Chapter 42

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As the days went by, Gemini and Fourth continued to work on strengthening their relationship. However, Fourth still hadn't revealed to Gemini that he was the stranger Gemini had slept with or that he was the one who gave birth to Gemiyah. He wanted to find the right moment to share this information with them and prepare himself for their reaction.

In the meantime, Fourth focused on building their relationship as a couple, taking the time to get to know each other better. He made sure Gemiyah felt comfortable calling Fourth "Dada," as he had requested. Gemini didn't question this, finding it endearing that Fourth was making an effort to bond with his son.

One day, while they were sitting in the hospital park, with Fourth's shoulder as a resting place for Gemini's head, Gemini grumbled about their future plans. "Ai'Fourth, once I'm discharged from the hospital, where do you think we should go for our first date? Where should we go and what should we eat?"

Enjoying the gentle breeze and the fragrance of the flowers, Fourth affectionately patted Gemini's head and replied, "We can go anywhere you want. Even though I've been working in Bangkok for years, I'm not very familiar with the other places since I wasn't born here. So, you decide."

Gemini pondered for a moment before sharing his thought
. "Honestly, there's a place I've always wanted to take Gemiyah. It's my favorite place when I was his age, but I've never had the chance to take him there due to my busy schedule. What do you think about going there first after I recover?"

"Sure,"Fourth agreed. Curiosity, he asked, "May I know which place it is?"

A spark of excitement illuminated Gemini's face as he sat up straight on Fourth's shoulder. "An amusement park!" he exclaimed.


Laughter erupted from Satang, unable to contain himself. "Hahahhahahahhahahaha... Pft—hahahahaha."

"Satang, can you please stop laughing?" Fourth pleaded.

"Haha... I really can't, hahaha... You know, Fourth, it's hilarious. Out of all the places he could have chosen, he picked an amusement park. Hahahah, aren't you afraid of amusement parks? For most people, it's a fun experience, but for you, nahhh, hahaha..."

Fourth didn't know whether to silence Satang or burst into tears. Satang was right. Considering all the other possible options, why did Gemini insist on an amusement park? Fourth couldn't reject in Gemini excitement when he agreed to the idea.

"Well, what can I do if that's what he chose?" Fourth sighed, rubbing his forehead out of frustration.

Both Fourth and Satang were currently at the school, as Fourth had taken the initiative to enroll Gemiyah in a regular school again. He had mentioned to Gemini that it was important for Gemiyah to gradually overcome his fear of school and interact with other students. Fourth found a position as a substitute teacher to support Gemiyah in his new school environment.

Although it was often difficult for other teachers to obtain a substitute teaching position, Fourth's popularity with both students and parents ensured that his application was quickly approved. However, a new challenge arose when Gemini expressed concern about Fourth no longer being Gemiyah's tutor. He feared that Fourth might not live with them anymore if he wasn't directly involved in Gemiyah's education. The accident had made it difficult for Gemini to spend time as many works waiting for him after his recover finish with Fourth outside of his own home, so if Fourth were to leave, he might not have the opportunity to see him at all.

However, Fourth reassured Gemini with a smile, reminding him that he would still be guiding Gemiyah's progress and socialization at school. Moreover, they were now a couple, so there was no need for Gemini to worry about Fourth leaving him behind again.

Gemini eventually agreed, realizing that his concerns were unfounded. He could be a bit childish at times, but he wasn't stubborn when it came to understanding and compromising for the sake of their relationship and his son.

"Ehee... You're smiling from ear to ear, Mr. Nattawat. You're so in love. I'm quite jealous, you know," Satang teased, noticing his friend's radiant smile as he filled out his application, even though he still had a headache from the previous frustration.

"And what about you, Satang? Are you still bothering Winny? I told you to stop making him shy all the time," Fourth retorted, a smile still present on his face.

"You know what, there's nothing wrong with it. As long as he doesn't reject me. Besides, he's so innocent and pure, teasing him is just too fun," Satang responded, unashamed of his shamelessness.


As Fourth was engrossed in his paperwork, his phone suddenly buzzed with a notification. Glancing at his phone, he saw a text message from Gemini.

"Fourth, where are you? I'm outside of the school."

Instantly, Fourth stood up, leaving Satang slightly shocked.

"He's so stubborn. I told him not to drive, especially since he was discharged from the hospital just yesterday. Satang, please inform the principal that I'll be sending in the remaining applications online. I have to go," Fourth hurriedly packed his things, leaving Satang at a loss for words.

"Tsk! Fine... Just wait for me to find Faen too so I can bargain with you as well," Satang yelled to leaving fourth.

As Fourth hurriedly made his way outside, he was out of breath. Gemini ran beside him, concerned, and asked, "Fourth, why are you running?"

Catching his breath, Fourth playfully pitch Gemini check's as he pretend to be angry. "Ai'Gem... I told you not to pick me up here. I could have taken a taxi." His tone was slightly stern, causing Gemini to pout and rub his cheek, which had become slightly itchy. Gemini replied, "But I wanted to pick up my boyfriend. Taking a taxi would have been so troublesome, right?"

Seeing the concern in Gemini's eyes, Fourth softened his tone and retorted, "But what if your health worsens because of driving here? Wouldn't that be more troublesome?" Fourth didn't understand why, but he felt more comfortable expressing his emotions, even if it meant being upset or angry, when he was with Gemini. He didn't normally show this side of himself to other people, not even to his own parents, except for Satang, who was like a brother to him.

Gemini,unaware of Satang's close friendship with Fourth, had often felt jealous of him. He would see Satang always by Fourth's side even before, and misunderstandings arose. For example, Gemini believed that Satang was the one who gave Fourth flowers (not realizing that Fourth had buy the flowers Satang had given him), or that Satang was the one who hugged Fourth the last time they saw each other (when in reality, Satang was merely providing comfort to Fourth, without any romantic intentions).

When Satang found out about Gemini's jealous feelings through Fourth, he couldn't help but find it hilarious. He laughed heartily, amused by the fact that they will never dated each other because both of them a like brothers.

Gemini can only hug Fourth who scolding him,unable to resist the warmth of Gemini's hug, Fourth accepted his apology and let go of his mild scolding. "Sorry, krub... I won't do it again... I promise," Gemini said, kissing Fourth on the cheek.

Being the kindhearted person he was, Fourth graciously accepted Gemini's apology and let him drive again going home.



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