes completely and lifted my face from the duvet he was cuddling me.

My face was snuggled in his chest and my hand circled on his waist. His hand was on my back. Like our bodies were intertwined with each other.

After struggling a lot I came out of his hold. He is more heavy while sleeping. With my movements he stirred in his sleep. I straightened on the bed and my sight fell on his chest.

Oh my god is he sleeping naked? He was not wearing any shirt. My heartbeats fastened looking at his bare chest. Did we do it? If not then why was he sleeping with nothing on? Suddenly I looked at my body in the duvet and felt relieved that my clothes were on.

“ don't worry baby without your consent nothing gonna happen.” he looked at me lazily. His morning voice sent shivers down my spine. I felt a slight wet down there. His voice is my turn on.

“Then why are you sleeping without a shirt?” I tried to enquire with timidness. I didn't dare to look at him.

“This is how I sleep. But after marriage I thought you may feel uncomfortable so I was not sleeping without a shirt.” He tried to explain by keeping his hands under his head and stretching his neck.

His neck bone movement was extremely attractive to me, I gulped looking at him as my throat went dry. Manvika you should be asking the reason not drooling over him. My mind remained with me.

“Then what changed now. Until last night you slept with a shirt on.” I don't know why I am questioning him when I am complacent with him.

“I don't think after our kiss you will be sensing any discomfort.” he said while raising his eyebrow.

“ I me…I mean it…it's not like I am feeling discomfort.” Ugh why am I stumbling with my words. This man is a hard nut.

Suddenly I realized I am feeling loose on my chest. And now I remembered I am not wearing a Brasserie. With that I clutched the duvet tightly against my chest.

That means we both have been cuddling all night and he might have felt boobs. Sh*t what's wrong with me. I cursed myself in my mind.

“Baby I felt them all night so don't worry. By the way, they are extremely soft.” He teased me. Maybe he sensed my realization.

Heat rose from my neck to face. This is embarrassing. I flipped my hair on either side of my chest to cover and ran to wash without even glancing at his face.

I shut the door and leaned against the door frame. My heart beats were at a rocket speed. I calmed myself and did my morning routine.

Peaking out of the room he was not there. Feeling relieved I went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare some coffee. After a while he descended the stairs and sat on the couch.

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