Chapter 44

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Knock, knock!

As Gemini was working in his office at the military unit, his senior, Phi, knocked on the door and took a seat in the chair in front of him.

"What is it, Phi?" Gemini asked without looking up. He knew it was only Phi, Pond, who could enter his office without formalities.

Pond mockingly replied, "Those damn politicians, business owners, and wealthy people have given you an invitation to their big gathering tomorrow night. You know, the usual event where they pretend to connect and network with each other, while secretly biting each other's legs and faking their personalities."

Gemini chuckled, knowing how much Pond despised such invitations. They couldn't simply reject them, as it would reflect poorly on their unit. They had no choice but to accept.

"And do you want to go, Phi?" Gemini asked.

"Never in my dreams would I want to go there, especially when there are so many lazy politicians. They only need you there, so it doesn't matter if I'm not with you," Pond replied. It was clear that Pond had a strong disdain for politicians, seeing them as idle individuals who only excelled with their words but lacked action. While the military unit was also created by the government, at least its members were committed to their work and the betterment of the country, unlike many politicians.

"You should go, Nong. You can take your family too. The theme of the gathering is to bring your own family. It's your chance to show off your boyfriend, especially since there are still wealthy families who want their daughters to marry you, despite the fact that you already have a son," Pond said, patting Gemini's shoulder before leaving. As Gemini pondered his words, he thought that he could ask Fourth if he would like to accompany him to the gathering, along with Gemiyah.

When Gemini returned home, it was already 11 pm, and everyone else was asleep. However, there was one person waiting for him on the sofa, but they were also fast asleep. Gemini let out a sigh as he turned off the TV. He had told Fourth countless times to go to bed ahead of him, as Gemini tended to come home late. But Fourth insisted on waiting up for him every day, which made Gemini feel guilty.

Gemini suspected that Fourth's insistence on waiting for him was due to the trauma he had experienced about him getting shot by Gun. He knew Fourth worried about his safety and wanted to make sure he returned home okay. Gemini felt sorry that Fourth had to endure this extra tiredness on top of taking care of his son and teaching at the school every day. When he saw Fourth waiting for him like this, he could see the exhaustion in Fourth's eyes.

"Fourth... Wake up. You shouldn't be sleeping here," Gemini gently shook Fourth's body as Fourth stirred, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He asked if Gemini had already eaten.

Gemini smiled and sat down beside him. "Yes..."

"Oh, okay then. I'll go to my room too. You need to sleep as well, you're much more tired than I am," Fourth said as he held Gemini's hand before getting up. But before Fourth could leave, Gemini's words stopped him in his tracks. "Fourth, how about we sleep together in the same room?"

Fourth's sleepiness vanished in an instant upon hearing Gemini's words. He looked at Gemini, his eyes searching for any hint of understanding. Gemini quickly reassured him, "Hahaha, why is your reaction like that? I just want to cuddle with you while we sleep. I won't do anything more than that."

Fourth let out a breath of relief. It wasn't that he was afraid Gemini would do something inappropriate, but rather, if their relationship progressed further, Gemini might uncover the truth about the stranger who had slept with him. Mark had mentioned that the only thing that would give away the true identity of the person was the rose tattoo on the stranger's leg, which Fourth couldn't hide. He had been wearing long pants or using makeup to cover it up all this time.

He still couldn't reveal anything to Gemini and Gemiyah until he had a chance to make his Phi confess the truth behind it all. He needed to find out the whole story before telling the truth to both Gemini and Gemiyah.

".Hmm... This feels nice," Fourth mumbled as he hugged Gemini, inhaling the refreshing scent of Gemini's body gel as they cuddled in Gemini's bed. The size of Gemini's bed, much larger than Fourth's bed in his room and Gemiyah'.However, something crossed Fourth's mind, prompting him to speak up.

"Gem... Be honest with me. I won't get angry or anything. You can tell me the truth," Fourth said, lifting his head to meet Gemini's gaze, even though Gemini's eyes were already closing.

"Hmm? What is it?" Gemini responded, curious about Fourth's question.

After contemplating for a moment, Fourth gathered his thoughts and presented his question. "It's a fairly straightforward question, but I just want to ask... Did you ever have sex with your ex-wife?"

Gemini flinched, unable to meet Fourth's gaze. ".Do you really need to know Fourth?that is in the past," but Fourth nod indicating he want to know Gemini stuttered, explaining.
"I only slept with her back when I wasn't a General and my father was still alive. But after my father passed away, I became extremely busy and didn't have the time to even go home. That's why she decided to leave me, as I had no interaction with her."

In truth, Fourth wasn't particularly interested in whether or not Gemini had slept with his ex-wife. It was a normal part of their previous relationship. However, Fourth's concern arose from the possibility that Gemini had slept with Aliyah without knowing she is really the stranger he accidentally sleep before. But in fact when Gemini had confirmed that Gemiyah is his real child he didn't think further if Aliyah is the real person who he sleep that night and Fourth couldn't help but wonder why Gemini hadn't seen the rose tattoo on Aliyah's leg or is she really have tattoo. It puzzled him that Gemini hadn't noticed it during those intimate moments.

"Did you ever see any tattoos on her body, Gem?" Fourth asked, seeking confirmation of his suspicions. Gemini furrowed his brow, deep in thought, and shook his head. "No... I never saw any tattoos on her body."

Fourth let out a sigh as he released his embrace from Gemini. He couldn't comprehend how careless Gemini had been. Gemini and Gemiyah suffering might have been avoided if only Gemini had confirmed Aliyah's identity as real Gemiyah's mother. The situation weighed heavily on Fourth, prompting him to turn away from Gemini.

"Fourth... You said you wouldn't get jealous," Gemini panicked, realizing his response may have upset Fourth.
He replied, "I'm not.".but Gemini still feel uneasy.

". Fourth?" Gemini called out once again, hoping to capture Fourth's attention. However, Fourth, who was already in the drowsiness of sleep, responded with a yawn, "Let's sleep."

"Okay," Gemini sighed in understanding. "But Fourth, I have something important to tell you. I'm afraid I couldn't mention it tomorrow  morning." Despite being half asleep, Fourth managed to respond. "Say it."

Taking a deep breath, Gemini proceeded to explain, "There's a gathering tomorrow night, and I would like for you and Gemiyah to accompany me. I'll come to pick you up in the evening so we can attend together." Fourth turned his face towards Gemini, hugged him, and replied, "Okay... I feel really sleepy now, Gemini... Sweet dreams."

Gemini smiled, holding Fourth tightly and planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Sweet dreams to you too, Fourth."



We will meet other new characters in the next chapter 😁

Thank you for reading 😌🙏!

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