Part 102 Mom, I'm not a bad boy

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"You, woman, are you shameless? Kids fighting is normal. It happens all the time in the village. It's not a big deal. I've let it go, what more do you want?" Grandma Zhu retorted, her face darkening with frustration. This woman was really audacious. She earned a little money and now she acted like she owned the place?

Grandma Zhu felt extremely annoyed and said with a stern face, "What do kids know? If kids don't understand, shouldn't you, as an adult, understand? Arguing with a child like this, isn't it shameful?"

Si Nian sneered mockingly, "Yeah, he's already so bad at such a young age. We absolutely can't let him get away with it, or what will happen when he grows up?"

Grandma Zhu glared as if she wanted to devour her.

Wang Jianguo, seeing both sides unwilling to back down, intervened, "Comrade Zhu, this issue arose because of your grandson's actions. He did go too far. At the very least, he needs to apologize to Xiaohan."

For a child, the memory of being poisoned by a stepmother was terrifying. Yet Zhu Youcai continuously used this to provoke him. Wang Jianguo felt he deserved to be hit.

Violence wouldn't solve the problem. If things continued like this, it might escalate into another quarrel. Initially worried that Si Nian might not agree, Grandma Zhu was surprised when Si Nian nodded in approval, saying, "Mr. Wang is right. Violence indeed doesn't solve anything."

She found it strange but didn't dwell on it, turning her gaze to Grandma Zhu and Zhu Youcai.

Zhu Youcai's face flushed red with anger. "I'm not wrong, I won't apologize! I won't!"

Though Grandma Zhu felt reluctant, she wasn't foolish. She thought she'd wait until Zhou Yue was willing to expand the farm and lead their village's economic development before seeking revenge for her grandson.

Grabbing her grandson's ear, she scolded angrily, "Enough! Apologize to your little brother! You can't bully your brother, you know? Our village and Xingfu Village are like siblings. Zhou Yuehan is your brother, you can't hit him!"

Zhu Youcai, shocked that his grandmother wasn't siding with him and was even hitting him, burst into tears, reluctantly calling out amidst sobs, "Grandma, I'm not wrong. Why should I apologize? I know I was wrong."

Seeing Si Nian staying silent, Grandma Zhu made a decision. She slapped her grandson's buttocks and said, "Talking to me is pointless. Talk to your little brother."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please stop hitting me, it hurts so much, wuwuwu~"

Zhou Yuehan sneered, "Hmph, I'm not his brother."

Grandma Zhu's heart ached as she struck her grandson. Zhu Youcai, spoiled and pampered, glared at her fiercely after being dragged away. "You hit me and force me to apologize to that brat, humiliating me! When I get back, I'll tell Grandpa! I'll make him divorce you!"

Although Grandma Zhu was deeply pained by her grandson's words, she knew he must be feeling aggrieved. From childhood, the Zhu family had treated him like a precious gem, showering him with love and never daring to even scold him, let alone hit him. Could she not feel sorry for him?

She quickly tried to placate him, saying, "Youcai, Grandma was just pretending to deceive them earlier. Look, that woman is still here, and Mr. Wang saw everything. If Grandma doesn't do something, they might complain later."

"We'll endure this for now. Next time, you find a chance to teach that little orphan a lesson. Make him dare not touch my good grandson again. But you can't be so foolish as to hit him in front of so many people. Let's be smart about it, quietly, where no one can see. Let's see how he dares to complain then!" Grandma Zhu's tone was venomous.

Hearing this, Zhu Youcai's eyes lit up. He had already developed a grudge against Zhou Yuehan after being humiliated today. He wouldn't let him off easily. He would get his revenge!

After the others left, Teacher Wang apologized sincerely, "Comrade Si, I'm really sorry that you and Xiaohan had to experience this. The Zhu family has always been dominant. Many children have been bullied before but didn't dare to speak up, and their families didn't dare to cause trouble. Offending Grandma Zhu today, I'm afraid she might seek revenge on you in the future."

Zhu Youcai was a grudge-bearing child, and Teacher Wang had never really liked him. But since he was at the school, Teacher Wang didn't have much say in the matter. He felt sorry for the bullied children, but other parents thought he was meddling too much. Now, although Mrs. Li had verbally instructed her child to apologize, it was likely just for show.

Si Nian nodded, already formulating a plan. It was clear that Zhu Youcai was inherently troublesome. If he had a problem with the younger child, he might not have an easy time at school in the future. But that was okay; if he dared lay a hand on the younger one, she wouldn't hesitate to retaliate.

After the younger child was hit, Si Nian took a day off to take him to buy medicine. They hadn't gone far when they ran into Yu Dong, who was there to pick someone up. Seeing the scratches on the younger child's face, Yu Dong was shocked. "What happened?"

Si Nian briefly recounted what had occurred. Upon hearing it, Yu Dong's expression darkened. "The Zhu family again? Why are they so troublesome?"

Si Nian was surprised. "What do you mean?"

"Zhu Family Village is next to Xingfu Village, close by. They've always had a better geographical location and a stronger economy than us. But since the eldest started the farm, they've been overshadowed. Now, our village is the wealthiest in the area. So, the Zhu Family Village committee approached our eldest, asking for investment to set up a branch factory there."

Si Nian suddenly understood why the arrogant Grandma Zhu had been willing to apologize. There was more to the story than met the eye.

"Rest assured, those folks only want to invest. They're cunning, but our eldest won't agree. Now that his grandson has even hit Xiaohan, it's already good enough if our eldest doesn't bother with them," he said angrily, shaking his fist.

Si Nian nodded. Driving economic development was indeed a good thing, but not everyone deserved Zhou Yueshen's help. Besides, Zhou Yueshen was already swamped with his current factory. If he were to set up another branch, he wouldn't even have time to go home. She'd rather be a bit selfish.

"Mom, I'm not a bad kid."

Reborn in the 1980s: I became a stepmother in the 1980sOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz