Part 52 He shouted that he didn't like Si Nian

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In a restaurant in the city, the Fu family and the Si family were having a meal together, and the topic of their children's wedding came up.

Their son would turn twenty-six next year, an age when most kids today would already be in the sixth grade. The Fu parents observed this with growing concern.

Though Lin Sisi wasn't as stunning as Si Nian, she was the Si family's own daughter. Canceling the engagement was out of the question.

Thinking that it wasn't a big deal if they didn't match perfectly, as long as she had a good temperament.

Seeing the demure Lin Sisi sitting there, Mrs. Zheng, Fu Yang's mother, warmly served her some dishes.

"Sisi, have more. Don't be shy. Look at how thin you are; you must have suffered a lot in the countryside."

Blushing, Lin Sisi softly replied, "It wasn't suffering. Although I lived in the countryside for eighteen years due to unforeseen circumstances, I believe it was fate testing me. Now that the test is over, I've met such wonderful parents and Brother Fu Yang..."

Hearing these words, Mrs. Zheng was instantly more pleased with her future daughter-in-law.

Indeed, intellectuals really have a way with words. Look at how articulate she is.

On the side, Fu Qianqian made an exaggerated disgusted face upon hearing this.

Lin Sisi: "..."

Mrs. Zheng shot her daughter a stern look, wondering what was wrong with her. She used to complain every day about not liking Si Nian and wanting her replaced. Now that there's someone new, she seemed even less pleased.

Growing up in the same compound, Si Nian and Fu Qianqian had their fair share of conflicts, which Lin Sisi could understand. But what had Lin Sisi ever done to her?

Lin Sisi felt quite aggrieved herself. She had tried hard to get along with her future sister-in-law. Initially, Fu Qianqian didn't like her, but she wasn't hostile either. However, ever since Si Nian sold her project to Fu Qianqian, Fu Qianqian had changed completely. She would find fault with Lin Sisi at every turn and even throw in a few sarcastic remarks, which annoyed Lin Sisi greatly.

She figured Si Nian must have badmouthed her to Fu Qianqian behind her back, leading to this change in attitude.

Thinking of Si Nian, Lin Sisi's mood improved slightly, and she said intentionally, "By the way, a few days ago when my parents and I visited the village, we ran into Si Nian."

Sure enough, upon hearing this, everyone from the Fu family, including Fu Yang, turned to look at her.

Mrs. Zheng also paused for a moment, then her expression became somewhat complicated.

"Si Nian, it's been a while since we last saw her. How has she been doing?" Mrs. Zheng wondered aloud.

Considering Si Nian was their junior and used to visit their house frequently, ignoring her would seem too harsh.

Lin Sisi innocently replied, "My sister is doing well. Just like me and Fu Yang, she's also getting married soon. We even made plans to take wedding photos and buy engagement rings together."

"She mentioned that her new home is a bit remote and they don't have a car. She hoped that Fu Yang could help pick her up sometime..."

As she finished speaking, Lin Sisi cast a quick glance at Fu Yang.

Sure enough, he frowned slightly.

Lin Sisi felt a sense of satisfaction.

The others expressed their sympathy.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Si looked stunned, "Is that so?"

Lin Sisi lowered her head and whispered, "Yes, Si Nian told me privately. I promised her not to tell you guys, but since I ran into Fu Yang today, I thought it was a good opportunity to mention it... Please don't be angry with Si Nian."

The way she put it made it seem like Si Nian was scheming to get closer to Fu Yang through her. Lin Sisi came off as naive and kind-hearted, not only failing to understand Si Nian's intentions but also willing to help her. She was portrayed as the most innocent and kind person in the world.

After Lin Sisi finished speaking, she felt she might have been too naive.

Indeed, the expressions of Mr. and Mrs. Si darkened immediately. They were naturally suspicious people. While they had feelings and guilt towards Si Nian, their act of sending Si Nian away to marry in place of their own daughter a month prior hinted that they weren't entirely righteous people.

Only Fu Qianqian looked skeptical. Based on the previous situation, Si Nian clearly didn't like Lin Sisi. Given Si Nian's proud nature, she had never tried to please Lin Sisi because of her brother over the years. How could she suddenly be so nice to Lin Sisi?

Others might not see it, but Fu Qianqian could clearly see through it. She didn't believe it at all.

Even Mrs. Zheng and Mr. Fu furrowed their brows, clearly thinking that Si Nian's behavior was inappropriate. But considering their son's strong dislike for Si Nian, he would never agree to this anyway, so there was nothing to worry about.

However, hearing Lin Sisi's words did tarnish their impression of Si Nian quite a bit. She had always seemed so honest and straightforward, but who would have thought she'd be scheming behind their backs?

While they felt a bit sorry for Lin Sisi, they comforted her immediately. "Sisi, this matter isn't something we should get involved in. Fu Yang would definitely not go and specially pick her up. It wouldn't look good."

"You two aren't married yet, and it's not appropriate for them to get too close. It's not that I'm heartless and unwilling to help, it's just not necessary for Fu Yang to go in person."

After saying this, Mrs. Zheng looked at her son with anticipation, "Right, son?"

Fu Yang, who had been lost in thought, met Lin Sisi's expectant gaze and responded indifferently, "It's not a big deal. I'll go."

Mrs. Zheng: "?"

Lin Sisi: "?"

Everyone else: "?"

"Ahchoo~ Ahchoo~" Just waking up, Si Nian sneezed twice in a row. First thing in the morning, who could possibly be talking about her?

Rubbing her nose, Si Nian reached out to open the window, letting the morning sunlight stream in. Living a life where she naturally woke up without alarms was so comfortable. All she had to do was cook a little and play with the dog.

No matter the era, having money could solve about ninety percent of marital issues. For now, Si Nian and Zhou Yue Shen didn't have any conflicts.

She turned on the radio and heard Fu Qianqian's energetic voice. It was a bit stiff and perhaps not as pleasant, but it was very standard Mandarin with a sincere attitude, making people feel good.

Si Nian hummed a tune as she entered the kitchen. Since she had gone to the city yesterday and with Zhou Yue Shen helping out, she had bought quite a variety of vegetables and fruits.

Now, the kitchen was neatly arranged with vegetables, fruits, and some dried goods. She also bought some fruits.

In a pot beside her, there were green beans she had soaked the previous night. Given the hot weather, Si Nian planned to cook some green bean soup to cool off.

It was alright at home, but once she stepped outside, the scorching sun felt like it could peel a layer off one's skin.

Because of the pork they had, the Zhou family had a refrigerator. However, Mrs. Liu didn't really know how to use it, and everything inside was a mess.

It took Si Nian quite some time to clean it up. After plugging it in, she immediately started boiling the green beans. After bringing it to a boil, she reduced the heat to medium. As the water started to dry up, she added a lot more boiling water, covered the pot, and continued to cook for another 20 minutes. When the green beans were soft and the soup had turned a vibrant green, the green bean soup was ready. 

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