Chapter 39

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".Huhhhhhh," Mark was so shocked that his eyes and mouth widened in surprise.

"It's true, Doc. Mark, and I only know this by our kidnappers. But please, let's keep it a secret for now because I need to fully confirm it and then tell it to both Gemiyah and Gemini after he wakes up from his coma. For now, let's not say anything to others," Fourth said while still gently rubbing Gemiyah head, who was sleeping in his lap.

As Mark processed what Fourth had just told him, it was clear that Fourth was also trying to process every word that Mark had revealed to him. Mark nodded in understanding, realizing that he shouldn't intervene in this matter. It was enough for him to have already revealed Gemini's feelings towards the person he liked.

"I understand, teacher, but you really need to tell the truth after Gemini wakes up. It's truly shocking that all this time the mistake he thought ruined his entire life. There's something behind it. Anyway, I should go now, teacher, but you really need to wash up your clothes. You still have my friend's blood on them. If he finds out that you're not taking care of yourself while he's sleeping, he will blame me for sure, even P'Pond. Hahaha," Mark said, tapping Fourth's shoulder to ease his worries. Fourth simply smiled at him.


"Teacher Fourth... Gemiyah," Ford called anxiously when he saw Fourth with Gemiyah and the blood on Fourth's clothes. They already knew what had happened after Pond informed them.

"Ford, can you please prepare the bathtub in my room? I'm sorry if I'm commanding you, but I really can't use my other arm right now," Fourth apologized, as there was a minor injury on his right arm that prevented him from moving it. Perhaps it happened when he caught Gemiyah when the latter jumped.

But Ford shook his head in response, indicating that it was no problem. After Ford prepared the bathtub, he left the two to bathe.

"Gemiyah... why are you so stiff?" Fourth chuckled as he looked at Gemiyah, who seemed shy about bathing together. The bathtub was not too small nor too big, with enough space for both an adult and a child, but Fourth chose to make Gemiyah stay close to him, with the child's back against him. However, they were not fully naked, as Fourth was wearing boxer shorts, and Gemiyah was wearing underwear. Gemiyah still didn't know that Fourth was the one who carried him in his stomach for eight months, and Fourth was aware that Gemiyah might still feel awkward in this situation. After all, they still had a teacher-student relationship. Who would feel comfortable when their own teacher bathes them?

But Fourth smiled because even though he wanted Gemiyah to be comfortable, the child was still shy, yet he didn't refuse Fourth bathing him or putting shampoo in his hair.

"Hahaha... What's wrong, Gemiyah? Why are you shy with me? I'm your teacher, don't be shy," Fourth encouraged him, or rather, teased him, as this child seemed to act like a teenager who didn't want to be treated as a baby by their parents because they believed they had already grown up.

"I know, but teacher, stop teasing me," Gemiyah pouted and played with the soapy bubbles in his hand.

When Fourth finished showering Gemiyah's head, he gently said to him, "Don't worry, Gemiyah, your papa is going to be alright." Even though Gemiyah didn't say anything, Fourth could feel that Gemiyah missed his papa and was worried about him.

"I hope he will wake up soon, Teacher... I really miss Papa..." Gemiyah's voice sounded like he was about to cry again, and Fourth could only hug him in his arms and reassure him, "Don't worry, your Papa will wake up soon. Let's just wait for him, okay?"

One Month Later

"Oh, even while he's sleeping, he still looks handsome as hell," Satang said, munching on an orange.

"Satang, if you wanted to visit General, why did you bring a fruit for him and you're the one eating it," Fourth commented, and satang's roll his eyes at his friend who was busy taking care of the person lying in bed.

"And how is he supposed to eat it? He's sleeping. Maybe you should use your own mouth to feed him this orange," Satang joked, causing Fourth to stop what he was doing and blush visibly. The reason for Fourth's reaction was that sometimes he would feed Gemini medicine in a similar way because he couldn't bear to see needles constantly piercing Gemini's body. He preferred finding alternative ways for Gemini to take medicine, and although it started as a joke from Doc. Prom, Fourth took it seriously and began feeding him medicine this way. The doctor smiled, advising Fourth that it was okay to do so, but Fourth didn't realize that Doc. Prom already had an inkling about Fourth's relationship in General.

"Ah, come on, Fourth. Why are you hiding your face from me? I'm just joking. But if you really want to do it..." Satang teased, but Fourth interrupted him, turning his head.

"Can you please leave for now, Satang? I need to clean General's body. You should leave the room," Fourth requested.

"Aren't you being possessive, Fourth? You want your best friend to leave even though I'm still enjoying my orange? You're so cruel," Satang responded, but Fourth quickly apologized, knowing he couldn't handle Satang's sulking. Satang smiled suddenly and got up.

"Well, I have time to flirt with your general's bodyguard, Winny, so it's fine. And let me play with my nephew too," Satang remarked.

"Satang, be quiet," Fourth said, reminding Satang to keep voices down. Satang was Fourth's friend and of course the second person who will knew the truth about Gemiyah being Fourth's son. They even accompanied each other when they received the DNA result and confirmed Gemiyah's result as fourth real son, but they kept it a secret from others, including Fourth's parents.

"I know, I know. Okay, I'll leave now. Bye-bye," Satang said before finally leaving the room.

After Satang left, Fourth slowly unbuttoned Gemini's hospital clothes and gently wiped Gemini's body with a warm towel, being careful to avoid the wound on Gemini's chest. Even though it had begun to heal, seeing the wound still pained Fourth's heart. This had become his daily routine - taking care of General's body in the evening and teaching Gemiyah in the morning. He couldn't bring his son to the hospital in the evening as it would not be good for Gemiyah to see his father in this state every day or to stay in the hospital for extended periods. That's why Fourth had asked Ford to take care of Gemiyah in the evening after he left for home.

When Fourth finished wiping Gemini's body, he put back on Gemini's clothes and let out a sigh, resting his head on the bed and looking at the sleeping Gemini.

"It's already been one month, Gemini. When will you wake up?" Fourth whispered, intertwining his fingers with Gemini's hand.

"It's because he likes you, Teacher Fourth. He has liked you for a very long time. He likes you so much that even now, he can't forget you after all these years. He has always been patient, hoping that one day you would develop feelings for him. Even though the chances were slim, he still waited and hoped that you would notice him. Can't you feel it?"

Fourth remembered what Mark had said and became even more impatient, gently caressing Gemini's face.

"But I really want to hear it from you... I want to hear it from your own mouth that you like me... so please wake up soon, Gemini."

As Fourth finally drifted off to sleep, resting his head on Gemini's bedside, the person who had been sleeping for a month suddenly opened his eyes and slowly touched Fourth's head before losing consciousness again..



Sorry jaa but I think this is my last update for update for next week because I have my final exam..🤧..

See you in next weekend naa kha~

Thank you for reading ☺️🙏!

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