Chapter 43

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In the heart of the bustling city, nestled among towering skyscrapers and busy streets, the Thailand Amusement Park exuded its enchanting charm. As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the vibrant rides and attractions,the park came alive with the sounds of laughter and excitement.

Colorful banners and twinkling lights adorned the entrance to Thailand Amusement Park, extending a warm welcome to all who entered.The air was filled with the irresistible aroma of freshly popped popcorn and sugary cotton candy, urging visitors to indulge in the delights of the carnival.

Families walked hand in hand, while children skipped with joy, their eyes filled with anticipation. Thrill-seekers eagerly awaited their next adrenaline rush, and the Ferris wheel stood tall, offering a breathtaking view of the surrounding cityscape. The merry-go-round spun gracefully, with its ornate horses bobbing up and down to the cheerful music that filled the air.

Gemini, a 30-year-old man, happily guided Fourth and Gemiyah through the enchanting world of the amusement park. He introduced them to each thrilling ride, highlighting the enjoyment to be found in every corner.

However, amidst the excitement, Gemini noticed one of his friends, Mark, accompanied by ford, along with Satang and his bodyguard, Winny, unexpectedly joining them at the amusement park.

"What are you doing here, Mark?" Gemini asked, a hint of confusion in his voice. With ford standing by his side, he turned to Ford, who was also there, and asked, "Didn't I give you the day off, Winny and Ford? Why are you here?"

Bowing respectfully, Ford explained, "I'm sorry krub, Khun Gemini... I owed a favor to Doc Mark, and in return, he requested that I come to the amusement park on my day off."

Winny, feeling awkward, chimed in, "Ah, Khun... It's just that Teacher Satang mentioned it was his birthday today, and since Teacher Fourth isn't with him, he felt lonely. So, I agreed to accompany him as a request from Teacher Satang."

Fourth, who had been silent until now, couldn't resist teasing his friends. He interjected, "Isn't your birthday still seven months away, Satang? I wasn't aware you changed your birth month."

Knowing that Fourth was revealing the lie he had concocted just to have a chance to go on a date with Winny, Satang shamelessly replied, "Oh, I just decided to celebrate it in advance. Why wait, right?" A mischievous smile formed on Fourth's face as he saw Satang's exasperation, clearly enjoying this moment of revenge.

Gemini, feeling a mixture of amusement and annoyance, sighed. "Well, since you all decided to join us, I suppose this is no longer just a family date between me, my son, and Fourth."

Mark chimed in, "Oh, come on, Gemini! If we weren't here, do you really think your date would be as fun? Right, Satang?" He looked towards Satang, who smirked and replied, "Absolutely right, doc. Seeing both the General and my mischievous friend acting so shy and nervous, it wouldn't be half as enjoyable without us."

Gemini chuckled, realizing that despite the unexpected turn of events, having their friends join them added a new layer of fun to their amusement park adventure.


"Can I not go on there, Gemini?" Fourth asked fearfully as Gemini bought tickets for the roller coaster. Knowing that Gemiyah was too young to ride such intense attractions, Gemiyah went with Uncle Mark to buy popcorn and ice cream. Fourth, however, had no choice but to go along with Gemini's request.

Gemini encouraged Fourth, holding his hand as they made their way to the roller coaster seats. "What's wrong? Are you afraid? Don't worry, it's not as terrifying as you imagine."

Still, Fourth nervously tightened his grip on the seatbelt. As the roller coaster started moving, Fourth held his breath tightly. Gemini, finding Fourth cute in his nervousness, smiled and said, "Fourth, if you want to scream, don't be shy. It's more fun to scream!" Fourth shook his head, indicating that he wouldn't scream, stating that it was against his profession. However, in the next moment, he couldn't help but let out a loud scream, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

As they disembarked from the roller coaster, Fourth felt dizzy and almost stumbled, but Gemini caught him just in time. Fourth quickly found a place where he could sit down and catch his breath, feeling nauseous. Gemini worriedly rubbed his back, saying, "Sorry, Fourth. I didn't expect you to react like this. I shouldn't have taken you on there."

Fourth waved his hand, assuring him that he was fine. "Don't worry, I'm okay. I just have a weak stomach."

As they sat in silence for a moment, Gemini couldn't help but burst into laughter, finding it hilarious when Fourth screamed so loudly on the ride. Fourth weakly punched him in the back, asking, "What are you laughing at, Gem?"

Gemini tried to stifle his laughter, saying, "Who's laughing? I'm not" but he added ". I'm only smiling because of my boyfriend cuteness".Fourth blushed, feeling embarrassed. "You really have a sweet tongue, General."

As they continued to enjoy each other's company, their friends watched, observing their affectionate interactions while enjoying the food they had bought.


"Let's take a picture. Say '1, 2, 3'."

"Okay, let's take a family photo."

"Gemiyah, do you want to be in the middle? I'll carry you," Gemini offered, lifting Gemiyah into his arms as he agreed.

As they posed for the photo, Gemiyah gently pulled both Fourth and Gemini closer to him, creating a tighter bond. Gemiyah smiled brightly, capturing the happiness in the moment. Afterward, Gemiyah asked Mark, "Uncle Mark,Can I take a picture of my Papa and Dada, krub?" Mark handed him the camera, teaching Gemiyah how to use it.

"Papa, Dada, please stand close together. Papa, as you're taller, put your hand on Dada's waist, and Dada, put your hand on Papa's shoulder." Gemiyah directed them, demonstrating the pose. Fourth felt a shy display of affection in front of their friends and his son.

"Fourth..." Gemini called, turning his face towards him, giving Gemini the opportunity to kiss Fourth near his lips,Gemiyah finally captured the beautiful image of his Dada and Papa.

" Gemini called, turning his face towards him, giving Gemini the opportunity to kiss Fourth near his lips,Gemiyah finally captured the beautiful image of his Dada and Papa

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Be patient naa about Fourth revealing the truth and enjoy their sweet moment first they suffer enough so they deserve all this sweetness ❤️😭.

Thank you for reading 😊!

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