Part 72 Even the director can be hired

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Zhang Xiaoyun turned to see the bureau chief and the visiting official approaching. She immediately broke into a cold sweat and hastily explained, "Chief, we were about to close. I kindly suggested they come back in the afternoon, but they insisted, showing no respect for us civil servants who serve the people. Now they're causing a scene."

Seeing the high-ranking officials, Lin's parents became nervous and said, "We didn't mean to cause trouble; we just wanted to go inside."

"What do you mean, you didn't? I just reminded you, pretending not to hear, didn't you?" Zhang Xiaoyun played the victim.

"It was just ten more minutes before closing. You blocking us was unnecessary. How can you say we pretended not to hear? Ten minutes isn't time?" Sinan stepped forward, shielding her parents.

Zhang Xiaoyun was known to be a bully, having been quite sycophantic to the original owner. Now that she found out Sinan wasn't a biological member of the Si family, her attitude changed immediately.

"What can you do in ten minutes? Others are still inside handling their affairs. Even if you go in, it's pointless!" Zhang Xiaoyun sneered at Sinan, acting as if Sinan didn't know her place.

Sinan smirked, "That's our business. Whether we wait inside or outside doesn't require your consent, does it? Since when do citizens need permission to enter a police station? Since when is there such a rule? Or is this your own rule?"

This retort angered Zhang Xiaoyun further. She snapped, "You insolent girl, shut up! Don't you know your place?"

"Enough!" The bureau chief's deep voice cut through.

The bureau chief's stern face remained, "What attitude? We're here to serve the people. We must address their concerns earnestly and solve their problems whenever they arise. What right do you have to deny them entry? Does the police station belong to your family?"

The bureau chief remembered Zhang Xiaoyun; she had relatives in the military district's compound and got her position through connections. The bureau had its share of staff with poor attitudes, and the chief was well aware of it. However, in these times, too many people got positions through connections, and many competent individuals couldn't get in, leaving a group of arrogant and self-righteous people.

Zhang Xiaoyun was stunned, thinking she misheard. The chief reprimanding her? She couldn't believe her ears and opened her mouth in disbelief. Seeing the official beside the chief, it dawned on her.

Indeed, it must be because of the official's presence that the chief was siding with them. The police station often had officials with haughty attitudes. When common people came for services, many couldn't express themselves clearly. Waiting in line, everyone became impatient, and the staff would sometimes be rude. The elderly visitors often felt overwhelmed, and the staff couldn't be bothered to help further. The chief had never intervened then.

Zhang Xiaoyun felt wronged but tried to save face, "Chief, it's not that I don't want to help. I'm not responsible for their department. Besides, everyone's gone home now. We can't call everyone back just for them, can we?"

With that, she cast a smug glance at Sinan and the others.

The bureau chief's voice remained gentle, contrasting sharply with the severity directed at Zhang Xiaoyun earlier. The Lin parents, unused to such treatment from a high-ranking official, looked stunned, staring at the bureau chief with wide eyes.

Zhang Xiaoyun's smug expression froze on her face upon hearing the chief's words. "No, no need, Chief. You shouldn't personally handle this..."

Wait, he mentioned 'Xiao Zhou' earlier. Who was Xiao Zhou? Had someone already made arrangements? Perhaps it was her cousin who had made prior arrangements. Yes, that must be it. Otherwise, why would the chief personally intervene?

Thinking this way, Zhang Xiaoyun felt increasingly resentful. They must be feeling quite pleased to have the bureau chief assisting them. What was there to be pleased about? Once they changed their household registration, they would have no further ties with the Sinan family.

The chief shot her a cold glance. "Is it necessary for you to handle it then?"

Zhang Xiaoyun was left speechless, her face turning red. "I... I don't handle these matters."

The chief scoffed. "If that's the case, why interfere and cause trouble? I wasn't aware of any rule in our bureau stating we can't serve clients in the last ten minutes. Is this your own rule, Zhang Xiaoyun?"

Zhang Xiaoyun's face paled. "I didn't mean it that way..."

"Enough! Your poor performance and pretentious behavior are the reasons why the public is disappointed with us. I won't hold you accountable this time, but write a self-criticism of one thousand words. Your full attendance bonus for this month is also canceled!"

Zhang Xiaoyun was left speechless, her arrogance completely shattered. The bureau chief's stern words silenced the room, leaving a heavy atmosphere. The Lin parents and Sinan's group exchanged glances, grateful for the chief's intervention but also uncomfortable with the sudden turn of events.

Zhang Xiaoyun was so upset that she nearly fainted.

"Our job might seem respectable, but the pay isn't great. We rely on performance bonuses and perfect attendance. How much am I going to lose now?" She thought bitterly.

Turning around, she immediately called Zhang Cuimei to complain.

Cuimei picked up the phone, expecting good news. "Xiaoyun, is everything sorted out already?"

With a grim face, Xiaoyun replied, "Sorted out? They came so late, what was I supposed to do? Sis, you had someone help you behind my back, why didn't you tell me? Now the director gave me a good scolding!"

She continued, her voice full of resentment, "You've really outdone yourself this time! You can even get the director to help, why not help your sister get a promotion? I'm suffering in this job!"

She was envious that her cousin had such good luck. Marrying into the prestigious Si family, and now even engaged to the son of a high-ranking military officer. Even the director personally came to help her!

Cuimei felt a mix of guilt and awkwardness. "I didn't think it would come to this. I was in a rush to solve the problem. But Xiaoyun, you know how complicated things are for me right now."

"Complicated? If you're this selfish now, what will happen when you're officially in the Si family? How will we live then?" Xiaoyun retorted.

Reborn in the 1980s: I became a stepmother in the 1980sWhere stories live. Discover now