Chapter 56 The Golden Carp

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It only took a few more minutes to go over the remaining details, after which Jiang Feng led Jie back down through the auction house.

All the while, Jie brooded. The spirit tiger cub still bothered her, and she wasn't sure why. Similar things happened on Earth, and while they upset her, they didn't make her feel this... full of rage. She wanted to tear the hunters apart with her bare hands. She felt stupid for it, and Ming would probably tell her she was being so too.

After all, strength was all that mattered here.

The tigers had been too weak, and so they had suffered.

Jie clenched her fists so tight her fingernails dug into her palms. Why does it have to be that way? It shouldn't be! People shouldn't just take and abuse and destroy anything that gets in their way. It's not right...

She wanted to believe in justice, fairness, and a happy ending. But, it seemed the world constantly sought to remind her that there was no justice except that dictated by the strong. No fairness except that the strong should win. No happiness except that protected with fists of iron and oceans of blood...

And Jie felt stupid for not being able to simply accept that. To see the world as others saw it. To just... let go and not care... like everyone else seemed to. What would happen when she had to kill? Would she balk and fail herself and Ming?

She followed Jiang Feng, lost in her thoughts.

The second Jie stepped into the entrance hall, the Pan siblings waved to her.

"Are you finally done?" Pan Tian asked with a winsome smile.

"I shall leave you to be with your friends," Jiang Feng said with a bow, "Should you ever have need of me, simply ask anyone at any branch. The Onyx Pavilion is at your service."

With that, Jiang Feng vanished with a soft breeze.

"We walk into an auction house and you outshine my entire family. I'm starting to feel a little jealous. Did you learn what you wanted?" Pan Tian asked.

Jie shook her head. "No. It seems it won't be that easy," she said.

"Ah, well... hey! My aunt said you can come with us to the auction tonight," Pan Tian said, "I think she wants to get on your good side."

"I guess I can go," Jie said.

It'll be good to observe the auction process. See how they act on my behalf... though they might just be well-behaved this one time. I did give him a lot of money after all... Jie thought.

She didn't plan to tell anyone about her arrangement with the auction house. The Pan siblings seemed nice, but who knew how they'd react if they learned she had so much wealth? Besides, even if they were indeed trustworthy, they could still let something slip at the wrong moment.

It just wasn't worth the risk.

Pan Tian grabbed Jie by the arm. "Time for us to have some fun!" she said.

The trio walked out of the Onyx Pavilion and onto the city streets. A group of six guards split off from those guarding the chariots and closed in around Jie and her friends. They maintained a bit of distance, so the trio wasn't cut off from the bustle of the city, but they stuck close enough that should a fight break out, they could easily respond.

"So, what'll we do first?" Pan Zhanshi asked.

"Food," Pan Tian said, "I'm hungry. Jie, have you ever been to the Golden Carp?"

"No," Jie said, "does it sell food?"

"It's the best restaurant in the city! It's expensive, but I promised to treat you," Pan Tian said with a bright smile.

Path Of The Dragon (A Dark Fantasy Cultivation Wuxia Xianxia Progression Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang