Chapter 45

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As the classroom door opened, Satang entered and took a seat beside Fourth. He noticed that Fourth seemed lost in thought, still checking his students' homework but staring off into space.

"Fourth, let's take lunch. I'm hungry," Satang said, trying to get his attention. However, Fourth didn't respond, so Satang decided to yell in his ears to make himself heard, which startled Fourth.

"Why did you do that?" Fourth asked, shocked by the sudden loud noise.

Rolling his eyes, Satang poked Fourth's eyebrow and explained, "Because you couldn't hear me no matter how many times I called you. And what's with your furrowed eyebrows? You don't usually do that."

Sighing, Fourth packed his things and apologized, "Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind."

Satang then comforted him, guessing the nature of his thoughts. "Is it about telling the truth to them or finding your evil sister?"

"Both... It's just been bothering me. I still don't know where I can find P'Aliyah," Fourth replied with another sigh.

Satang reassured him, "Don't think too much, Fourth. We will find that woman. How about we take a break later in the evening? We can go eat street food near the sea. They sell delicious seafood, and you've mentioned missing Pattaya. This is a chance for us to try seafood again, and they also sell fresh flowers there."

However, Fourth explained that he couldn't go because Gemini wanted him to accompany him and Gemiyah that evening for a gathering. "Ahhh, so your Gemini was the first to invite you before me, tsk," Satang pouted. But then an idea popped into his head, and he exclaimed excitedly, "Wait... Does this gathering involve wealthy families?"

Although confused, Fourth hesitantly nodded, which only increased Satang's excitement. "It means, Fourth, Gemini wants to introduce you to everyone. That's quite romantic hah.How about we go to the mall and give you a makeover?" he suggested, his excitement bubbling over.

Trying to stop Satang's enthusiasm, Fourth retorted, "What are you talking about, Satang? I'm a man. Why would I need a makeover? I will just dress simply and apply a bit of makeup to cover my tiredness."

But Satang interrupted him, determined. "No, no, we will give you a makeover. I will make sure my friend is the most handsome man at that gathering," Satang insisted, refusing to take no for an answer. Despite Fourth's attempts to stop him, they ended up going to the mall to buy clothes and trim Fourth's hair a little.


"Gemiyah, where's your Dada?" Gemini asked as he stepped out of the car outside their house. He was greeted by his son, who was already waiting outside along with Winny.

"Dada is still inside, Pa. He was helping me get dressed first before preparing himself, so he got a bit delayed," Gemiyah explained, already looking dapper in his suit, complete with a delicate ribbon tied around his collar. The navy blue suit, a perfect blend of sophistication and innocence, complemented his rosy cheeks beautifully. The perfectly tailored jacket hugged his small frame, and his trousers brushed against his polished shoes. Overwhelmed with pride, Gemini couldn't help but scoop up his son in his arms. "Ohoo, my baby, all grown up. You look adorable in your clothes, so handsome," he exclaimed. But Gemiyah, who was used to such praise, nonchalantly shrugged. "I was born handsome, Papa, just like you. So, what do you expect?"

Gemini, wearing a black suit jacket, had crisp lapels that emphasized his strong shoulders. Underneath, a perfectly pressed black dress shirt peeked out, offsetting his ensemble with subtle contrast. The black silk tie, elegantly knotted at his neck, drew attention to his chiseled features and gentle gaze. His trousers, tailored to perfection, tapered down to shoes that gleamed under the ambient lighting.

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