Chapter 48

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When Fourth saw Gemini become silent, he calmed himself by closing his eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I... I was also a victim, Gemini... They forced my son away from me. For seven years, while he was living with you, I waited for him hoping that someday I could see him again... hear his voice, feel his touch... But every single day, every someday that I wished to be with him again, never came true in those seven years.."

Gemini, unable to comprehend the situation, stumbled over his words. "What do you mean... Aliyah said you willingly gave her our son because you didn't want him and didn't want to be with me at that time?"

Fourth laughed, a bitter and pained sound escaping his lips. "She said that to you... haah... But in reality, I never knew that the person I slept with that night was you. It was only Clark, the person who kidnapped me, who accidentally revealed everything without realizing that I was unaware of the truth. I had no idea that your ex-wife was my sister, and I didn't know that my own child was with me all along, with you as his father. I didn't know any of it, Gemini... All I know is that P'Aliyah, whether we refer to her as your ex-wife or my sister, was the one who orchestrated the kidnapping of my son. She did everything in her power to destroy me, but I still don't understand why she did it."

"But why, Fourth... Why did you let someone else tell me before you did? You could have simply told me yourself... I could have even helped you confront her and seek justice," Gemini asked, his voice filled with confusion and a desire to understand.

But Fourth shook his head, reiterating his previous statement. "Like I said... I'm trying to heal myself first..." With a sigh, he walked towards the sink to wash his wrist that was covered in foundation. "In addition to my rose tattoo, I also cover these wounds so that not everyone can see them." Fourth then showed his wrist to Gemini, revealing several fading but still visible scars, an intricate pattern of seven cut wounds.

"In those seven years, I was separated from Gemiyah... On his birthday and many other nights, I faced terrible nightmares and unbearable heartache. To cope with the pain, I would unintentionally transfer it to my wrist and draw cuts. Often, I would only realize what I had done when morning came. I also experienced waking up in the middle of the night once a week, filled with anxiety, it also happen while I sleeping beside you," Fourth confessed looking at Gemini eyes

As soon as midnight approaches, Fourth hears the laughter and giggling of his son in his dreams. However, despite the sound being close to him, his son, Fotfot, seems far away. Even when Fourth tries to follow the sound by running, he can't catch up to where his son is.

When Fourth finally wakes up from his dream, his heartbeat is so loud that he struggles to breathe properly. He presses his chest to calm it down, and once he can breathe again, he gets up from his lying position. He gently removes Gemini's hand from his waist and returns to his room to find medicine to relieve his anxiety. He considers taking sleeping pills, but he brushes off the idea, knowing that they would make him too drowsy and afraid that Gemini would find out. He hides the pills again and takes a moment to look at Gemiyah, reassuring himself that his son is already here and that he can't let his anxiety overwhelm him.

"Fourth, where have you been?" Gemini lazily asks, still half-asleep and without opening his eyes.

"I just went downstairs to drink water. Now, go back to sleep. You have work tomorrow," Fourth gently replies, causing Gemini to hug him again and drift back to sleep. However, Fourth, who is experiencing anxiety, finds it difficult to sleep. He remains awake throughout the night.

Fourth continues to recount that day. "I... I'm trying to heal myself first, Gemini, because I don't want you to worry about me, especially Gemiyah. Even though he's already here with me, I still feel scared sometimes. What if it's all just a dream and I never really met both of you? Now, I want to fix everything before I can tell the truth. I want us to be happy without anyone bothering us. But... why don't you trust me, Gemini?" Fourth's question shatters Gemini's heart as he tries to approach him again, but he is afraid to do so.

"I have never loved someone before... I have never felt this way about anyone... you are the first person I have ever liked... you are the first person who has kissed me. You have become everything to me as my first Gemini. And yet, you doubt my feelings for you? I know I am lacking in so many ways, but I am trying to learn and listen to you. I will never regret having both of you in my life because, in reality, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Even though there have been painful moments, I am grateful that both of you entered my life. Even on the nights filled with pain, I would still choose the day when I first met you. It's so unfair, Gemini. You brought me into your house without my permission in the beginning, and now you are asking me to leave again without my permission. ".But Fourth stops speaking when Gemini tightly hugs him and cry in his arms, repeatedly saying, 'I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Fourth... I'm really sorry.'

But Fourth hugs him even tighter. 'It's okay. We are both victims here. You should have asked me first okay... Just trust me, Gem. And I'm sorry for not telling you too.'"

As time passed, Gemini kept crying in Fourth's arms, feeling like a child who had just lost something dear to him. "Gemini, stop crying. It will make your eyes swell. How am I supposed to explain this to Gemiyah when he sees you like this?" Fourth gently patted Gemini's face to console him and encourage him to stop crying.

"I can't... I'm so stupid. If only I had listened to you in the beginning, I wouldn't have caused you so much pain," Gemini lamented. But Fourth smiled gently at him. "Let's forget about it, Gemini. You've already apologized to me, and I've forgiven you. Let's just move on. I'm still thinking about how to explain it to Gemiyah."

When Gemini heard this, he released himself from Fourth's embrace and looked at him intently. "You're going to tell him?"

"Um... yes. It was my mistake not to tell you everything from the start, allowing others to interfere in our situation. So I should let him know too. Just help me explain it to him because he'll feel confused about how I gave birth to him if I am a man," Fourth said, laughing as he fixed Gemini's messy hair.

"He can understand it. Gemiyah is so mature, even though he's only seven years old," Gemini reassured him.

But Fourth jokingly replied, "Yeah, he's more mature than his Papa."

"I know," Gemini pouted playfully, still somewhat guilty about his previous actions. Fourth laughed heartily, playfully messing up Gemini's hair again. "Ai'Fourth, stop teasing me!"

"I'm not," Fourth insisted.

"You're lying."

"No, Gemini, where are you touching... hey, wait... stop," Fourth protested, but their playful moment was interrupted by Satang, who had overheard the news from Mark about a near tree fall incident. Satang stormed into the room and scolded Gemini. Gemini was shocked to see Mark behind Satang, along with Pond, who looked equally surprised.

Gemini had only been tickling Fourth's waist by slipping his hand into Fourth's clothes, but because Fourth tried to stop him, Gemini ended up in a position where he was in between Fourth's legs, and they were almost lying on the bed. For them, this had no other meaning, but to their friends who had no idea what was happening, it appeared as something else.

"What the hell?" Satang exclaimed, but Mark quickly covered his mouth and pulled him out of the room, with Pond closing the door behind them, reminding them, "Just don't be so loud. This room has no soundproofing." And with that, they left, leaving Gemini and Fourth not knowing what had just happened, but they burst out laughing, shaking their heads at their chaotic friends.



Did I still doing good? Sorry but I'm doubting my self again haha 😆.

Thank you for reading 😊 🙏

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