Part 89 Heartbroken

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Fu Qianqian immediately exclaimed, "These are for the children! Don't get any ideas; they're not for you. We're not that close!"

Sinian remained silent, thinking, "I haven't said anything."

Fu Qianqian glanced around again, her eyes tinged with envy, "You're something else, Sinian. In such a remote place, you still managed to find a gold mine."

She shook her head suddenly, noticing the three children trailing behind Sinian. The oldest must be around ten! She had heard that Sinian was much older and ran a pig farm.

In Fu Qianqian's mind, she pictured an old man with greasy skin, a big belly, bald head, and yellow teeth. She felt nauseated at the thought.

In these times, families with such assets were likely not young. While having such a house was prestigious, sacrificing one's lifelong happiness for it seemed unworthy.

She swallowed and asked, "Sinian, what's he like?"

Sinian's beauty outshone all the girls her age in the entire military compound. No matter how wealthy the man was, he wouldn't be able to match her.

Otherwise, why would Lin Sisi be so eager to work nights and unwilling to marry?

"He's quite good-looking," Sinian replied, thinking of Zhou Yueshen's stern face. If not for his sharp features and dominating aura, he'd be the type most people would like in this era.

It just happened to align with her taste.

Unfortunately, Fu Qianqian, who was trapped in the thought of marrying an older man, misinterpreted Sinian's modesty. When Sinian said he was "quite good," Fu Qianqian thought she was just being polite about his ugliness.

She was left speechless.

"Good heavens! Are you really this clueless? My brother might be a bit narcissistic, but he's handsome! If you compete with Lin Sisi, you'd easily win him over. You can handle an older man like this, why not my brother who's just a bit self-absorbed?" Fu Qianqian was exasperated and felt her efforts were wasted.

She had thought Sinian had married into wealth, but now it seemed she had married an old master! Besides money, what else did Sinian have to attract others?

Looking at Sinian's stunning and unparalleled face, Fu Qianqian felt regretful.

How did she not know Sinian had such peculiar tastes before?

The two little ones, the first and the second child, cast wary and displeased glances at Fu Qianqian. They weren't fools. Even though they didn't know this woman, her tone clearly showed disdain for their father. She kept praising her brother; she must want to steal their mother, right?

Their father was the best in the world!

"Never mind, forget what I said. I'm hungry, got anything to eat?" Fu Qianqian wasn't one to stand on ceremony. She had come all this way to kindly warn Sinian. It was only fair she got a meal out of it.

Sinian had always loved cooking and would often make soup for her brother. Of course, it always ended up in her stomach. She'd never told Sinian, afraid it would be too much of a blow.

Fu Qianqian thought she was just too kind-hearted.

Sinian had also started feeling hungry and nodded, "I'll make some noodles for you. Luckily, I still have some bone broth at home."

Everyone in the family loved her homemade noodles, so Sinian always prepared extra. When she felt lazy to cook, she could just boil them.

Today, she had also found some mushrooms. Sinian carefully placed several small, helpless white rabbits into a paper box, threw in some grass for them, and fed the mother rabbit as well. She planned to let Zhou Yueshen handle them when he returned. Though she could do it herself, she found the skinning process too troublesome. Before, she'd always bought pre-prepared meat from the supermarket.

She started the fire, turning it to a low flame to simmer the already flavorful pork rib soup. Looking at the thick color of the soup, it was clear how nutritious it was.

After washing the mushrooms, Sinian added them to the boiling soup. She had picked some common mushrooms, which wouldn't go bad as long as they were well-cooked. Plus, they added a great flavor.

The fire lapped at the bottom of the pot, and the thick white pork rib soup bubbled up, filling the kitchen with its rich aroma. Sinian then placed the pre-made noodles aside, chopped some spring onions and cilantro, and waited for the mushrooms to cook thoroughly. Once done, she removed the pork ribs and cooked the noodles in the soup. Soon after sprinkling some chopped green onions on top, a large pot of pork rib noodles was ready.

The entire room was filled with the tantalizing aroma of the broth.

Fu Qianqian had arrived early and hadn't eaten anything since she was dieting. Feeling a bit hungry and now smelling this delightful aroma, her stomach started growling involuntarily, making her salivate. She hadn't been very hungry, but now she felt her mouth water at the enticing smell.

Sinian brought the noodles out and placed them in front of her, "Here, eat up."

After saying that, she called the two little ones to fetch their own noodles from the kitchen. Both children obediently got up and went to the kitchen to eat.

Fu Qianqian knew the noodles would taste good since Sinian used to cook decently before. However, when she slurped a mouthful, she was utterly amazed.

"This... this is too delicious!" she exclaimed.

Sinian was still packing some food to take to Zhou Yueshen. The place wasn't far; it only took a few minutes to walk there. If the noodles sat too long, they'd become less appetizing.

She had also separately packed some pickled radish to eat with the noodles. When Fu Qianqian saw Sinian slurping the noodles, she was immediately drawn to them.

"What's this?"

Sinian paused, "It's pickled radish I made myself. Want to try?"

Fu Qianqian eagerly nodded. The radish looked crispy and seemed perfect to cleanse the palate.

After serving her some, Sinian said, "I'll be out for a bit. If you want more, you can get it from the kitchen. There's still some in the pot. If you're done, you can leave."

Fu Qianqian huffed, feeling as if Sinian was implying she wanted her gone. She'd leave as soon as she finished her noodles!

But when Fu Qianqian tasted the pickled radish with her noodles, any lingering annoyance vanished instantly. It was delicious! Sinian's cooking skills had improved dramatically. She slurped the noodles with gusto, enjoying the rich flavor of the bone broth. The mushrooms were far tastier than those in the city, bursting with flavor as she bit into them.

Accompanied by a bite of the tangy radish, it was heavenly!

She wanted to have another bowl but hesitated when she saw two little pairs of eyes staring at her from the kitchen entrance.

Fu Qianqian: "..."

Her hand, which was reaching for another serving of noodles, froze mid-air. Those two pairs of eyes were quite intimidating.

Sinian's life seemed so comfortable and warm.

Reborn in the 1980s: I became a stepmother in the 1980sUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum