Part 42 No matter how you look at it, it pleases your eyes.

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As the waves of aroma wafted over, everyone hurriedly bid farewell and returned home, though those with good relationships stayed behind. Lin's mother moved the table to the yard, and the cooked dishes were served. Looking at the sumptuous spread, everyone exclaimed in admiration. It was even more lavish than the Lunar New Year feast, with both pork and chicken.

But considering that Zhou Yue Shen had also brought over more than a hundred pounds of pork, along with rice, cigarettes, and alcohol, it seemed inappropriate for the in-laws' family not to prepare some delicious dishes. Lin's mother invited everyone to the table, and as they admired the exquisite dishes, they exclaimed, "Sister Lin, your culinary skills are amazing! Next time we have an event, we'll have to have you as the head chef!"

"Just earlier, Second Brother said your cooking was terrible. I guess he was just worried we were here to freeload, so he said that," remarked one person, eyeing Lin's father, whose face was turning red.

Lin's father nearly choked on his drink, receiving a death stare from his wife, and he dared not raise his head. He feebly replied, "I-I never said it was terrible..."

Unaware of the situation, others continued jesting, "Haha, Second Brother is still being modest."

Lin's father broke into a cold sweat, desperately signaling to his friends with his eyes.

"Hehehe... I-I'm not that good at cooking. It's all thanks to my daughter; how could I produce such variety?" Lin's mother shot her husband a withering look before proudly explaining to everyone.

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked. "Is that true?"

"Of course it is! Don't let my daughter's appearance fool you; she's a master in the kitchen. Otherwise, how could I have made all of this?" Lin's mother urged everyone to taste the dishes, not to waste her daughter's culinary talent.

Seeing the shocked expressions on everyone's faces, Lin's mother lifted her chin with an expression of pride. No one had expected that the delicate and pampered Miss Lin from the Lin family would be so skilled. They had initially thought she must be someone who never lifted a finger for household chores. But turns out, she was quite the opposite.

Her culinary skills were unmatched even in the village, surpassing those of the state-owned restaurants. As everyone took a bite of the food, they exclaimed in amazement, "It's so fragrant! The meat is so tender!"

"Yeah, I've never tasted peanuts like this before. The outer layer is delicious!"

"Hey, Sine, are you secretly a chef?"

Some looked at Sine in surprise as she sat down next to Zhou Yue Shen.

Sine smiled, "No, I just enjoy cooking for myself."

"Wow, your cooking skills are better than those of the chefs at state-owned restaurants. We'll definitely want you to cook for our events in the future."

"Of course," Sine casually agreed. Cooking could be quite lucrative; some people even went to school for it.

Everyone smiled, their impression of Sine significantly improved. They had initially worried that she wouldn't adapt well to rural life and wouldn't be easy to get along with. But it turned out she had a great personality, much better than the arrogant Lin Sisi. They had heard Lin Sisi never cooked and hardly did any work because she was educated, and Lin's family indulged her.

Seeing how mature Sine was, everyone couldn't help but feel emotional. Those who usually only loved drinking and didn't care much for vegetables were now wielding their chopsticks with lightning speed. Several children were eating voraciously, claiming they had never tasted anything so delicious.

Even Lin Yu hadn't expected Sine's cooking to be so tasty. Even the rice smelled better than what others cooked. In that moment, he felt like Sine wasn't as annoying as he had thought.

Sine had cooked large portions, but she underestimated the appetites of the guests. In the end, even the soup in the bowls was used to mix with rice, and everything was finished with satisfied expressions on their faces.

After eating and drinking their fill, everyone voluntarily discussed helping with the wedding arrangements. After all, it didn't feel right to just take advantage of others' hospitality without offering anything in return.

An elderly villager, cheeks flushed from drinking, took a sip of wine and said, "Let me calculate... August 17th is an auspicious day for marriage."

"Yes, that day also happens to be National Day, a double celebration."

"With a month left, you have time to prepare."

Lin's parents agreed, then turned to Sine and Zhou Yue Shen. "What do you think, Sine, Yue Shen?"

Sine nodded, "Sounds good."

Zhou Yue Shen also nodded in agreement, without any objections.

With the wedding date decided, preparations needed to be made. They would need to register their marriage, take wedding photos, buy rings, and more. As the afternoon approached, everyone began to head home to attend to their chores.

The wheat that the Lin family had harvested in the morning still needed to be gathered, so Lin's father planned to go and work on it after resting for a bit. If they delayed another day, there would be even more work for his son when he returned. What troubled him the most about this whole situation was his eldest son. He had to work in town every day and still take care of things at home. Both he and his wife were not in good health and couldn't do much work. They had to wait for their son to come back and help, so they tried to do as much as they could themselves.

Naturally, Zhou Yue Shen went along to help, although Lin's father felt quite embarrassed about it. But seeing Zhou's strong physique, it was evident that he was skilled at manual labor.

Sine had nothing to do at home and expressed her desire to go and see. So, the whole family locked up the house and set off together.

With Lin Feng and Lin Yu playing with Yao Yao, they occasionally made her laugh while holding her hands.

Sine freed up her hands, enjoying this rare moment of relaxation.

Soon, the family arrived at Lin's wheat field. A gentle breeze swept through, causing the golden waves of wheat to ripple like the waves of the sea, creating a magnificent sight.

People were busy harvesting in other fields as well. Sine knew how to harvest wheat. Initially, Lin's mother had just wanted to introduce her daughter to their land, but Sine proved herself capable in farm work, not inferior to them at all. After learning for a short while, she became quite adept at it.

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