Part 83 His fingertips were against her face

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Master Li nodded, "Don't worry, we'll arrange to take your photos right away."

Lin Sisi immediately looked smugly at Sinian and Zhou Yueshen, "Sis, did you guys make an appointment in advance? Without one, you'd have to wait in line. Master Li's studio is the most popular in the city."

Just as Sinian was about to speak after looking at her own photos on the wall, Master Li exclaimed in surprise, "Isn't this Sinian?"

Sinian nodded, "Uncle Li."

The whole group was stunned by this revelation. Lin Sisi stared at her in disbelief, "You, you know each other?"

Seeing Lin Sisi's shocked expression was immensely satisfying for Sinian, "Yes, when I was a child, I often came here to take photos. Uncle Li thought I looked good in pictures and would occasionally ask me to model for him."

Master Li immediately exclaimed, "Exactly! I've never seen a girl as photogenic as Sinian. Her photos are still hanging on my wall at home. Whenever guests come over, they ask who she is and want to take photos just like hers. Many parents want their children to take exactly the same photos."

He pointed to the photos on the wall.

Lin Sisi looked over and indeed, there were prominent photos of Sinian from childhood to adulthood, all framed and displayed. Though some were a bit worn out, the craftsmanship was evident.

Her eyes turned green with envy!

That should have been her life, not Sinian's.

Her own photos!

If not for her stroke of luck in swapping identities, she wouldn't even have had the chance to be here!

How could it be Sinian's turn?

Lin Sisi never expected that the prestigious photo studio she managed to book with her mother's help to assert dominance over Sinian would turn out to be a place where Sinian was a familiar face!

She was absolutely furious!

Zhou Yueshen also stared at the photos. Sinian had always been this fair-skinned and beautiful. Her youthful face was radiant with a sunny smile, her features striking, making one take a second glance. Parents nearby even pointed at her photos, saying they wanted similar ones.

Fu Yao also looked intently.

He had grown up with Sinian since childhood.

Yet, he never knew that Sinian had photos here...

The girl in the photos was just like his memories, always smiling brightly. Her forehead was smooth, her eyebrows delicate and beautiful. Facing the camera, there was a hint of shyness in her eyes, her cheeks blushing.

Though they were just a few pictures, he felt like the Sinian from the past was standing right in front of him, looking at him with those adoring and admiring eyes.

He felt a bit dazed. When he refocused and looked at Sinian, he saw her tilting her head, talking closely with Zhou Yueshen, their faces inches apart.

He could only see her profile, her eyes curving when she spoke, revealing a glimpse of her white, delicate teeth. For a split second, Fu Yao felt that the person in front of him should be him.

Zhou Yueshen, while listening to Sinian talk about the past, was keenly aware of Fu Yao's gaze. As a man, how could he not understand what that look meant? He shot a cold glance at Fu Yao and subtly pulled Sinian closer to him.

With so many people around, Sinian didn't think much of it and said, "The clothes on the second floor have more variety. Shall we go up?"

The prices on the second floor were higher, but she didn't care. She had money.

Zhou Yueshen nodded slightly, "Sure."

"Master Li, we'll go to the second floor to pick out clothes."

The first floor had the most basic setups, handled by Master Li's apprentices. It wasn't on the same level as the second floor.

When she first arrived at the studio, Sinian hadn't connected the dots. It was only when she saw the photos on the wall that she remembered the memories of the original owner.

Master Li immediately smiled, "Sure, I'll go up right away."

Lin Sisi grew anxious, "Wait, aren't you supposed to take our photos first?"

Master Li turned back, explaining, "My apprentice is ready to take your photos. There's no need to rush, Miss."

"What? Why isn't it you taking my photos?" Lin Sisi snapped. She had made the appointment, but now an apprentice was supposed to take her photos? What kind of logic was this?

Master Li patiently replied, "All my apprentices are professionals now and don't need me much. I only take photos for acquaintances."

Translation: In other words, do I know you?

Hearing this, Lin Sisi's face turned green. She looked back at Fu Yao, only to find him still staring blankly at Sinian's back as she went upstairs, showing no intention of speaking up for her. She felt even more aggrieved and upset!

Master Li ignored her and went upstairs. Sinian took out her lipstick from her bag, applying it lightly to her lips, instantly brightening up her complexion. With her naturally fair skin and striking features, even a simple touch-up made her look stunning.

She chose a vintage-style Republic of China era wedding gown and entered the fitting room. Zhou Yueshen sat nearby. Even sitting down, his tall stature made him hard to ignore. The makeup artist wanted to tidy him up a bit, but his deep-set eyes, prominent features, sharp eyebrows, and even his buzz cut left her no chance to intervene.

When Sinian emerged in her pearl-embellished veil, there was an almost synchronized gasp from everyone around. Everything else seemed to fade in comparison to her presence. She was radiant and stunning, with her veil, curly hair, and the round pearl accessories, looking both magnificent and elegant.

Even Zhou Yueshen, a man who rarely paid attention to women's appearances, couldn't help but be momentarily captivated. His fingertips twitched strangely, showing an unusual urge to smoke.

Lin Sisi had deliberately suggested going to the second floor despite the higher prices, and surprisingly, Fu Yao didn't object. Just as they reached the second floor, they were stunned by the sight before them!

Lin Sisi regretted her decision.

She felt foolish. No matter how much effort she put into her appearance, she couldn't possibly surpass Sinian's natural beauty. At this moment, her overly done makeup felt clownish in front of Sinian.

The pearl-embellished veil and the silk lace seemed like luxurious items tailor-made just for her. Lin Sisi felt she hadn't even put much effort into her makeup.

People around were equally entranced by Sinian, all wearing stunned expressions. Sinian was pleased with everyone's reactions. After all, when she first put on this outfit, she had admired herself in the mirror for quite a while.

Holding the hem of her dress, she walked towards the man who had been staring at her. Zhou Yueshen's gaze was intense, inviting, as if trying to draw her in. Her long eyelashes brushed against her cheeks as she looked into his eyes, catching her off guard.

Her breath hitched.

Her heartbeat quickened.

Approaching him, she forgot what she was about to say. After a few seconds of silence, Zhou Yueshen's hand that had been hanging by his side suddenly touched her face. "Shy?" he asked.

Sinian felt her already warm face turn even hotter. The touch of his hand on her cheek was warm, yet assertive.

"Damn, you staring at me like that, how could I not be shy?" she thought but retorted, "No, it's just hot!"

His fingertip lingered on her face. "Sigh, fewer people reading, and I wonder where all these women have gone. They've probably forgotten about this mediocre author," she mused.

Reborn in the 1980s: I became a stepmother in the 1980sWhere stories live. Discover now